Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 289 Warm-up

"Chud Osmar has offered thirteen bodies as sacrifices."

These were Clayton's first words after he hurried back.

"We are going to hold a Black Mass." This was the first thing Donna said after seeing him.

The two sentences were spoken at the same time, and Clayton didn't know for a moment which person had the worse news.

However, the wizards were quick to explain to him the reasons for this, explaining that this decision was not just based on their dark interests, but had theoretical depth.

The Black Mass can break the immortal power in Kuok and find the source of this power, which may lead to the magic circle Osmar is setting up.

And the only flaw can be corrected.

"Clayton, I remember you said that Clara's mission has not yet been completed."

Donna looked at Clayton with bright eyes, and the latter nodded reluctantly.

Joe Mani is still alive, so Clara is still suffering from the pain of being unable to satisfy her appetite. That is the punishment ordered for her by the Holy Grail Order contract, and this pain comes from Baal, the Lord of Power, who wants to create Such a contract requires considerable magical attainments, and it was the Spider Priest who personally planted the original demon into Clara's body.

Donna asked Clayton to sit down. She walked restlessly in front of him, waving her hands and then recounted her plan:

"The demon envoy summoned by the Black Mass has its own mission, and this mission is also directly given by Baal. Its existence is very similar to the demon in Clara's body. I can first forcibly link the spirits of Mr. Lewis and Clara. Together, let her be fixed in the interlayer of souls where demons grow. In this way, the demons spawned in the host's body due to the Black Mass ritual cannot grow out, and the power and will of the Lord of Might will only be infused into Clara's body. "

The demon carrying the will of the demon lord is certainly dangerous, but if it is fused with Clara, who has the mind of a child, then those dangerous parts will have no effect.

The wizards have everything ready, they just need a nod from Clayton.

However, the werewolf looked at Donna's face that was flushed with excitement and couldn't make an immediate decision.

He didn't know much about demons and wasn't sure if this could really prevent the consequences of what the priesthood said.

Lord of Might, Soul Sandwich, Demonic Envoy. He had only heard of these words, but could not understand their full meaning. Although Donna was so confident that she could accomplish this feat, it did not necessarily mean that she really had the ability to complete the plan. He had also experienced this child's arrogance before and could not completely believe her.

But Osmar has gathered thirteen sacrifices for his unknown ritual, and they must hurry up to stop him.

Just when Clayton was hesitant, the door on the first floor suddenly opened, and Clara shook Kuok's body and walked in. Everyone looked at her, wanting to know how the matter was handled.

"He's not dead," Clayton said suddenly.

Clara hummed in frustration.

If Osmar was dead, there would be no need for her to continue dragging Kuok's body.

"Where's Barbara?"

"Barbara says goodbye."

Clayton glanced at Perot, but the latter also looked stunned.

"What's she doing here?"

"Barbara doesn't want you to know," Clara said.

Clayton Bello rubbed his face with his hands, feeling very annoyed.

It seems like a small thing, but they are in an extraordinary moment. If Clayton Bello is compared to a general, then Barbara is an army under his command. The army can fail in its mission, but it cannot be out of control. And being unable to assemble his own troops is a great shame for any commander.

And Barbara has always been a well-behaved guy, so this strange change may be due to some kind of influence.

Osmar's abilities are still unknown to them.

Before the lieutenant could make an unpleasant decision, Perrault suggested that he go out and look for his wife.

This is not because he obeys Clayton's orders unconditionally, but he does not trust his wife to stay outside alone. The severed head that could still talk gave him a deeper understanding of the dangers in the outside world.

But Clayton turned him down.

Perot was no more useful than Clara, and birds were obviously more likely to find targets on the ground than humans.

"Donna, let your little friend find someone," Clayton ordered.

Donna nodded. She stood up, opened the window, and whistled to the big tree outside. Immediately, several birds flew down from above and waited for her orders.

By the time she came back from the window, Clayton had already made his decision.

"Pack your things and let's go to church."

If Barbara is still chasing Osmar, then they'd better take advantage of the undisturbed time to kill Kuok first and remove his mind control ability. Perhaps this can interrupt the unknown ritual.

And since Osmar has escaped, they may guess that Kuok's head is here.

If he had falsely accused the hunters of performing a witchcraft on Kuo Ke, they would not be able to explain it even if they had a hundred mouths.

