Western Fantasy: I can write unlimited entries

Chapter 124 The so-called choice and freedom

The early days of the new city's establishment will be even busier than before, and no one will have a moment to rest during this period.

Amelia, who was originally in her leisure time, once again participated in management and assisted Joyce in making various arrangements.

Although Ron has already decided on the development direction of the territory, the plan can never keep up with the changes. In the process of promulgating the policy, various small things will always be encountered, which need to be dealt with urgently.

If the current Arnold Territory is different from the past, it is the management organization. Many previous management organizations have been reorganized, or even abolished, and new organizations have been established.

The scope of affairs managed by the new agency and the scope of its powers are clearer, and the people in the territory can quickly find the corresponding agency that can report anything they encounter.

In this way, there is no need to submit applications layer by layer, and processing and response can be quickly made, which greatly saves time and cost.

The most noteworthy thing is that the newly established security team in the city is headed by Byron. It consists of hundreds of knights and former guards, with a total number of five hundred people.

If they want to maintain public security in the city, these people currently cannot truly manage the Miracle City with nearly 100,000 people.

Therefore, Byron has been very busy these days. In order to live up to the lord's task of letting him take on this important task, he often goes into battle himself.

If it was some big event, it would be considered an achievement, but every time it happened it was trivial. When Byron rushed over, the people had already finished the quarrel and gone home.

Because of these things, Byron did not establish any prestige in the security force. Those who were transferred from the guard were not very convinced by him. Of course, they would not disobey orders or obey the command. They would just say a few words behind his back. Such things Inevitable.

On this day, Byron received Marvin, who came over for business at the security team building.

"You look good, so you probably don't look good."

Marvin glanced at Byron's face, and then smiled. The two had a good personal relationship and could also make some small jokes.

Byron personally served Marvin tea, sat down and sighed helplessly, saying, "Mr. Marvin, I hope you can come and help me."

Hearing this, Marvin's face straightened up and his tone became serious, "Have you thought about it? I also know a little about your current situation. If I really come to help you, then your position as captain of the security team will be lost."

When he stopped talking, Byron knew what Marvin meant. He nodded heavily, "My position is not important. I don't want to see the security issues entrusted to me by the lord become a mess."

Marvin took a deep look at him, then smiled and nodded in agreement. Just as Byron showed joy, he spoke again: "However, I can't help you now. The lord has given me a task and I need to go out for some time."

"Oh? I have to go out on a mission."

Marvin smiled and said: "It's not something that can't be discussed. The lord is planning to establish trade relations with various territories. He needs to build roads between various places and let me negotiate."

Byron's expression changed. If commerce is established, the security issues in the territory will require more manpower.

Seeing his expression, Marvin laughed, "Actually, this is why I came to you. I will help you even if you don't tell me."

When Byron looked relaxed, Marvin pointed to his security team captain identity card and said: "Also, the position of security team captain is entrusted to you by the lord and will not be transferred to others. You must remember this. live."

Byron: "Sorry, I said the wrong thing."

His apology refers to the sentence "My position is not important". From another perspective, it is contempt for the authority Ron gave him.

"Haha, let's not talk anymore. Oh, by the way, your tea is not very good. I will ask Mr. Thomas to give you some some other day. His collection is all top quality." Marvin stood up and waved his hand to reject Byron's appearance. deliver.

As the door was closed, Byron picked up his job ID badge and rubbed it with his thumb, feeling unable to calm down for a long time.


Baron's Mansion, drawing room.

Ron received Viscount Gordon and the next successor Michelle here.

"It's a pity that the academy has already started. Marina went to the academy a month ago, otherwise she would have been able to see you."

Michelle sighed with regret, and then congratulated: "Ron, congratulations on establishing Miracle City. We have heard what you said on stage~"

Although it was unclear why Michelle mentioned Marina's matter, Ron responded politely.

"I also heard that uncle is ready to pass the title to you. Is this true for uncle?" Ron looked at Viscount Gordon.

"The territory in my hands has not changed for many years. I want to pass the position of lord to Michelle to see if there will be any changes." Viscount Gordon said truthfully without covering up.

Michelle was stunned and suddenly understood, and said helplessly: "Father, please don't compare me with Ron. No matter what, I can't do what he does."

The establishment of the Miracle City was widely spread throughout the kingdom, and many nobles paid close attention to it. Through analysis, they concluded that it was a feat that could not be replicated.

The mountains blocking the front are the ‘resources’. The territories of other nobles do not have so many resources available to supply the entire city.

Miracle City is different, with a total population of less than 100,000, and it uses less than half of its resources. The excess resources are still being sold externally. This data was analyzed, and everyone was amazed.

But what they don't know is that these resources are only what Ron allows them to see. There are also some resources that they can't see, which are even more valuable and countless.

Purple-quality [Outstanding People] are not that simple. Although there is no inexhaustible supply, it is impossible for these people to use them all.

