Jiang You returned to Mount Heaven and began to prepare to cast the throne.

At this point, he was ready to move the top of the mountain in Heaven directly to the sky.

The top of Mount Heaven is pointed at the top and round at the bottom. After clearing the trees on it, it will present a regular mountaintop, which is very suitable.

He built a throne on the top of the mountain with rare metals mixed with platinum, and melted the previous mysterious bluestone powder into the throne.

Then he cut off a part of his soul and injected it into the throne.

In this way, he has absolute control over this sky throne regardless of whether he sits on it or not.

Just like the gods control their own kingdom of God.

And the bluestone that helped him transform into a supernatural being, after being refined into the throne by him, also has extremely strong mysterious power.

In addition to physical power, the power of law is ineffective against it.

This makes the throne more suitable for existence in the sky, where there is no order and the laws are chaotic!

Year 731 of the Goblin Empire.

The little turtle finally advanced to legend!

His road to advancement was also quite bumpy.

From the beginning, under the influence and persuasion of Jiang You, he advanced from the extraordinary awakening to the self-created profession Thunder Turtle.

In the following decades.

After he reached the pinnacle of Thunder Turtle, he finally had his own ideas, combined with his own characteristics, and advanced to the master-level profession Thunder Turtle King.

The little turtle also had a heart to become the king of turtles.

So after advancing to the master level, he found a large number of turtle species and raised them in a puddle at the foot of Heaven Mountain.

However, no matter how hard the little turtle tried, it was difficult for these ordinary turtles to have wisdom.

The little turtle's thoughts of becoming a king dimmed, and he was at ease to calculate the future path.

Until Jiang You advanced to the legend.

He finally thought of the next step. The king can be the king of the race or the king of himself.

He advanced to the hero level, the electric turtle hero.

However, under the influence of Jiang You.

His law tends to the law of electricity.

Hundreds of years later.

The little turtle began to embark on the road of legend.

However, the legendary realm is too difficult for the little turtle.

All his systems were created by himself, and he did not have the rich knowledge reserves and wild ideas like Jiang You.

He did not have judgment and memory of the future.

However, during this time.

He met the genius Sophia of the Winged People.

On Sophia's path of cultivation, the little turtle also provided a lot of help.

In the early stage.

Many of Sophia's resources were helped by the little turtle.

Later, Sophia traveled around the continent, and the little turtle went with her.

After that.

Sophia returned and achieved the legendary profession of the Holy Lady of Light.

The little turtle was greatly inspired and began to ponder the legendary path.


Sophia's sister Arietta also achieved a legend.

With the help of three legends, the little turtle finally achieved a legend at the "advanced age" of 700 years old, the Purple Lightning Turtle Saint!

That is, the little turtle has a long lifespan, otherwise it may not be able to persist until the achievement of legend.


By the 731st year of the Goblin Empire calendar.

The Winged People had four legends, and they were glorious for a while!

At this time.

Jiang You guards Losendas's hometown on the east coast.

Saint Sophia guards Lomanda.

Sword Saint Arita guards the Tianshan Winged People's branch.

With one more legend.

There is a possibility of further development.

And above the East China Sea, after hundreds of years of exploration, the Winged People discovered a circle of crescent-shaped islands in the ocean 10,000 kilometers away from the east coast.

The total area of ​​the entire archipelago is about hundreds of thousands of square kilometers, enough to support millions of Winged People!

In the 735th year of the Goblin Empire.

Saint Sophia led a large number of Winged People to cross the archipelago to the east, migrate the Winged People, and expand the territory of the Winged People!

In the future, this archipelago will also be called the Sophia Archipelago.

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