The Eagle People live in the mountains, and they like cliffs very much.

They use stone tools to dig caves around the top of the mountain to live.

Gaoman Mountain is just a small mountain that is very common in the ancient Ferland world.

The Eagle People's Royal Court, as rumored, lives on a tall mountain called "Tianshan"!

It is a huge and magnificent mountain, where tens of thousands of Eagle People live. It is the ancestral home of the Eagle People, and the Eagle People of the Gaoman Mountain Tribe also come from here.

After Jiang You became the patriarch of the Gaoman Mountain Tribe, he began to transform the living environment of the Eagle People.

Although the stone cave is safe, after many generations of Eagle People living there, the smell inside is very unbearable, and hygiene has always been a problem.

The first year.

He sharpened a stone axe, cut down trees, and led the tribesmen to build dozens of wooden houses and wooden beds in a year, which became a new residence.

The original cave with a wooden door is an excellent storage place.

The eagle man's wooden house has two doors, one on the roof and one near the cliff, which is convenient for travel.

After building the wooden house, he called the tribesmen together and dug a pit in the center of the tribe to make a pool for drinking water.

Jiang You arranged for the tribesmen to fetch water every day.

Then, he surrounded the wooden houses with wooden walls, and a small village was formed.

The wooden house village may be less safe than the cave, but Jiang You looked at the village in front of him and felt the breath of civilization in the wilderness for the first time.

So far, he felt at ease.

The second winter.

Jiang You led the eagle boys to find and kill several hibernating black bears in the Whispering Forest during the heavy snow in winter.

His strength and skills grew, and he also changed into bear skin clothes.

Very warm.

The third year.

Jiang You found a demon beast in the east of the Whispering Forest.

Fortunately, this demon beast is a deer demon beast. Although this demon beast is strong, its temperament is gentle. It has always stayed in its own territory, which made Jiang You and others feel relieved.

But his desire to obtain extraordinary power has become stronger.

The fourth year.

When Jiang You led the hunting team out hunting, he chased the bison and flew three thousand meters to the west.

Here, he found an open-air copper mine!

This surprised him inexplicably!


This is something that can allow them to move from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age.

If there are copper tools, the strength of the Gaomanshan tribe can be greatly improved.

But soon, a patrol eagle boy flew from farther away and told him that there was a snake tribe here.

The snake tribe is also a subsidiary race of the Titan giants.

However, they have been fighting with the eagle tribe for generations, and their living areas are intertwined. They have been natural enemies since ancient times!

In ancient times, when the four-legged eagles had not yet evolved into eagle people, they often captured the two-legged snakes, the ancestors of the snake people, for food.

But when they almost simultaneously accepted the gift of the Titans and evolved into intelligent races.

The suppression of the Eagle People on the Snake People disappeared.

The Snake People have stronger reproductive capacity and are good at using bows and arrows.

Although the Eagle People have the advantage of flying, their eagle claws are too sharp and do not support their archery.

Otherwise, a soldier who can shoot arrows in the sky, even if it is just an ordinary mortal without extraordinary power, has a great advantage.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang You's desire for copper overcame his worries about the Snake People Tribe.

He asked in a deep voice.

"Liang, how many snake people are there in that Snake People Tribe? Are there any extraordinary snake people?"

"Chief, I didn't look carefully."

Liang touched his head in embarrassment.

"It's okay, let's take another look."

Jiang You did not blame them. After all, it is difficult for Eagle People teenagers to have such awareness. It is already very good to be able to discover the Snake People Tribe.

He took a team of Eagle People teenagers into the air, and after flying for a few miles, he really found a small Snake People Tribe beside a small river.

Jiang You hovered in the sky and observed, and found that this small tribe was actually in a similar situation to theirs.

Years of war had exhausted their vitality, and the tribe was basically composed of the elderly, the weak, women and children.

That's right, the snake people's survival ability on the battlefield is even worse than that of the eagle people, and they are cannon fodder among cannon fodder!

However, the number of snake people in this tribe is larger than that of the eagle people in Gaoman Mountain, with about 300 snake people surviving.

Jiang You made a decisive decision to wipe out this snake tribe.

So that night.

Jiang You led the combatants in the eagle tribe and destroyed this small snake tribe while they were sleeping at night.

Then, they mined copper and smelted bronze.

Jiang You knew some of the simplest copper smelting methods in ancient times in his previous life. After trying several times, he successfully refined bronze.

The fifth year.

After a year of accumulation.

Almost all the eagle people who can fight in the tribe have a bronze ware.

With bronze ware, they can hunt larger and more ferocious prey.

Even some weak monsters, Jiang You and others dared to test them.

The tribesmen mostly used bronze spears, and Jiang You cast a bronze sword.

The sixth year.

The tribe's bronze reserves increased, and Jiang You used the extra bronze to cast a large bronze tripod!

Thus, food can be cooked in the tripod all the time.

Then, some bronze utensils were also made.

Bowls, basins, pots, spoons, etc.

Until this time, Jiang You could announce that the Gaomanshan tribe had left the Stone Age and entered the Bronze Age.

They are more civilized than most races in the Ferland world.

The seventh year.

Jiang You is 16 years old, and he is considered an adult among the Eagle people.

His body has become more upright and agile, and his wings are more tenacious and powerful.

This year, in order to face the upcoming war, Jiang You began to cast bronze armor!

Because Eagle people have wings, it is difficult to cover their backs with armor, and in order to maintain light flight, the armor should not be too heavy.

Jiang You only cast armor plates on his chest, arms, and head for self-defense.

This simple bronze armor was made into more than a dozen sets, worn by Jiang You and the strongest Eagle people in the tribe.

They are all partners who grew up with Jiang You and are connected by brothers.

As time goes by.

This autumn.

When the golden autumn leaves are flying.

The envoy of the Eagle King's Court arrived as expected!

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