Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 198 Dedicated

Werewolves are a dark race that lives in groups. When one appears, there may be other werewolves nearby.

Clayton has never seen a mature individual other than himself, and he doesn't know how to communicate and fight between werewolves.

But he quickly calmed down.

There is a werewolf besides him in Gévaux - this is just a conjecture, not a fact.

The shape of the claws described by Adelaide, while similar to those of a werewolf, may not not resemble those of other beasts. If it's a scrawny bear, its claws may also look similar to those of a werewolf. It is not surprising that there are special individuals among the beasts who remember the power of man-made artifacts after being wounded by muskets. The first time they thought of werewolves was because the people in the town had previously promoted the identity of the "beast" as a werewolf, and there happened to be a werewolf next to them.

"Suspected" is still a long way from "confirmed".

In any case, they shouldn't leave the town as frequently as this in the future. The chance of running into that monster is low, but someone needs to keep an eye on this place.

Clayton and Adelaide had some exchanges about this matter, and finally reached an agreement. The water nymph would stay by the river here until they left Gevo. If anything unusual was found, the birds in the sky would notify them.

The latter gained a certain amount of spiritual growth after devouring the life force of two living people, and was therefore able to do such a thing. Donna can do the same thing and serve as a bridge between them,

For this, the price Clayton paid was to help her find her father quickly after returning to the city.

Adelaide had originally planned to leave this sad place, but she still had some hope for the possibility of finding her lover's body. Clayton's request made her finally decide which side to lean on.

Facing these unfamiliar partners, she finally warned in a cold voice: "What I must tell you about those tomb robbers whose memories have been erased is that their memories will gradually recover after they stay away from this section of the river. , so if you don’t want to think about the conflict, it’s best to stay away from them afterwards.”

Clayton nodded and thanked her for her kindness.

She emphasized again: "I will comply with your request. This is because I believe in you."

"You can rest assured that I usually don't break contracts." Clayton answered her, and Donna opened her mouth slightly in surprise behind him.

Adelaide was also stunned, then plunged into the water and disappeared into the waves.

This was obviously a way of saying goodbye. Clayton led his companions back towards the direction of Gevo. After they were far away, the little girl tugged on her uncle's sleeve and said, "Uncle, you just wanted to let her down on purpose." Are you angry?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"Because you said that you usually don't break contracts. When people say that, others will always think of the possibility of breaking contracts after an accident."

"is that so?"

Clayton was surprised. He also saw Julius's expression of approval and realized that what Donna said was true.

He couldn't help but feel a little self-doubt: "But I've always said this, and no one has ever questioned me."

"It seems you need to make some new friends who will tell the truth." Julius said happily. "I really want to know who has been dealing with you before, so that you have a biased understanding of our native language."

"They are all people with a higher social status than you." Clayton choked him. This fact made him regain his confidence: "It doesn't matter, good results will prove everything."

"I need to confess."

"Do I need to confess?"

Two almost opposite ideas popped up in Padre Lewis's mind one after the other.

The door of the church has been sealed by him. No visitors will come here today. Here, he can think, criticize, and recall whether his actions are worthy of the punishment he is receiving today.

As it had been in his childhood, the church became for him once more a place for penance to be experienced, rather than an office for hearing the confessions of others.

He sat on a bench where the audience usually sat, meditating quietly in the darkness. Only the position of the podium was flooded with patterned sunlight through the leaky window, giving it a sacred atmosphere. The skin left by the leatherworker lay flat on his legs, and the blond hair attached to it had lost its luster and was as withered as straw, but the priest's palms still pressed gently on them, caressing them affectionately.

The last time he did this was twelve years ago. When he promised Sevan that he would no longer need to copy holy scriptures, he saw his adopted son's innocent smile and couldn't help but reach out and touch his hair.

Nothing can go back to that time.

Padre Louis had vaguely anticipated the tragedy before it happened.

He had a secret that no one knew - his decision to enter the priesthood was not of his own accord.

Before entering the seminary, he also had his own family and was the seventh child in the family. According to the common sense of occultism, he would have some strange qualities, such as being able to see ghosts and being immune to curses. This kind of power will retreat after growing up, but it allowed him to see the person who changed his life at the most critical moment.

It was a very old woman who came from outside the town on a hot summer day. She claimed to be here to visit relatives. Louis, who was still a child, helped the old woman. He found a tree stump in the shade for her and held her hand. She sat down and gave him a glass of cold water.

The old woman then made two prophecies for him in return.

One is that he will achieve worldly success after becoming a black monk, and the other is that he will feel real pain after seeing a person with bloodshot faces.

