Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 246 Bloody Gloves

Under the control of a clear mind, Francis's knife swung at Chude Osmar without mercy.

The knife had been curled, but it was still enough to break open Chud Osmar's belly—if Quoq hadn't stood in front of him.

The tip of the knife hit Kuo Ke's chest, and then stopped after sinking in for a while.

Francis turned the handle of the knife furiously, and finally drilled a hole in the fat man's clothing. Through the hole, he saw Kuok's white belly, which was dented by the tip of the knife but not penetrated at all.


A powerful and heavy slap knocked Francis over, and the dagger was thrown into the fire.

"You ruined my clothes!" Kuok's feminine voice sounded urgently, but when he saw the strange looks in the Salvation Army's eyes and realized that his voice was heard by so many people, he stopped talking. Just stared at Francis angrily.

Francis held onto the ground dizzily, pulled him up with one hand, and patted the soil for him affectionately.

"Sorry, my servant was a little rude."

Chu De's smiling ugly face occupied most of his field of vision: "But with all due respect, I'm actually confused too. I thought that getting rid of the dissidents would make you feel happy instead of angry, because it shows that Your authority.”

Francis looked at them, suddenly unable to contain his emotions in front of these two men.

It was as if a string was hanging on him, and any exertion of force would cause him to rotate, unable to hide his thoughts at all.

"But he wouldn't have died if you had come earlier," he said frankly to the stranger, even sniffing in shame as he spoke.

Chu De looked at him in surprise, as if he understood something: "Oh, it turns out that you are friends. This is really unfortunate." His last words were long, as if he was extremely regretful.

But Francis suddenly had an illusion. He seemed to see a maniacally laughing face under Chu De's sad expression.

The string hanging on him suddenly broke, and he was able to regain his sense of tension in front of the other person.

Francis' body began to tremble involuntarily.

Evil He felt real evil and power from the person in front of him.

Chud Osmar didn't seem to notice that he was trembling, and no longer paid attention to him, but turned to face the crowd: "But I'm afraid we don't have time to be sad. Some God-given missions are waiting for us to complete. I believe you have already We learned about our existence from Professor Christopher. Yes, as long as you join us, we will help you escape from here. But, we now have a problem."

The Salvation Army soldiers watched in silence as this thin man stood in the center and gave a speech. If this had been said before, these soldiers might have objections.

But now that they have seen Kuok's invulnerable body, they have nothing else to say.

"To put it simply, we also have our own tasks, and we need to wait here at least." Chu De glanced at Kuo Ke, who grinned and licked his teeth that glistened in the flames, and he understood: " .End of the year. But I think you may not be able to wait that long."

"The task of escorting you has nothing to do with us. There are other people in charge of this matter, so we have not prepared supplies for so many people. But judging from your appearance, they should be in trouble, so I hope we can first Share the information you have, such as - what did Christopher tell you? And what changes happened in the city? "

In the darkness, the soldiers looked at each other, and the last veteran stood up.

"Francis is Lieutenant Charles' adjutant. He knows the most about Professor Christopher."

Francis, who was silent by the fire, once again became the focus of attention.

Chud Osmar immediately offered him enthusiasm again: "Mr. Francis."

"I don't know much." A palm print swelled rapidly on Francis's face, making him unable to speak clearly: "Professor Christopher usually communicates with the second lieutenant privately, and will inform me of activity planning after the second lieutenant makes a decision. .After that, because the second lieutenant died unexpectedly, the professor stopped contacting us until one of your people showed up and was introduced to the gate of our military camp."

The burnt pink face nodded, not surprised by the result: "Then tell me what you saw my accomplices do?"

"There were only two people who came to see us, one was Mr. Lombard and the other was Ambrose. I was outside at the time, so it was Sergeant Laimin who went to receive them."

"Who is Sergeant Lai Min?"

Chu De looked at the other soldiers, expecting someone to claim his identity.

"He is not here, he is dead." Francis answered him: "The military chaplain betrayed us to his superiors, Sergeant Lai Min was identified, and people from the Kingdom's Intelligence Department happened to be in the army and took him away directly. We were We still don’t know the reason why he was arrested, so no action was taken. I also went to Professor Christopher and asked if what Lombard and Ambrose were going to do required our cooperation.”

He paused and covered his red and swollen face. Chu De immediately showed a concerned expression.

The Ugly Man's concern was uncomfortable, and Francis lowered his head to keep his eyes away from his face and avoid his unintentional expression of resentment.

"I still know nothing about their operations, but they needed some soldiers to make noise for them in certain places, preferably with some fire to attract other people's attention, and they were promised a pretty good reward for this. But at that time , I was thinking that Lieutenant Charles died because he went out privately, and we might need to keep a low profile for a while to deal with the scrutiny of our superiors. If the crime of arson is discovered, the minimum penalty is hanging. So I declined this invitation."