In order to reach the destination as soon as possible, everyone had to temporarily abandon Marietta, and everyone moved secretly in the dark streets and alleys. This time they were to conduct a real Black Mass. If they were caught during the ceremony, the consequences would not be as easy as what Louis experienced last time.

Donna plans to set the entire church on fire, and the thick smoke will attract others to come and check it out. They will not have much time to actually hold the ceremony - Clayton is already mentally prepared to turn against the locals.

Donna may not yet know the cost of such exposure, and Clayton doesn't intend to tell her.

Fear can cause people to function poorly.

The sun was just right that day, and people lost their vigilance after the monsters and rebels were defeated. Many people also knew what happened to Louis. They no longer came to the church to seek comfort. Therefore, the door of the church was very deserted. The werewolf led the Teams can even walk in through the front entrance without being spotted by passers-by.

Of course, they are not that arrogant yet.

Detours and backdoors are the right options for performing black magic.

They stopped in a cemetery sandwiched between two medicine gardens and rested among the tombstones.

The wizards were all injured for different reasons, but they were in high spirits, and their relationship seemed to have never been so close. They sat down on the tombstone to discuss the specific details of the ceremony without any scruples, while everyone else was worried about the ceremony they were about to hold. This blasphemous act worried me.

"I would like to ask you two for a favor." The priest pulled Perot and Selani aside.

"There are some very important books in the library and I want to get them out before the church is set on fire."

Perot nodded in agreement, while Selanie felt a little sad in her fear.

"Mr. Lewis, do we have to do this?"

This church is almost the most precious thing in Gevo. No one knows what the consequences will be if it is burned, but they at least know that they will definitely not be able to go to heaven in the future.

In such a bad world, the only hope for people like her is the world after death, and now this hope is about to be destroyed for them.

Selanne regretted following Clayton's advice, just because she moved here and now had to get involved in this kind of thing.

Now these people don't want to see her. Although she is used to being isolated, her experience among civilians and among criminals is still different. No one here is willing to tell her the truth, and she doesn't know what happened. , even Priest Louis is actually not that trustworthy, because he did not refuse other people's requests and agreed to celebrate the Black Mass for them.

"It has to be this way."

The priest answered her affirmatively, and then he looked at the pagans and inhuman things, pointed at them without any hesitation and asked Selanne: "Do you want to reject them?"

Clayton turned his head and pretended he couldn't hear their conversation.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Seranne glance at him quickly, and then nodded nervously.

The priest then asked: "Then do you dare to refuse them?"

Selanne shook her head.

"Then what you lack is only courage, not kindness. Heavenly Father will not blame you. It is me and others who preside over the Black Mass ceremony. You just have to do it."

The prostitute asked in confusion: "Then why did you agree to them?"

"Selanie, since you have seen that head, you should know that there are actually many evils in this world that are beyond mortal knowledge. Faith can only protect our souls, but not our bodies. If we want our worldly If life can continue after facing this kind of threat, then we sometimes have to do something extraordinary. This Black Mass will not hurt anyone. The only thing we need to abandon is this lifeless church. This is That’s why I finally agreed to this plan.”

The priesthood used a complete set of logic to convince Selanie to cooperate.

Clayton stood aside and frowned slightly. The priest's cooperative attitude made him somewhat suspicious of its intentions, but he didn't say anything. These people with faith have some weird persistence. He doesn't need to understand, as long as he knows that this kind of behavior is good for him.

Now that the dangerous smell on the priest has dissipated, Clayton has a little more trust in him.

He turned around and found that his niece was taking off the bandage on her left hand, revealing the blessing seal given to her by the principal of Bracola. Those dark snake-like patterns were coiled around her wrist, and even detached from the body. , crawling in the air, linked to Clara's head like a chain, surging from time to time, as if there were invisible substances passing each other through them.

Very wonderful witchcraft.

Braccola's status in Creighton's mind was slightly elevated.

"That old unicorn is really not simple." Julius's voice suddenly sounded: "But if I were you, I wouldn't want to meet it, I would stay away from it."

Seeing Clayton turn his attention to himself, the wizard put down the incense burner and grinned: "The whole body of the unicorn can break the curse, just like silver. Its physiological structure is simply designed to kill you. Born from such a being. And this kind of creature is aggressive by nature, and it is legendary."

"Don't go too far." Clayton interrupted: "How do you plan to start this ceremony."

"We have already designed it, with location and timing as the main core. There are two sacrifices in the Black Mass. The first is to sacrifice to the Heavenly Father, and the second is to sacrifice to the Lord of Power."

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