Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 208: When in town, do as the Romans do

Donna was still thinking about the treasure. After hearing this completely different order, she held her skirt and asked back in confusion, "Why? Didn't we just say we were looking for the treasure?"

"If beauty and intelligence are interchangeable, you should really trade your face for a little intelligence, it looks too much."

Julius sneered unhappily, but still explained Clayton's concerns in a subtle way. "Who else has been to the swamp? The tomb robbers on Easter Island were the helpers he hired! But do you think he will really pay those criminals?"

Donna's eyes widened as she realized what the other person meant.

"So he will kill them in the end? Because they are grave robbers, so it is not illegal to kill them?"

"I think this is extremely possible." Clayton said with a cold face: "As your guardian, it is necessary for me to keep you away from such dangerous people."

"But I don't think he is like that."

Clayton didn't dare to gamble because he was such a person.

"Maybe, but I don't want anything to happen to this matter. Although our family is not rich, it is not to the point where we don't care about anything for money. Even if we don't have wealth, we can still live on. Worry-free life”

Watching Clayton educate his niece, Julius curled his lips next to him. He couldn't stand this kind of over-cautious behavior. When he goes back, he will have to think carefully about whether to work under Clayton again. , according to the style of the antique dealer who shrinks from everything, as a subordinate, he will die of poverty sooner or later.

However, things should improve once Donna goes to school.

After all, Xinjiani Women's College is a boarding school. Without this little girl by his side, Clayton's aggressiveness will be fully unleashed.

Clayton finally persuaded Donna to stop thinking about the treasure, but the girl rolled her eyes and asked him another embarrassing question: "I won't insist on treasure hunting anymore, but I want to know what you just said What’s the deal with making raw gemstones legal? I’ve never heard of that being done.”

Her brainpower, which had just been focused on thinking about the treasure, was used elsewhere, but as soon as she switched, she discovered a big problem.

Hearing her question, Clayton suddenly felt hot all over his body. The temperature on the street was still cold, but he felt as uncomfortable as eating chili peppers in the summer.

He considered himself not a good person, but the fact that he was so did not mean that he would not feel embarrassed when his relatives discovered this. He regretted being tempted by money just now and said such mindless words. This was really retribution.

His steps were already a little messy, and he raised his hand to wipe the non-existent sweat on his forehead: "This is it."

In embarrassment, he suddenly had an idea and spoke eloquently: "This is actually due to the hidden business rules. Such precious goods of unknown origin will be restricted when sold in the market, unless the price is very low. Otherwise, regular gem merchants would rather spend a little more money to buy raw ore with the seal of the mining company. The fundamental problem lies in the long-term trust cost."

Donna was indeed led astray. She no longer asked about the method itself, but focused on the more general laws of business activities.

The wizard rolled his eyes at her blind spot.

"That's true, but specifically, it's not that difficult to get certificates for raw gemstones of unknown origin, at least not as high as your uncle's method of making antiques."

Although it was still in the cooperation stage, Julius felt that Clayton should not be allowed to get through the difficulties so smoothly due to his repeated interruptions in making extra money.

Donna was attracted back again: "Can antiques be made?"

She looked at Clayton in surprise.

Clayton glared at Julius fiercely: "Julius, you'd better be careful what you say. Apart from the lack of historical accumulation, the manufacturing process of the rare objects I made is no different from the original ones. They are also precious. Art pieces, and every buyer who comes to the store knows exactly the year they were produced.”

"Just like the name of my store - 'Tainted Silver Coins'. Because silver does not rust, there are no genuine coins in the store. Unless recommended by an acquaintance, I will not sell genuine coins at all."

But if someone didn't notice this detail and still wanted to spend money, Clayton wouldn't mind collecting the extra money for them.


Donna's eyes lit up.

“This business code is so cool!”

Julius was speechless at her reaction.

"Get up! Get up! You lazy fools!"

One of the most vigilant members of the Salvation Army kicked and beat his comrades. The shoddy single room in the country hotel was now crowded with people. There were even two people lying under the bed. The sun shone in through the curtains that had already been deformed and leaky. However, it was not enough to naturally wake up these sleepers who had been on the run for two days overnight.

His companion had just woken up, but he didn't appreciate his help. He squinted his eyes and blocked the sun with one hand and cursed: "Shit! Francis, why are you crazy?"

Francis ignored him and kicked another person: "You idiots, have you forgotten what else we have to do?"

"Connector, find the fucking connector!" he yelled.

The rebels who had been lying motionless all woke up, but they didn't want to get up yet. Nearly ten human bodies were writhing on the floor, sighing and groaning one after another, as energetic as caterpillars in spring.

