High in the sky!

A bright moon suddenly appeared in front of Jiang You, like a shining mirror, reflecting most of the first attack of the scarlet dragon breath to the other two ancient dragons, and melting the storm of metal weapons in the air!

"Platinum Throne: Suppress the power!"

At the same time, the platinum throne shone brilliantly! The majesty of the vast and vast sky, with the will to judge all living beings, made the will of the three ancient dragons dazed for a moment, and the control of the power was interrupted for a moment!

And Jiang You took this opportunity to crush the space again, and came directly to the slender neck of the scarlet dragon, and cut it with a sword!

The huge scarlet dragon head fell to the ground immediately, and Mitlett's eyes were still wide open with an unbelievable look!

"No, Mitlett!"

The two ancient dragons who came back to their senses were heartbroken.

The two most powerful ancient dragons among them were killed one after another in front of them, and the fighting spirit and courage in their hearts disappeared like smoke!

Even demigods are afraid of death.

At this point in the battle, the two ancient dragons were no longer willing to fight.

They looked at each other and saw the timidity and hesitation in each other's eyes.

In an instant.

The bronze dragon, as the elder brother, looked at his sister, gritted his teeth, and shouted loudly.

"Venaste, you go first, I'll cover you! We won't fight anymore!"

The golden ancient dragon looked at his brother, then looked at the silver-haired winged man who was murderous and bathed in dragon blood, and nodded in panic.

"Okay, Mason Wright, as soon as I leave, you leave immediately!"

After saying that, he hurriedly flapped his wings and flew to the sky with all his strength.

When she fled the battlefield, the oppression of the silver moon came immediately.

Because the world no longer protected her, but she gritted her teeth and insisted, flying down.

100,000 meters, 90,000 meters... 10,000 meters!

In a hurry!

Until she passed the gale area, flew to the earth, and came to the heavy rain.

After looking at the earth, mountains, rivers, grasslands, and a tribe of dog-headed people who moved here to graze for a living, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, and a feeling of surviving a disaster surged in her heart.

The heavy rain fell, and the wind blew the grass low and saw cattle and sheep!

She came to the ground, and the danger in the sky was temporarily away from her.

On the grassland, at the moment when the golden dragon Venust descended.

Living here, every dog-headed person in the dog-headed tribe with thousands of people felt a strong dragon power descending from the sky.

They couldn't help but look up at the sky.

In the rain, a 200-meter-long golden ancient dragon flew above their heads, very close.

In the tribe, the dog-headed shaman holding the dragon bone scepter suddenly looked at the sky excitedly!

"Ancestors, this is the dragon worshipped by our ancestors in ancient legends!"

In the tribe, the knowledgeable kobold professionals also burst into tears.

"Our faith, our master, has appeared in Ferland again!"

"After a thousand years, have the former overlords, the ancient dragons, returned?"

"Are we going to prosper again?!"

The crowd was excited!

The kobold shaman did not waste time, and quickly raised his scepter and shouted loudly.

"My sons, kneel down and meet our master!"

In the puzzled eyes of the golden dragon Venust.

Thousands of kobolds knelt on their knees in unison, regardless of the heavy rain in the sky and the mud on the ground, and worshiped her respectfully!

This feeling made her a little addicted.

"I haven't felt this way for many years! I didn't expect that there are still races on the continent that remember our ancient dragon clan!"

However, before she finished her sigh.

A feeling like a thorn in the back suddenly came!

The next second!

Behind her, a bright white-gold moon descended from the sky!

The beautiful and gorgeous white-gold moonlight cut through the rain curtains and dispersed the dark clouds!

Between heaven and earth, there was only a white-gold moon hanging in the long night! It illuminated the grassland covered by the dark sky!

In the air.

Venus looked back in horror.

The cold voice of judgment sounded!


Before she could react.

A brilliant purple sword light amazed the sky, crushed the ten directions of time and space, and gently passed her neck like a breeze!



On the prairie.

In the blank eyes of all the dog-headed people, a huge amount of dragon blood flowed down from the sky like a river, pouring on the faces of these dog-headed people.

A sudden change occurred. Among the group of dog-headed people, accompanied by a burning sensation, the dog-headed people who were drenched became taller, their heads became like mini dragon heads, and dense scales grew all over their bodies, and a faint dragon-like majesty appeared.

Fortunately, the authority and power of the dragon blood had been wiped out by Jiang You's judgment law, and they did not burn to death after the change.

However, at this time, they were not in the mood to care about the changes in their bodies.

Following their fearful and panicked gaze, they looked up at the sky.

I saw a tall and majestic existence with silver hair and purple eyes, white wings on his back, and a pure white halo on his head stepping on the void, sheathing his sword, and looking at them with his majestic eyes lowered.

He grabbed a dragon head with his eyes open in one hand, and grabbed the tail of the headless dragon corpse in the other hand.

Behind him, a platinum moon shone brightly!

The world seemed to be under His feet, and the deep majesty was as vast as the sea!

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