"Stepping on the Heavenly Palace!!"

With a wave of his big hand, the Bull Demon King took out a flag with the secret patterns of the Seven Great Sages on it. It was a flag specially made for this operation.

Hundreds of thousands of little monsters were all excited when they saw the Bull Demon King pull out the flag, and they were going to level the Heaven Court!

It really has reached the peak of the demon life!

One by one, the blood was surging in his brain, and he couldn't wait to kill the sky right away to see what the heaven was like.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Stepping on the Heavenly Palace!"

Seeing the bull devil go on the way like this, the little demon below is also excited.

The Lion and Camel behind the Bull Demon looked at each other with the Peng Demon King.

"Man! It's done!"

"If you want to come, Bodhisattva won't tell me to wait!"


"Just wait to kill the heavenly palace to get a big chance!"

"Haha! Very good, very good!"

The two secretly transmitted voices in private, and they were also very excited. The drawings and the rhetoric of the Bull Demon King were all accounted by the Peng Demon King.

The lion camel king also repeatedly assured that the six great saints came to the door.

"Amitābha! Good! Good!"

In the void above Huaguo Mountain, Manjusri Bodhisattva stepped on the lotus platform, seeing this scene with his hands clasped together, he was very happy.

"This Manjusri really has a set!"

"Ha ha!"

In Lingshan Leiyin Temple, Buddha Tathagata looked at the picture of Huaguo Mountain in front of him with great joy.

Guanyin Bodhisattva smiled rarely when he watched from the sidelines. He didn't expect that he completed the task in just two days.

This second mission of learning from the Scriptures, Monkey King Sun Wukong, finally moved on to a normal trajectory.

The other two have not made any mistakes so far.

Only the reincarnation of the golden cicada is still missing.

However, as long as the golden cicada appeared, Journey to the West could act immediately.


Huaguo Mountain.

"All the demons listen to the order! Follow our soldiers to send Nantianmen!"

After the bull devil finished speaking, he waved the flag in his hand.

"Go to Heaven Court! Go to Heaven Court!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The little demons shouted overwhelmingly.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

All the demon kings acted, and all the little demon also stood in the dark, with black wind on the soles of their feet, and followed the demon king.

Soon, the black clouds covering the sky and the sun filled the heaven.

Soon after the demons flew, they could already vaguely see the magnificent heavenly palace.

Sun Wukong followed the demon kings, looked at the little demon behind him who couldn't see the edge, and looked at the direction of the green bamboo forest.

The eyes were full of panic.

"Lao Niu! Lao Niu!"

"You come with me!"

Sun Wukong took the bull demon king aside, and there was no one around.

The Bull Demon looked at Sun Wukong like this, with all his doubts on his face.

Did your hericium take the wrong medicine or your brain broke?

Why are you so scared before you reach Heaven Court?

That little broom star, Heaven Court's informant said it was just an ordinary immortal who couldn't be more ordinary.

"What are you going to say?"

The Bull Demon looked at Sun Wukong impatiently. It was indeed that the monkey head was too abnormal.

"Niu Dage! That broom star is really a quasi-sage! There are so many of us, and they can solve it for us with a slap!"

Sun Wukong was straightforward and said directly.


Is this again? The Bull Demon was so angry that his lungs exploded when he heard this.

Are you afraid that it's not crazy?

You monkey, your brain is really broken, you are afraid of a fart!

If you are afraid of this and that, you just say you are afraid!

Don't talk about broom stars all day long!

If you want to say that you are too sage, I still believe in me. You can also take a big man as an example. The broom star hasn't cultivated a true fairy for eighty thousand years. Do you treat me as a fool?

Was it my old cow ignorant or was your monkey brain broken?

You lie and don't look in the mirror. Who do you think will believe it?

Is Zhunsheng the Chinese cabbage on the side of the road? Can you cultivate it casually?

Look at the gods at Heaven Court, who haven't heard of anyone who has cultivated to a quasi-sage for thousands of years?

Since ancient times, the two hands and feet of the quasi-sage are not enough to count, right?

Although there is Jade Emperor and Taishang Laojun in this Heaven Court, people don't want to go up and die, right?

Are you afraid of me?

Where's your brain? If you were a quasi saint, would you be a little broom star?

If the broom star was a quasi-sage, Heaven Court would have been regarded as a guest of honor, and became the third giant. Would you still f*ck sweep the floor?

"Niu Dage! I really don't want to go!"

"In this way! I will use my incarnation for a while to beat the gongs and drums for you to strengthen morale!"

"I really can't go to Heaven Court!"

Sun Wukong saw the mocking look on the Bull Demon King's face, and was not angry, and continued to speak.



"You said you were timid, I won't drag you here!"

The Bull Demon really wanted to catch this Monkey King at this moment.

Even if I'm timid, I'm still talking nonsense.

Don't you dare to go to the palace, and make up such naive reasons to fool me?

It's been two days, and I've said it no less than 80 times. It's really the same as f*ck.

Why is the broom star so powerful, I believe you a ghost!

My old cow knows now, you are a coward!


"You coward!"

"I want to see how powerful the broom star is. If he is a quasi-sage, then your monkey is my own father."

After talking coldly, the Bull Demon didn't want to pay attention to this boring and timid monkey anymore, so he continued to return to the team.

"keep going!"

The Bull Demon returned to the front of the team and waved his big hand.


Heaven Court, Ling Xiao Palace.

The Jade Emperor was wearing a golden robe and a jade diadem on his head, looking down at the messenger who had reported information.

The two rows of immortal classes are divided into left and right rows. Tota Uranus, Wuqu Xingjun, Taibai Jinxing, etc. are all in the forefront.

Everyone has just learned about the movement of Huaguo Mountain.

The seven demon kings, headed away from their nests, are coming toward the Heaven Court mightily, obviously the one who came is not good.

Will monsters come to Heaven Court as a guest?

"Dear Aiqing, now the demon kings of Huaguo Mountain are coming menacingly!"

"What are the clever schemes of the Qing family?"

The Jade Emperor pondered for a long while, watching the fairy officials below speak.

"Enlighten Your Majesty, please lead one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals to annihilate the demon outside the Nantian Gate!"

Wu Qu Xingjun was the first to stand up.

"Your Majesty, the Weichen is also willing to lead the heavenly soldiers and generals to kill the demons!"

As soon as Wu Qu Xingjun finished speaking, Li Tianwang also took a step forward.

"Xingjun Wu Qu, Heavenly King Tota, you two are wrong!"

"It's been observed that demon is not rare. When you go out and fight with them, there will definitely be fish that slip through the net."

"And the heavenly soldiers and generals will also damage a lot..."

Taibai Jinxing said, looking at the Jade Emperor.

"Your Majesty! Do you remember the previous attacks by the Demon King?"

"I'm afraid these demon have ulterior motives. The Bull Demon King and others are not weak, they are all demon kings."

"The minister feels that because he was taking the lead to kill him everywhere, he sent someone to investigate the details of the monsters!"

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