Western Fantasy: From the Eagle Tribe to the Angel Empire

Chapter 11 The battle between Titan and Dragon breaks out!

In the wooden house, he opened the panel.

【Name】: Jiang You

[Race]: Eagle Man (bloodline mutating)

[Template]: Ordinary players (not available yet)

[Template]: nc (elite)

[Occupation]: Thunder Controller


[Attributes]: Strength 15, Constitution 10, Spirit 15, Agility 15, Charisma 6.

[Level]: Not unlocked (sealed, will be opened after the game is launched)

[Skills]: Throwing (Mastery), Spear Skill (Mastery), Thunder Power (Extraordinary)

[Skill Points]: Not unlocked (sealed, will be opened after the game is launched)

[Talent]: Champion's Will (You have super insight and reaction capabilities, and your combat awareness surpasses everything else.)

[Mission System]: Not unlocked (sealed, will be opened after the game is launched)

[Game start countdown]: 3650100 days, 7 hours and 12 minutes.

Jiang You looked at the system panel and saw that all his attributes had increased, and he had also unlocked professions and NC templates.

He said somewhat amusedly.

"The player's unlock should be in Chapter 5, and with this NC template, it seems that I am now an elite monster?"

Then he closed the system panel. At this stage, for him, this thing was a mirror that reflected his own strength.

He stood up, opened the door, and walked out of the cabin.

Guarding outside was a Yingman warrior wearing bronze armor and holding a bronze spear. He was happy to see Jiang You appear.

"You, you're out of seclusion!"

Jiang You patted his shoulder and smiled.

"Thank you for your hard work, Liang!"

"Hahaha, guarding the door for you is not hard at all!"

Liang laughed.

"Okay, now that I'm out of seclusion, you don't have to stay here. Go and do your work."

Jiang You smiled.

"You, I have nothing to do now. Can you let me see what level of strength you have now?"

Hao asked curiously.

Every hawk envies to become a transcendent.

"If we talk about strength, the deer monster we encountered is probably no match for me!"

After speaking, Jiang You raised a bronze spear and used a little force. Purple thunder swirled around the tip of the spear. He used all his strength and threw it outside the village.

Just hearing a "bang", a large pit with a diameter of one meter appeared on the ground.

"It's really amazing."

Ryo and the hawks who noticed the movement were amazed.

"With Youzai, our Gaoman Mountain Tribe has finally begun to grow stronger!"

Jiang You looked at the cheering tribesmen and felt very happy in his heart.

After taking office, he could see the extraordinary future and had the hope of becoming stronger step by step.

Especially the baptism with the blood of Titans and Dragons greatly improved his physical potential.

Give him enough time, and he believes that he will have no problem at least advancing to Legend.

After all, he has the experience of the previous life, so he will not fall far behind.

in the following days.

Jiang You arranged for the tribesmen to forge bronze weapons and armor pieces and reserve food.

He also often flies out of Gaoman Mountain to explore the surrounding environment to see if there is a suitable place for the hawks to hide and live in seclusion.

The epic battle between the Titans and the Dragons was about to begin, and even the Legend might not be able to survive, let alone him, an extraordinary professional who had just advanced.

After some searching, I found quite a few habitats for monsters.

After exploring his surroundings, Jiang You decided to fly a little further.

It took him seven days and seven nights to pack up the equipment for the journey.

After traveling ten thousand miles to the east, we came directly to the edge of the Eastern Sea.

According to ancient legends, the ocean is the territory of the sea people. Except for Titans and dragons, no one dares to stay on the seaside.

Jiang You flew around the seaside for a few days and found a tall mountain peak standing on the seaside. The surrounding resources were rich. Except for a few magical beasts, there were no traces of intelligent life at all.

"This is simply a paradise given by God to the Gaoman Mountain Tribe!"

"When the war starts, I will bring my people here. No matter how terrifying the Sea Clan is, can it be compared to the battle between the Titan and the Dragon that almost broke the world?"

One year later.

Jiang You was practicing in Gaoman Mountain as usual. It seemed that due to the effect of the blood of Titan and Dragon, his practice speed was extremely fast.

In one year, he rose from Thunder Controller Level 1 to Level 5, reaching the first level of Extraordinary, the pinnacle of the official level.

The next stage is the second level of transcendence, the master stage.

So, he once again entered the sea of ​​spirituality and created the advanced profession of Thunder Controller, Thunder Wings!

This day.

He was just about to start breaking through on the bluestone when the desolate bronze horn sounded.

A voice like the sky wind came from above the clouds!

"Call your clan leader to come out!"

When Jiang You came to the stone cliff, the eagle messenger seemed surprised that Jiang You was an extraordinary eagle, and couldn't help but soften his tone.

He raised his stone spear high and announced.

"There is an order from the royal court to recruit all the young and strong eagle people from the Gaoman Mountain tribe and go to the ancestral court of the eagle people "Tianshan" to wait for dispatch!"

When Jiang You heard this, something suddenly came to his mind.

"The war that will destroy the world has finally begun!"

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