Ron smiled lightly, looked at Michelle and said, "Are you satisfied with the gift I sent someone?"

He had promised to give gifts to Michelle and Marina before, but he sent someone to deliver them because he was too busy.

"Thank you so much, Ron, your gift is the most satisfactory to me." When talking about this topic, Michelle's unabashed excitement in his words showed that he was indeed very satisfied.

Several people chatted for a long time, and Ron invited the two of them to stay for a dinner. At the banquet, the two of them praised the various delicacies that were served. Many foods they had never seen before entered their mouths, which left a deep impression on everyone. impression.

In order to maintain the aristocratic demeanor, Viscount Gordon and Viscount Gordon did not open their mouths to eat, but they could not talk about chewing slowly.

After a delicious meal, Ron chatted with Viscount Gordon about business.

"Uncle, my territory is planning to form a business group to connect all the territories in the kingdom and build a huge trade market. I wonder if you would like to become a shareholder?"

Ron smiled and both Gordon and his son were stunned.

The next day.

Ron personally sent Gordon and his son off. The conversation last night was very pleasant, and the matter was settled in a few words.

Returning to the carriage of Viscount Gordon, Viscount Gordon, who had been silent for a long time, said: "The Baron is taking care of us. Even without the help of our family, there are many nobles who are willing to give up their interests and participate."

"I know, father." Michelle nodded. He helped handle the affairs of the viscounty and saw many things more clearly than before.

"Alas, our family has always been helped by the Arnold family."

Viscount Gordon was filled with emotion. Michelle was confused and wanted to ask more questions, but Viscount Gordon did not answer.

A few days later, Marquis Alfred came to visit, bringing with him his only daughter, Marquis Theresa's daughter.

After only leaving for a few months, Teresa herself did not expect that Arnold Territory would undergo such a big change, and she was deeply touched by this.

In the living room, Ron received the two of them. Compared to Viscount Gordon who liked to talk about household matters, Marquis Alfred preferred to talk about political affairs. After all, the two had different statuses and classes, and the Marquis had a broader view.

"Baron Arnold, you are truly amazing. Others focus on your powerful knight, but I appreciate your leadership skills even more."

The Marquis said sincerely, but his words made Ron feel embarrassed.

Do I have leadership skills?

How come I don’t know?

Ron pretended to be calm and modestly said that the Marquis had over praised him and that he was not as powerful as he said.

"It doesn't matter if the Baron doesn't want to admit it, I understand."

The Marquis nodded clearly, changed the topic, and asked: "I remember that the Arnold Territory originally had only 30,000 people, but now it has almost exceeded 100,000. Those refugees who came here are unwilling to return to their hometowns and choose to live here. Take root.”

Having said this, the Marquis paused and then asked: "Baron, can you answer this for me? How did you know those people would choose to stay?"

Seeing the burning look in the Marquis' eyes, Ron felt a toothache. When he was thinking about whether to say something perfunctory, the Marquis's voice came, "Baron, please don't perfunctory me."

This old fox is so difficult to deal with.

Next to her, Theresa's eyes flashed, as if a shooting star was passing by. She pursed her lips and stared at Ron closely.

Ron pondered for a moment and said, "Because they have reasons why they can't leave."

He also didn't expect that his well-hidden plot would be discovered by Marquis Alfred.

Something that no one else, not even Amelia, could notice. The refugees had their own hometowns, and Ron never stopped them from going back, but he also didn't give them any other choice.

"Appreciate further details."

Marquis Alfred put on a posture of listening attentively, with an aura that he would not give up until he understood.

"They are all a group of workers at the bottom who are not valued. They are running around for a living every day. They do whatever the lord asks them to do, no matter what."

Ron's expression was incomparably indifferent, and his words also seemed ruthless. This was the first time Theresa saw his expression. In the past, she always had a warm and friendly expression, but now, for some reason, she didn't. She didn't hate it, but there was a throbbing in her heart. She was very confused about her changes.

Ron's voice continued.

"They are also at the bottom, but in Arnold Territory, they are more free and can make their own choices. This city was built by their own hands. Would they still think about leaving a place like this and going to that impersonal homeland?"

Upon hearing Ron's rhetorical question, Marquis Alfred woke up from a dream, his eyes widened and his breathing stagnated.

After a long time, the Marquis breathed out, looked at Ron, and said in a complicated tone: "I have learned a lesson."

"That's an exaggeration. I just know what they need better than the Marquis."

"Choice and freedom? But have you ever thought that that would be a hidden danger?"

Hearing this, Ron smiled lightly and said, "The Marquis seems to have misunderstood. The 'choice' here is the choice of survival, and 'freedom' is the freedom I give you."

Freedom does not mean equality.

In this extraordinary world with clear class divisions, talking about equality is out of your mind, and Ron is a noble himself, so why should he lower himself?

The Marquis understood what he said. The so-called "freedom" was only within the confines of Arnold's territory. Once they left the territory, they could not talk about freedom.

