Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 176 Causes and Consequences

When Clayton learned the news, he was enjoying a feast in the trainer's tent. The starving leopard in the iron cage now no longer has to worry about insufficient feed, because it itself has become a meal.

There are no knives and forks here, and his way of eating seems to be a return to primitiveness.

Eating fresh prey made the lieutenant's beard stained with blood, and his eyes looked cold while eating, until Julius' analysis report made him feel happy.

The circus had been here for more than half a month, Julius concluded from the map markers found on them.

It was just a coincidence that they were hired by Professor Christopher to come to Gevo to search for the "Beast of Doom".

In fact, many supernatural beings have already taken this job from Christopher, but they went to the wrong place and found nothing. This was written in the diary on the fortune teller's body.

Recently, most people have been attracted by the black market in mines that are closed by the military.

This idea is actually not wrong. Beasts are attracted to misfortune. What could be more unfortunate than a massacre?

But the "beast" just didn't appear there.

In order to actually find what he wants, Professor Christopher has to pay the price in advance, which are these special glorious hands with transport effects, hoping that they can help his newly recruited helpers find the beast.

Both Easter Island and the circus received his gifts because their work required long-term mobility.

The above are the conclusions drawn by Julius, half of which are supported by sufficient evidence, and the other half are also carefully deduced. Clayton believes that they are credible.

He put down the raw meat on his lips, picked up the newly acquired hand and looked at it. The glorious hand they received before was the left hand, and the current one was the right hand.

"The owner of these two hands is the hand of the lone thief Hawthorne. I didn't realize this until I saw this right hand." Julius pointed to him to look at the fingernails of the pickled right hand, including the nails of the ring finger. It's broken.

Clayton knew this man. Hawthorne was a famous robber, but he was hanged when Clayton was young.

When he was forty, he washed up his hands and went to sea to hide on the western island group that was still under development. His disguise was so good that he even became the guest of a temporary governor within a few years. However, his fiancée eventually found out and reported him. He was executed on a black ship specially used for executing prisoners. Before he died, he took off his wedding ring with force and accidentally broke the nail of his ring finger.

Although he is a bastard, Clayton needs the hand of such a vicious person now.

Clayton turned over his right palm with interest. Most people are right-handed, and the right hand is more powerful than the left hand. Therefore, the right hand is also called the "hand of resistance" in mysticism and has a stronger protective effect.

Looks like he doesn't have to worry about the effects of bad luck for the time being, he thought.

"Now, let's see what else these people left in the tent."

Barbara returned to the attic room, and she screamed in surprise at the broken glass all over the floor.

Donna had to explain to her the occult theory behind this phenomenon.

Clayton had briefly introduced the existence of the Presbyterian Church and Barbara's identity to his niece before, but he had not introduced Donna's identity to Barbara. Donna had to take the initiative to clarify the matter herself, but she found that Barbara seemed Not concerned about it.

Barbara put her hands on her hips and sighed as she looked at the mess in the attic and the broken window frames.

Regarding Mr. Bello's misfortune, she felt that she was also responsible-the broken cup and glass window were her family's property. But of course the host should be prepared to suffer losses before deciding to entertain guests. This is common sense.

"Then the cracked cup means what kind of suffering Mr. Bello is going through?" she asked the girl.


Donna couldn't answer for a while. Although she had mastered the ritual of destiny connection, her level was not as high as outsiders imagined. This was the first time she had used such ritual spells. She had no experience at all before. Her success was due to her and Clayton has a very close blood relationship.

"Maybe he was slapped?" she said uncertainly.

Barbara asked her again: "What about the broken window?"

Donna answered with a question again: "Maybe he was stabbed?"

Barbara couldn't help but exclaimed: "Who can do these things?"

In the impression of the female vampire, Creighton Bello never suffered many losses. He was always well prepared and could defeat the enemy and win in one fell swoop as long as he found the right opportunity.

She was surprised how someone in Gevo could hurt a werewolf and what kind of person would fight him. However, Donna didn't know the answers to these questions. Even though she was Clayton's niece, she still knew about her uncle. Very little, perhaps not even as much as Barbara knew.

Now that the attic was in a mess, grammar lessons had to be temporarily suspended.

Barbara bent down to clean the broken glass on the edge of the broken easy chair. In order to fix the easy chair, she inserted two stacks of glass pieces as wedges in the gap between the curved arc and the ground.

After doing this, she got up and went to get the broom.

Then just after she took a few steps, the easy chair and the floor under Donna made a clanking sound at the same time. The glass piece used as a wedge suddenly popped out from under the chair, and the easy chair tilted forward, pushing the injured leg forward. Donna was thrown headfirst, straight into the cabinet that Barbara had been using as a chair.

It is no exaggeration to say that she is now as fast as a leopard, but her mobility does not come from her legs.

