Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 261 Caught off guard

The next day, Marietta finally woke up.

Selanne was the first to notice that she had opened her eyes, and then she jumped up and spread the news throughout the entire building.

This good news immediately enlivened the atmosphere in the room, and even Perot, who disliked Selani the most, couldn't help but smile at her. This was not only due to the joy of saving a precious life, but also because Marietta's awakening meant that they had to start again.

Everyone gathered in the attic to interact with her one by one.

Clayton was the last one to arrive because he went out to inquire for information. When he arrived, Selanie was already chasing people out.

"Get out of here and stop disturbing her. She just woke up and still needs to rest."

She waved her arms, but when she saw Clayton, who was taller than the door and had to lower his head to let the doorframe frame him, her movements subconsciously stopped and stiffened, not knowing whether to drive him away or let him enter the room.

Clayton did not enter the door, but lowered his head and held the door frame and asked in a low voice: "Can she still speak now?"

Seranie answered him awkwardly: "No, she fell asleep again."

Clayton nodded imperceptibly and stepped back.

When he turned around, he found Donna standing at the top of the stairs not far away, seemingly waiting for him.

Noticing Clayton's eyes, the girl hooked at him mysteriously. Clayton walked over in confusion, but when he approached, Donna ran away again and stood at the bottom of the stairs and hooked at him again. hand.

Clayton had no choice but to walk over again.

"Why here?"

The girl pointed to the room where Mary slept and said solemnly: "Be quiet."

"Oh, okay." Clayton made sure it was far enough away and said in a normal voice: "What can I do for you?"

An ordinary fifteen-year-old girl's troubles are beyond his ability to solve, but Donna is not ordinary, so he is somewhat confident.

"When the guard knew that Miss Etta had woken up, he asked her who had attacked her, and left after getting the answer." Donna stared into Clayton's eyes and said no more, as if she just wanted to inform him of this. thing and then wait for an evaluation from a veteran. However, Clayton hadn't figured out how to reply to her yet.

His niece suddenly spoke like a spy. Clayton was not used to this kind of communication.

But this state is also a good thing, at least Donna is no longer afraid of him.

After thinking for a while, he said: "He may have gone to inform the mayor. If Miss Aita wakes up, then she can personally tell the person who attacked her. This is more credible than our simple guess."

Donna was a little puzzled: "But we already knew the truth. Didn't Julius already explain the situation to these locals? He also showed them the wanted notice. Why did they ask the guards to ask again?"

Clayton bent down slightly, put his index finger in front of his lips and gave her a "shhh".

"Let's not mention the wanted warrant in the future."


"Because those who are wanted will no longer admit that they are wanted." Clayton took a few steps back and sat down on the steps, his eyes level with Donna: "Think about Butnu, our hometown. , is it true that any small thing, as long as it is worthy of praise, will soon spread throughout this town?"

Donna recalled the scene in her hometown and couldn't help but agree with this statement.

In Batnu, any old woman you meet can know the whole town's situation very well. News about whose chicken died spreads faster than a person's obituary.

"Yes, it's probably the same in Gevo. If the locals know that the Salvation Army is a rebel, then the news will spread faster than the plague, and the Salvation Army will soon know that their identity has been exposed - even if they live on the edge of the swamp. "

"Once this happens, merchants will not dare to do business because they are afraid of the Salvation Army, and the Salvation Army will also choose to attack the town directly because of lack of food."

The fifteen-year-old girl obviously couldn't understand his profound meaning. Looking at her confused expression, Clayton's eyebrows lowered a bit and his tone became more serious.

"In order to allow businessmen to get information for themselves for free, the mayor and other people with actual power will not announce the wanted order, because once it is announced, those who are being used will feel unhappy and will be afraid to go and save the world. The military is doing business, and this sentiment is likely to be seen by those people and make them aware of the truth."

He tried to explain the matter as simply as possible: "Donna, if someone used you to do something very dangerous without telling you how dangerous it was, what would you do if you knew the truth?"

Donna answered decisively: "I'll kill him or her."

This answer was a little different from Clayton's ideal answer, but it was still within the range that he could expect.

