Western Fantasy: From the Eagle Tribe to the Angel Empire

Chapter 81: Winged People's Independence, Losendas Kingdom

Themis returned to the deep sea.

She first arranged some affairs in her own territory, Xiules City, and sent people to continue to gather intelligence on the mainland.

Xiules City is just a small underwater city. Because there are too few intelligent races in the deep sea, the real big city is only under the rule of the sea mother.

Then, she went to the depths of the sea, where the sea mother was, to pay homage to the sea mother.

There is the largest city in the deep sea - Medelbon.

Countless marine races can be seen here.

There are intelligent races and marine monsters.

They all submit to the great lord of the sea, the sea mother!

The sea mother mentioned by Themis is actually a super giant monster that is a thousand meters long and combines tentacles, jellyfish, whirlpools, scales, suckers, whales and other types. Countless big mouths open and close on her huge body, which makes people feel terrified.

If you only look at these, many people will think she is a monster, but this sea mother actually has excellent wisdom.

Her name is Charybdis, and she is a demigod at the top. Her strength is much lower than that of the former Titan King Amisius, but she is also very strong.

The sea tribe and deep sea kingdom she established are actually on the road to the kingdom of God on earth!

When Themis came to the huge palace of the sea mother and reported the information about the east coast and the winged people, as well as the current situation of the Titans and dragons.

The sea mother Charybdis was extremely surprised. She did not expect that the once extremely powerful Titans and the ancient dragons would decline like this.

She began to think seriously about the suggestion of attacking the continent given by her eldest daughter Themis.

Although she herself is not very interested in the continent, in the future, she will ascend to the throne of God based on the deep sea kingdom.

Because the entire deep sea kingdom is her base. But although the territory of the deep sea is large, the population and race are so many.

Although the sea mother Charybdis looks like a monster, the several daughters of asexual reproduction are all based on the appearance of Titans, and each of them is extraordinary.

As a mother, she naturally has to consider her daughters.

But after ascending to the gods in the future, if several young daughters also want to become gods, the continent is undoubtedly a good choice.

And if she wants to establish a marine god system in the future, her daughters will also be her best helpers.

The eldest daughter's proposal was finally accepted by her.

They can first attack the east coast, start a war, and expel the winged people with reason and evidence, and then gain a foothold in the corner of the continent.

And Themis was appointed by her as the person in charge of this war.

At the same time, she made a suggestion for Themis to complete.

In the spring of 1051 in the Goblin Empire calendar.

The legendary sea clan envoys in ancient times, led by Melor, the third princess of the sea clan, came to the goblin capital Proadas to visit the goblin clan.

The goblins expressed great curiosity about the sea clan that has always lived in legends and has never been seen.

After the sea tribe came to Proadas and saw the gate made of the head of the Thunder Titan, they also got to know more about the goblin tribe, the current ruler of the continent.

After that.

The sea tribe delegation met with the sixth goblin emperor Leon Amiguel and presented a large number of rare treasures that can only be seen in the ocean.

They want to establish diplomacy with the goblin tribe, the current ruler of the continent.

Melor kept talking about the ruler of the continent and the treasures of the continent, which made the goblin emperor Leon Amiguel very happy.


The sea tribe proposed.

They hope that the new ruler of the continent, the goblin tribe, can inherit the eternal oath that the Titans and the sea tribe once made.

Leon Amiguel agreed.


The third princess of the sea tribe proposed that in the oath, the coastal land of Ferland belongs to the sea tribe, and asked the goblin emperor to issue an order to let the winged people give up the east coast.

This made Leon Amiguel feel embarrassed.

The Winged People of the East Coast are one of the most powerful allies of the Goblin Empire since its founding.

Although the prestige of the Goblin Empire has greatly declined, the various tribes on the continent have begun to slowly ignore the empire.

This includes the Winged People.

But if he does this, it will be tantamount to pushing the Winged People, who are not very submissive to the empire, to the opposite side.

Just when he was in trouble!

His favorite minister, the court marquis Mikejia, spoke up.

"Your Majesty, the Winged People have long lost their loyalty to the empire and are gradually becoming stronger. A few years ago, your father went north to the desert, and the Winged People did not send a single soldier. He had to call on the Eagle People Tribe to gather more than 10,000 Eagle People warriors to go north!"

"Even so, after the war, the Winged People protested to the Empire and expressed their dissatisfaction with the Empire's support for the Eagle People."

"They are just vassals of our tribe, and they dare to be dissatisfied with their master. It can be seen that they have long been alienated from us."

"Why not, according to the wishes of the Sea Clan, issue a clear order to the Winged People and let them withdraw from the East Coast!"

"The Winged People will definitely not obey, and the Sea Clan will definitely use this as an excuse to attack the Winged People."

"Let the two tribes fight each other and consume their strength. We just need to wait for the result."

"What if the Sea Clan wins?"

"Call on all tribes on the mainland to expel them. The Sea Clan also wants to go ashore. I'm afraid they have coveted the mainland!"

"What if the Winged People win?"

"Then you should issue an official decree to apologize. Anyway, the prestige of the empire is already like this."

"Okay, then do as you wish!"


Summer of the Goblin Empire Calendar 1051.

Sophia of Uriel City almost bit her silver teeth to pieces after receiving the decree from the Goblin Emperor Leon Amigel!

"Damn goblin dwarf, how could he say such shameless words!"

She reported the content of this decree to Jiang You on the platinum throne.

Even Jiang You, who had always been calm, fell silent when he saw the Goblin Emperor's will.

"Do the goblins today still regard themselves as the masters of the continent?"

After thinking about it, Jiang You made a decision.

Three days later.


east coast.

Uriel City!

Sophia raised her lava sword high and scolded the goblins for their unfair behavior.

Then, facing the moon in the sky, she declared the independence of the Winged People, no longer subordinate to the Goblin Empire, and established the Winged People Kingdom!

Also called the Kingdom of Losendas!

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