The young Louis did not feel happy because of the first prophecy. Instead, he had a prophetic dream that night about the second prophecy that he could not understand. In the dream, he saw that terrifying scene, and his extreme fear caused him to The convulsions and fever kept him lying in bed for a week. When he woke up, he still wanted to find the old witch, but was told by his parents that the foreign woman was dead. She died in front of Lacks' house, but Lacks But none of them knew her.

As was customary, dead strangers were buried in the cemetery, and Louise saw her coffin sink into the grave and be covered with thick soil.

As he grew older, he chose to go to a seminary for further studies, and the rest of the process was as smooth as the witch's prophecy. The only flaw was that he could not understand the key to miracles anyway. No one doubted his piety. He was sent back to his hometown to serve the believers. His career was neither high nor low, but it was considered a success for any mortal. However, the bloodshot face covered with cobwebs still appeared from time to time. In his dream.

Louis had thought that the symbolic pain would be caused by the death of a loved one, but his parents died at a healthy age and he ended up being happy for them.

After the old people died, he stopped dreaming, so he thought the second prophecy was a mistake of the witch. Until he adopted an adopted son and raised him as an adult, at the same time, the nightmare of his childhood reappeared.

With a bloodshot face, Louis' eyes passed over the pioneers in the church niches, and his mind gradually became empty.

He never thought that the face would be the face of an evil creature, those magical things, as well as evil heresies and evil spirits. He knew they existed, but he never thought that one day they would break into his ordinary life and break Gevo. of tranquility.

When he dreamed about that face again, he had a premonition that the prophecy would be fulfilled in his adopted son. He was fully prepared to send Sevan to study in a monastery, hoping that the child would be able to accomplish what he could not do. Master the real [miracle].

If there is a [miracle], then Sevan may be able to escape the clutches of that prophecy.

However, the miracle did not happen and Sevan came back.

Penance is the last way. If you don't get a [miracle], you can also stimulate another kind of power to resist prophecies or curses through rigorous penance. Promising to become a monk in black is the shortcut to obtain the method of penance. It is voluntary. Priesthood can be applied for in the church to receive the ascetic guidance of the Most Sincere Brothers.

Louis explained the reason, but the child had other ideas. He fell in love with a girl and could not inherit the mantle of his adoptive father.

The black priest knew the identity of the girl, including the process of their investigation into Adelaide Lacks. After returning home after completing his studies, he had been paying attention to the information about the Lacks family, trying to find out the old woman who made the prophecy. The books they found in the archive room were also ones he had read, so he knew that the Lacks family were descendants of the water nymphs, a type of dark descendant.

He did not interfere in the young man's love affair after knowing about this incident. He also hoped that the girl would awaken her bloodline one day and use her power to cover up the prophecies of her ancestors. However, the order and the arrival of the church in Sasha City forced him to terminate the plan. .

Then Sevan died outside his sight, and the skin was infused with evil energy by the leatherworker to make it into a strange object, falling into an unjust and unclean situation.

Louis had to acknowledge the power of fate.

But even though his efforts to save his adopted son failed, the prophecy was not fulfilled after all.

The body of the black priest was swaying slightly on the bench. His hand was still stroking Sevan's hair. His heart was bright and clear. To his own surprise, the bone-cutting grief did not last long. His sanity was restored, and there was no real heartbreak that flooded his blood and heart. After the prophecy that had threatened him for nearly thirty years finally came true, he even felt that his heart had become like air, light and unhurt. It doesn't hurt, it's so relaxing.

All this is like a summer rainstorm. The crazy rain is followed by a scorching sunny day.

He felt that he should repent for this mediocre reaction, because he not only abandoned his faith for Sevan and allowed the dark descendants to hang out with his adopted son, but also later forced his own child out of fear of his faith. He was so weak and deserved this outcome.

But if he should repent, then what was the weak call that sprouted in his heart?

Louis stood up, holding his hands under his adopted son's skin as if he were holding a holy object, and walked towards the podium.

A layer of blazing white weak flames slowly spread outward from his fingertips, burning the evil energy contained in the skin into wisps of black smoke. Soon, the almost undetectable white flame spread to the entire human skin. parts, burning the fragile tissue together with the evil energy, and the ash fragments fell to the ground through his fingers, leaving only a strand of blond hair still in his hand.

[Miracle] finally answered his call.

Louis opened the holy book, tucked his adopted son's blond hair into it, and then closed the page.

He blinked, starting to get bored.

The newly acquired miracle could not change his mind. Now he didn't think the miracle was any good, it seemed to be a dispensable thing.

"What should I do now?" he asked himself, and then gave the answer without hesitation: "I'm going to find Adelaide. She might know something."

"Maybe, before I find her, I need to get a gun."

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