"That's the problem. The mayor and the temporary representatives of the hunters want to use those businessmen to get information, but they are afraid that they will know the truth later and have the same thoughts as you, so not only will they not mention these wanted orders, but they will also Most likely they will also destroy the papers - unless one of them is a noble gentleman and is willing to confess to others his unscrupulous behavior in order to win."

The stairwell fell silent.

Donna looked thoughtful, as if she still couldn't understand this way of thinking. She needed some time to think.

Clayton sat on the steps, tapping his toes lightly, waiting for her to finish thinking.

After a few seconds, Donna's eyes lit up: "That's why Miss Aita's testimony is important! Before the mayor and the hunters want to kill people, they must first prove that the Salvation Army is guilty, but if the wanted warrant cannot be used as evidence of murder, he needs Aita Testimony to prove to others that these Salvation Army men deserve to die!"

Clayton breathed a sigh of relief, and his expression of approval encouraged the girl even more.

"So, they finally confirmed that Miss Aita can testify about this matter, which means they will start fighting soon?"

"Completely correct!"

Clayton almost applauded her. If Donna was as good at math as she was here, he could leave the business to her right now.

Suddenly there were sounds of knocking on the door and shouting downstairs, followed by Julius's impatient response.

The sound was hazy across the floor, and the specific content could not be heard. Donna listened hard and vaguely heard someone mentioning her uncle's name.

"Someone is calling you."

Clayton stood up from the steps and patted the dust beneath him. Although his expression was calm, Donna could clearly feel that he felt different from her at the moment - doubts and hesitation.

The werewolf also heard the sounds downstairs, and more clearly.

"I may have to come back in the evening," he said.

Clayton didn't expect that the mayor invited him here for this reason.

"Mr. Bello, I heard that you have a way to help in the next matter." The mayor asked cryptically, but his tone was very firm.

There were only two of them in the room, and the servant was sent out. They sat on both sides of the table, and the teapot in the middle sent thick white smoke upwards, drifting to the window and condensing into scale-like droplets.

Clayton glanced around and smelled no one else in the room.

"Did Padre Louis tell you that?"

He only made an agreement with Louis that he would come to help when the locals were fighting with the Salvation Army. No one else should know this.

The mayor nodded: "Yes."

"He is still being held for murder?"

"Yes, he did not deny the accusations made by Mr. Ace and the two attendants, and confessed to the crime of holding the Black Mass and the crime of killing our jeweler Lawrence."

"Then why do you still believe him, a criminal, and think I will come to help?"

The mayor scratched his reflective forehead, feeling a little troubled: "What if what he said is true? With more helpers, fewer people will die."

Clayton understood: "Besides this, what else did he say?"

"No more." The mayor said calmly.

Such a simple statement cannot be trusted. Clayton tried it a few more times before he felt relieved. The information obtained by the mayor was incomplete and untrue. It seemed that Louis had maintained a certain degree of sanity in prison and did not confess him. .

But he couldn't figure out why this priest chose to confess.

Obviously Sevan's funeral has not yet been held, and the father's responsibilities have not yet been completed.

If Clayton were him, even if he wanted to die, he would have to wait until the matter was over before facing his choice.

The mayor didn't think about these things. He picked up half of the cigarette in the ashtray, but just looked at it greedily without lighting it: "Okay, so that you know, we have already thought of a battle plan and formation. As of today At dusk, we are about to start the decisive battle, so I hope you can come and help."

"Why didn't the hunter invite me?" Clayton asked with a frown.


"I mean, after all, only me and the patrol team will go to the battle. If they come to me, we can discuss how to implement the tactics. But if you invite me, we can only discuss this matter. thing. You ask me if I can come, and I answer yes or no."

Mayor Jeffrey's face turned red: "Do you think I'm wasting your time?"

"I didn't say that."

The mayor touched the top of his head again, and Clayton noticed that the blood vessels on his palms seemed thicker than when they last met: "I'm just curious. I want to know how you can help them. I heard Pastor Lewis say that you have Other than direct combat, I think I might be able to provide some help, if your method is lacking something."

Clayton shook his head: "Thank you for your kindness, but it's not necessary. I only need to do it by myself."

He stood up and left immediately, preparing to go find the hunters to discuss the plan.

Jeffrey sat in his seat, listening to the heavy footsteps moving downstairs, and then disappearing outside the house, his face remained expressionless.

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