We're Already In Close Combat And You Still Say You're A Mage?

Chapter 34 Cruel Elimination, Generous Rewards

In this purgatory-like scene.

The stone castle in the central area had long since disappeared and was flattened by the impact of the meteorite.

Faint and distorted fluctuations came from the ruins of the stone castle.

Fluctuations swept across Xu Bai and Ou Mi, and they both felt the scene in front of them shaking abnormally.

There were faint ripples in the space, as if a silent tsunami was brewing in that invisible alien space.

The burning sea of ​​​​fire in front of him stopped in an instant.

Not just the sea of ​​fire.

Even the surrounding jungles and even the wind formed by the flowing air.

All fell silent.

It was as if time had stood still.

at this time.

A prompt from the Court of Origin appears.

"Tip: The current world time center has been destroyed and the flow of time has been suspended."

"Tip: It has been detected that the survival trial has ended, and the timeline reset of the world is about to begin."

"Tip: Walkers will not be affected by the timeline reset."

"Tip: The current 13 surviving walkers will be teleported away from the Twilight Continent in 50 seconds."

"Tip: The influence of irresistible factors has been detected. All the "kill treasure chests" that were not picked up after the walkers killed the enemies have been distributed according to the team's income distribution ratio and automatically stored in the walkers' storage space. "

"Teleportation countdown starts: 49"





The beep from the Garden of Origin fell, and the countdown to the return teleportation kept beating in front of the eyes of every surviving actor.

at this time.


There was a loud noise from nowhere.

rang in everyone's ears.

Xu Bai suddenly felt that the ground beneath his feet began to rise upwards.


Then the ground began to crack.

All around, the tall trees and lush shrubs in the misty forest began to wither quickly, collapse and turn into dust.

Large tracts of forest disappeared, leaving only a bare, cracked land.

The sky suddenly darkened.

Xu Bai looked up.

There was darkness above the head, and terrifying lightning bolts thousands of kilometers long flashed through the dark clouds.

Xu Bai looked into the distance.

Only seen in the sky on the other side.

Countless yellow sand rolled up and covered the sun.

Immediately afterwards.

A rumbling sound came.

Countless towering and steep snow-capped peaks rise from the ground like bamboo shoots breaking through the ground.

In the end, these snow peaks were directly separated from the ground, floating in the air as if weightless, constantly colliding.

Broken rocks flew everywhere.

There was a huge noise.

But all this.

All walkers present were unaffected.

A thin film of light appeared in front of them, separating them from the world of Twilight Continent on a spatial level.


The dark clouds that covered the whole sky were dispersed without knowing when.

The large space cracks that were covered behind the dark clouds were revealed.

Large swaths of gray-white mist spurted out from the cracks.

Gradually replaced the dark clouds and once again enveloped the sky.

The gray-white mist continued to sink downwards.

The yellow sand in the sky was the first to come into contact with the fog, and the tiny gravels disintegrated in an instant and became part of the fog.

The fog is still sinking downwards.

Then came those huge peaks floating in the sky.

The sinking gray-white fog seemed to be alive, and it quickly separated into large drums of fog, wrapping those mountain peaks.

Then there is no more.

The mountain peaks also disintegrated in the mist, blending into the gray mist.

to the end.

The entire Twilight Continent was shrouded in this gray mist.

Turned into a gray-white nothingness.

In this void, the sound of the Garden of Origin sounded.

"Tip: The erasure has been completed using the "grey fog", and the space rifts will be closed soon, the "grey fog" in the world will be cleared, the world rules will be modified, and the world will be re-created."

"The Garden of Origin...even has the power to create the world?"

Xu Bai couldn't help but feel extremely excited about what was going to happen next.

But at this moment, the 50-second countdown in front of him had ended.

"Tip: The transmission is about to begin."

A sense of teleportation came over me.

The gray nothingness in front of Xu Bai's eyes gradually disappeared.

Xu Bai regretted not being able to see how the Court of Origin created a new world.

When the scene in front of me became clear again.

He has returned to his exclusive room.

"Tip: The transmission is completed and the walker returns to the exclusive room."

"Tip: The exclusive room is an absolutely safe area. No one can enter without the permission of the walker."

"Tip: The survival trial has ended and the rankings have been settled."

"Final settlement ranking of walkers: first place"

"Tip: The mission rewards are being settled. The rewards for this mission are extremely generous, please wait."

"Tip: The mission reward has been settled."

"Score for this trial: 10" (This is the highest score)

"Walker level increased: Level 9"

"Overall Rating: S+" (This is the highest rating.)

"Trial ranking rewards have been distributed."

"Tip: You get 33 free attribute points, Origin Coin x 50,000, Silver Level Treasure Chest x 10, Small Crystal Core x 300, Medium Crystal Core x 120."

"The current mission rewards have all been settled."

"Tip: Your walker level has reached lv.20 (the upper limit of the first level). The extra walker level will be converted into free attribute points in the form of 1:5."

"Tip: You get 5 additional free attribute points."

"Tip: Because your walker level has reached the upper limit of the first level, you will perform the second level advancement mission and the professional awakening mission in the next trial world."

"Tip: After completing the second-level advanced mission, your upper limit of physical attributes will be increased to 90 points."

"Tip: After completing the career awakening mission, you will be eligible to learn more career inheritance abilities and obtain professional special items, such as equipment, mounts, etc."

"Tip: This awakening mission is a mount awakening mission."


Xu Bai sat on the sofa in the exclusive room and closed the reward settlement list.

The reward for first place in the survival trial was so generous that Xu Bai was a little stunned.

The total 38 points of free attributes alone are enough to completely change his combat effectiveness.

Not to mention, there are also an extremely large number of Origin Coins and Core Stones, which are necessary resources to enhance strength.

as expected.

The cruel elimination mechanism of Survival Trial makes its rewards extremely generous.

This selection behavior of survival of the fittest in the Court of Origin is just like the cruel laws of nature in ancient times.

The winner will survive and become stronger and stronger.

And losers.

Feel sorry.

Failure is death.


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