The little witch looked at the iron-clad corners of the cabinet that was rapidly enlarging in front of her, her face turned pale, her spirit was in a panic, and magic could not save her at this moment.

Just when Donna closed her eyes and decided to welcome the messenger of death, she hit a cold but soft wall.

The vampire who drank the blood of the werewolf was in its most powerful state. Barbara blocked the girl just before she was about to hit her dead body on the cabinet. The scene was like Donna throwing herself into her arms and being guided towards her. Move in the other direction.

Then the two fell to the ground together.

Barbara held Donna in her arms, their long skirts hanging down, like two withered flowers nestled together.

The female vampire faced the ceiling and said with emotion: "Mr. Bello must have just been hit by a cannonball."

Just now, her spine was broken.

Clayton was covered in blood and pulled out his beastly hands from the abdomen of the man in front of him. The gunshot wounds on his body gradually stopped bleeding, but this did not mean that everything was fine. The poisonous lead bullets failed to penetrate his body. He still had to dig them out, otherwise the toxins would keep eating away at his body.

Julius was also shot in the shoulder and was sitting on the ground, holding his shoulder and gasping for air.

A search of the circus tent complex led them to believe that the main members of the circus were only five people because there were only five blankets. In order to kill the last person, they tracked it out and found this place.

However, when they came, there was already a corpse, or half a corpse, on the ground, which led them to preconceptions that the man died due to an attack by a wild beast. So I didn't expect that there would be someone ambushing them nearby, and fired two shots at them from behind the tree.

Now it seems that two members of the circus should sleep together.

The half-body body he saw at the beginning fell to the side. The man who had been disemboweled by Clayton was kneeling next to him, gasping for air, covering his wound and trying to delay his life. The long shotgun in his hand fell to the ground, and it was the same as the last shot. The flintlock pistol that was thrown forward was kicked away by Clayton.

This guy who was still alive was also wearing a circus costume. Clayton saw the harmonica on his waist and thought it was a circus musician.

In the dark night, you can use long and short muskets of different weights to fire alternately and still hit them all. This is definitely a good gunner.

It's a pity to be standing opposite them.

The lieutenant ignored the half-dead guy. He looked back at the wizard, noticed that Julius's injuries were not fatal, and went to check the half of the body. The lower body of the corpse was missing, but we could still tell from the body proportions that this was a dwarf, but not a dwarf, but a human dwarf.

The corpse was also wearing a costume, and the lower body seemed to have been bitten off by something. The blood stains spread for more than ten yards, and its hands were stretched forward, as if it had been crawling for a while after being attacked.

Such wounds are obviously not something humans can do.

"What attacked him?" Clayton turned to ask the musician.

The latter raised his face, his eyes flashing with pain and hatred.

"Isn't it you?"

The lieutenant sighed, "So you didn't see it, did you?"

The musician lowered his head and vomited some blood, but did not answer him.

It can be seen that this guy didn't arrive long before them. He was just lying in wait for the murderer to show up, and then bumped into Clayton and his group. This was another unfortunate coincidence, but it couldn't be called a misunderstanding, because Clayton did kill the musician's other companions, but he didn't know it yet.

"What are you doing here?" the lieutenant changed the question.

"Looking for a horse."

The musician made a roaring sound in his throat, but he still answered the question. This was his last answer. As the blood flowed more and more, he died of blood loss.

"Their horses are gone," Julius repeated, reluctantly standing up.

This kind of traveling circus has its own caravan. They saw the caravan at the tent, but they did not see the horses pulling the car.

The two men must have accidentally let the horse get lost when they took it into the woods to graze, or some other animal attacked the horse, but they saw no blood.

Clayton glanced around, not intending to delve into it any further.

"That's not important. The last person in the circus is dead. The follow-up has nothing to do with us. Let's go back."

They all wore black woolen clothes, which could cover up the bloody wounds very well when it was dark. At least they would not be visible unless you looked closely. The cold air could also reduce people's sense of smell, preventing outsiders from detecting abnormalities from the smell.

They could treat the injury slowly at Barbara's house and ask Mr. Perrault to fetch spare clothes from Fraser, the coachman.

As for the corpses, they had already hidden the four corpses in the camp, hiding them in the crowns of tall evergreen trees. Winter would slow down the decay, which could keep them hidden for a while.

But the lieutenant didn't plan to hide the bodies here. If the beast really attacked humans, he thought the patrol needed to know about it.

He picked up the Mosquito Slayer and slung it over his shoulder, preparing to return.

Julius suddenly raised his hand: "Wait a minute, you have one more thing to deal with before going back."

"What's the matter?" Clayton asked him.

The wizard pointed to his cheek.

It turns out that the beard on the right side of the lieutenant's face was burned away by the circus ringmaster's flames, and it has not yet recovered.

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