He spoke very slowly, pausing now and then to think, which was unpleasant.

"Uh-huh." Kuok made an urging voice.

Francis glanced at him, without any change in the speed of his speech: "After I rejected them, they didn't seem very disappointed, and explained that 'other people' were already doing it, and if we didn't want to, forget it. And , they were not surprised when they learned that Sergeant Lai Min was arrested, and they still seemed confident. I heard two guests say that Professor Christopher would attract the people of the Sincerity Brotherhood away, and they would be enough to handle the rest."

Chu De sneered: "They obviously can't handle it."

"On the day of their operation, one of our officers suddenly gave us a security mission and asked us and another squadron to patrol the dock area. Twenty minutes after we set off, we saw the man who was usually on standby in the military camp. An airship was inflated and lifted up. There was the sound of cannon firing in the city center. We wanted to go back to see the situation, but another squadron completely caught us, and they had better equipment than us."

Francis swallowed and finally spoke a little faster: "This is completely a trap. The military officers intend to find out our details before taking action, but before that, they are not worried about leaving us with all their hands." We were afraid that the two guests would leave something for us to disrupt the operations here, so they sent us to the dock area where there was no one. But we didn’t expect this at the time.”

"Then how did Christopher contact you later?" Chu De asked.

Now that the "saints" were all here, the episode about how they were framed was irrelevant. He wasn't interested in it.

The ones who really need to be concerned are Quok's colleagues, the extraordinary beings of the House of Troubles.

Can they come back?

"It was evening. Our mission was over. The gunfire in the city center had stopped and the airships had descended. The other squadron operating with us had received a new mission. They were there just like everyone else. We were stationed at those forked intersections and set up checkpoints. Professor Christopher found us on our way back to the camp alone. I don’t know how he found us. Maybe it was just like what the officers thought. They were on our way. Something was done to him."

Francis' voice became weird as he recalled the scene at that time: "Professor Christopher looked like he had been hit hard and lost his mind. He looked at us with terrible eyes and kept repeating one sentence."

Kuok suddenly said: "What did he say?"

Francis' shoulders shook.

"He said, 'The snake is gone, but where it came from, it's all over now,' as if the snake had some great responsibility and without it, their operation couldn't be completed. It took him a while to calm down, but He also insisted on asking us if we knew if other troops had found anything unusual when they were cleaning the sewers."

Chu De looked at Kuo Ke, who also shook his head.

Christopher is a member of the local development of the House of Troubles and has a certain degree of autonomy. Except for those who are assigned to act with him, no one knows what preparations he has made for this operation.

Francis continued: "Of course we don't know what happened to the snake. He didn't want to say more to us, but in the end he pointed us here."

"Did he say what happened to Lombard and Ambrose?" Quake asked coldly.

His fat palms were curled into a swollen fist, and his taut white skin even reflected light in front of the jumping flames.

Francis looked at Chu De's expression before speaking: "The professor didn't want to mention them, but I think they are dead, because those who killed them also caught up with us later - those ascetics who could not be killed by bullets, The Salvation Army originally had more than this number of people.”

Invulnerability is also a skill demonstrated by Kuo Ke, so these rebels gave up their disobedient plans after a short weigh.

Those ascetic monks really scared them, and they didn't want to provoke the same type of enemies again.

Hearing this, Chu De shook his head and sighed: "As expected, the Sincere Brotherhood."

Kuok suddenly said: "Next time, remember to shoot at the scars left by self-flagellation on their skin. Bullets can only hurt them if they pass through the scars they created themselves."

Francis looked at Kuo Ke with slight surprise. It seemed that such kindness should not appear on him.

But Kuok just said this, and then turned away in boredom.

There seemed to be a silent communication between him and Chud Osmar, and the Salvation Army could only wait for their communication to end before deciding on the trial of themselves and others.

They couldn't hear any communication between the two men, and they could only tell from Chu De's body language that he was getting more and more agitated.

The lean man crossed his arms, his fingers began to beat again, and he kept fiddling with his arms. After a while, their exchange ended. Chu De's first words after regaining his language were very embarrassing: "We still have to think about it again."

"Well -" he suddenly looked at a corner of the camp: "You have another guest."

Francis covered his face and looked. He saw several other gunmen in black walking towards here from the darkness with lanterns. He noticed that their soldiers had already set up their guns and entered a state of alert.

He waved his hand, and a soldier named Wade walked over and spoke for him.

"What's wrong with you?"

Rabbit Ace stopped some distance away from the camp and shouted loudly: "We are planning to do something big, and we want to ask you if you want to participate."

"What's the matter?" Francis looked at him and raised his voice vaguely.

"We're going to kill Padre Lewis," Ace said.

The young man next to him added darkly: "Avenge our little brother."

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