As long as they understand this, they will not have any rebellious mentality. Not only that, but they will also consolidate Ron's position for their own 'freedom'.

By then, whoever dares to harm Ron will be the enemy of all the people in the territory.

Thinking of this, a chill ran down the Marquis's spine. Such a deep city belongs to a sixteen-year-old boy?

"My Lord Marquis, do you still have any doubts in your mind?" Ron asked softly.

".No, not anymore." The Marquis replied cautiously.


Ron glanced at him, feeling strange.

"In that case, may I ask the Marquis a question?"

These words made the Marquis' heart tighten, and he said in a serious tone: "Excuse me."

"How did the Marquis know?"

As a high-ranking princess, Amelia cannot understand the needs of the common people at the bottom. Although she has the purple "chess player" entry related to strategy, that is also a talent.

She has learned a lot from books, is knowledgeable, and has an unrivaled view of the big picture. But he never really came into contact with the lower class civilians.

She knew almost nothing about these trivial matters, so she never discovered Ron's purpose. This was normal, but the Marquis was also a person in a high position, so how did he know about it?

This made Ron very curious.

Later, the Marquis gave an answer that shocked him - too many houses were built.

The original residents of Arnold Territory only numbered over 30,000 people, but the buildings in Miracle City were built for 100,000 people. This is unreasonable!

When it comes to the details, it has to be you, my lord, the Marquis.

Ron sighed in his heart. After the two continued chatting for a while, Ron invited them to stay for a dinner. The specifications of the dishes were still the same as Viscount Gordon's, very sumptuous and luxurious.

The time comes at night.

At the dining table, Teresa took a bite and said in surprise: "Irene's cooking skills have improved so much."

The Marquis on the side glanced at his daughter and said nothing.

Ron chuckled: "Can Miss Theresa taste it?"

Teresa knew she was being rude, so she smiled apologetically and said, "Miss Irene's cuisine is very stylish, so you can definitely taste it."

Ron didn't care much about her sudden change, but Teresa listened attentively when he talked about some interesting things that happened in the mansion.

When it was said that the chef was so shocked by Irene's incident that he wanted to resign and go home, but it was Egbert who persuaded the chef to return, Teresa couldn't help laughing, and the next second She shyly stretched out her hand to cover her mouth.

Seeing that the effect was achieved, Ron stopped teasing the other party and ended the dinner peacefully.

The Marquis knew that his daughter still had a lot to talk to Ron, so he left first to rest.

"There are so many changes here."

Teresa sighed, and there seemed to be a trace of sadness hidden in her words. Ron glanced at her and said with a smile: "Master Colin has built the inner lake. I will take you to see it."

"Is that Master Colin who was the first to resign to the Alfred family?" Teresa squinted.

These words made Ron a little embarrassed. Later he learned that all the experts from the Alfred family had resigned from their employers and joined him.

"I was joking, who told you to tease me at the dinner party!" Seeing that Ron didn't speak, Theresa hurriedly explained.

As soon as the words came out, Teresa realized that her tone seemed wrong again, and this time the two of them were in an awkward situation.

It was Ron who broke the silent atmosphere. He said: "Come on, I will take you to see it. After you finish watching, you can go to Eileen and the others. They were very excited when they heard that you were coming."

The two of them walked quietly to the lake in the east courtyard. Teresa stood by the lake, but she didn't feel the slightest bit happy.

Although the lake illuminated by the moon was beautiful, it could not soothe her uneasy heart.

After a long time, Theresa said: "Baron Arnold, you can't promise Yuri."

The words died here, and Ron looked at her doubtfully. Theresa's face turned pale, she shook her head and said, "No, it's nothing. Please forget what I said."

She actually wanted to say not to agree to Miss Ulyas's engagement invitation, but if she really said it, Teresa would only feel ashamed. This was not what a noble would do, and she would lose the dignity that a noble should have. .

"Sorry, please forgive me for being rude."

After saying that, Theresa hurriedly left to find Irene and the others.

Ron stood there, looked up at the night sky, and then looked down at the lake. Although there was a reflection in the lake, it was not real.

It is ultimately untouchable.

The House of the Marquis of Noches.

Two figures in black clothes sat opposite each other, with plain expressions on their faces. It was not difficult to tell that they were a father and daughter.

Marquis Noches said calmly: "You cannot become the mistress of the Arnold family."

Directly across from her, Urieis's expression didn't change at all. She said calmly: "I can be a concubine."

Hearing this, Marquis Noches did not show any anger, but said calmly: "Don't say it's a concubine, even if you want to be a lover, you can't."

After hearing this, Uriais's expression finally changed. She pursed her lips and asked, "Why?"

"Because he is from the Arnold family and you are from the Noches family."

Marquis Nochis's answer puzzled Eurias even more. Could it be that there was a family grudge between the two families that she didn't know about?

Oops, why is this? Tsk tsk.

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