There were also people who were not affected by the sound and got kicked before turning over and sitting up in horror: "Has the warlord found us?!"

"Not yet, but I won't know for sure if I keep diluting."

Seeing this group of stinking defeated soldiers still writhing, Francis was furious. Even though he was one of them, his status as Second Lieutenant Charles' adjutant still allowed him to retain a sense of pride and pride in his heart. He is reserved and thinks he is qualified to give orders to these troubled brothers.

"There is no post office in the local area. The post office in the city must send someone to pick up the mail every month. The next time someone is sent will be the day after tomorrow. Our wanted order will be sent by then!"

The shouting worked as expected. The defeated soldiers all got up, and several soldiers immediately rushed over to cover his mouth.

"Calm down, brother Francis, you are just trying to inform the hotel owner of our identity by shouting like this."

When they let go of Francis, he said coldly: "The innkeeper is not in the hotel now. Someone called him away. The other guests are not here either. This hotel is deserted."

The Salvation Army members in Sasha City were very surprised by this news.

"Then what do we have for breakfast?"

"It seems that there is no cook here. The boss is the cook. If he is not here, none of us can cook."

Francis looked at the panicked faces and wanted to hit them one by one: "It's already noon! You idiots!"

"Of course we have to eat at noon."

"But we have no money!" Francis roared: "We spent all our money just to rent these three shabby rooms, and now we have to find the contact person that the university professor said! Otherwise we will have to starve. "

The other soldiers didn't understand why he reacted so violently, and one soldier stepped forward to comfort him.

"Brother Francis, don't be so excited. We still have the hands and feet to steal. If that doesn't work, we can just grab a handful and leave, leaving a mark for the contact to come to us."

"I wouldn't be so angry if I could do that, Wade."

Francis took a deep breath. These companions of his were oversleeping and were not fully awake at the moment. He had to endure this.

"While you were sleeping, I had already gone to the town to inquire about the news. Although there is no sheriff in this town, there are many hunters. Especially recently, they seem to have monsters coming here. These hunters have all armed themselves and organized The patrols all have weapons that can be projected from a distance. If we had a conflict with them here, even if we could win, a lot of people would die, and just escaping would not work. They are much more familiar with this forest than we are."

His eyes swept across the faces that were listening silently: "Moreover, I have reason to suspect that Asran, who disappeared last night, did not leave on his own, but was dragged away by the monster in their mouths."

"But we didn't hear anything before we found out he disappeared." A soldier named Levin said.

Francis blew his nose. It was red due to the air-conditioning outside and it was itching: "Those country people said that the monster came and went silently and had the ability to release gas to make people sleepy. Maybe it used this ability to quietly He attacked Asran silently, otherwise he should have greeted us when he left."

The rest of the Salvation Army members became more awake and started talking among themselves.

They originally did not believe that there were any monsters in this world, until those single-clothed, barefooted ascetics with bloody scars attacked them from the end of the street.

That was the first time they saw someone immune to bullets.

They knew very little about Lieutenant Charles’s guest, Professor Christopher Camping Tinola, but they were certain that the doomsday seeker sect to which he belonged also had extraordinary powers. Although his companions were not as strong as those who came out of the monastery, Those monsters, but also because of their numerical disadvantage.

If they had that kind of power to assist them, they might be able to eliminate the horrible melody that rings in their ears from time to time.

The Salvation Army once had thirty members in Sasha City. They were all people who could hear "the devil's call". Because they were affected by such auditory hallucinations while serving in the colony, they were judged by their superiors to be unfit to continue their rotation in the colony. They were uniformly sent to this remote place in the countryside, and they also had their accomplices in other cities, or should they be called "patients."

The military chaplain checked their bodies, but found nothing, and could not eliminate the "calling" that rang in their ears from time to time.

They themselves know that that kind of rhythm and rhythm cannot be produced by the voices of animals or any musical instruments.

The weird and harsh sound can almost scratch their souls, making them unable to help tearing their skin and flesh, but while it brings pain, it also makes them feel extremely familiar and kind. And when this "devil's call" sounds, no matter where they are, they can hear the call at the same time. Therefore, they have no doubt about the power behind the sound.

If even the clergy cannot detect this voice, then the being who sends them the message is either the most evil monster or the most holy Holy Spirit.

Before the former compatriots and the ascetic monks of the Sincere Brotherhood united to kill themselves, the Salvation Army of Sasha City still held on to the latter's expectations. Now they have abandoned their illusions and are determined to fight against the devil they sensed.

Even if the price of exorcising this devil is to invite another devil, they will not hesitate.

"House of Troubles"

This was the name of the branch of the sect that Christopher had told them.

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