We’ve traveled through Tokyo, who still wants to simulate love?

Chapter 18 The inner defenses were pried open

Looking at Ishihara Rina's cute emoticons, Asaha Kazama suddenly felt like she was in another world.

He shook his head and typed a line of words seriously:

"Hey, did I add the wrong person? Sorry, sorry, I thought it was a young lady I know!"

"Hehe, it's okay. Occasionally I add the wrong stranger (laughing)"

Qian Yu Kazama touched his chin.

In the previous simulations, the latest time he would come into contact with Ishihara Rina would be a year later.

He did not expect that at this point in time, Ishihara Rina did not seem to be as difficult to contact as he imagined.


Could it be because of that "destined" three-stroke and six-hole match?

In the fourth simulation, Ishihara Rina apparently almost took the most crucial step to save the old lady and her daughter from Xiaoshangchao.

Although she retreated when the critical moment came, it at least meant that she had not yet experienced the isolation of living alone for a year.

There was a light in his eyes.

[Maybe it’s because Ishihara Rina hasn’t completely drowned in the dark corner yet. You find that she can at least communicate with others now, so you decide...]

[①Hey, big sister is very free anyway, come and chat with me]

[②You are still on Twitter at this time, sister, do you not have a boyfriend?]

[③There is no one to play with me, so my sister can be my toy]

【④Free simulation】

Asaba Kazama: 6!

Where did this female imp appear?

Oops, it turns out to be me!

Damn it, am I a person with such a personality? Isn’t this an insult to someone’s innocence? !

He thought for a moment and made a decision.

Ishihara Rina is not a hentai elder sister who wants to hold him down and ravage him wantonly. In other words, if she had the courage, she would not have made no progress in the previous simulations.

③ Not to mention the option, unless he directly kills Ishihara Rina offline, beats her hard, and lets her be his little hook, otherwise this option is directly the answer to death.

Choose ①!

The memory scene unfolds.

Qian Yufengjian thought for a moment and sent a message:

"Hey, sister seems to be very free. It's fate that I can join you. Do you want to come and chat with me?"

"Hey, but I'm not familiar with you."

"It's okay. If you're not familiar with it, you can get to know it. I just took a look. Sister, what you shared a year ago was Tokyo Sky Tree. Sister, do you live in Tokyo?"

"Ah, what's wrong?"

"I'm living in Tokyo temporarily. Hey, maybe we live very close and can go to the arcade!"

"()(._.`)I'm a rotten NEET. I live in an abandoned house in Heisei and can't go out."

As Asaba Kazama expected, Ishihara Rina directly chose to refuse.

If this guy was really so easy to deal with, he wouldn't have been unable to see her before.

This guy must first let his guard down.

Asa Yu Kazama decisively changed her strategy and began to suffer miserably.

"Sister, are you going to reject me too? I thought I could make a few friends through the Internet, but I'm alone in Tokyo and I have no friends."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hate you!"

"But didn't my sister reject me?"

In the memory scene split into two, in Ishihara Rina's dim little room, the girl bit her thumbnail.

Judging from her appearance, she seemed a little confused.

Asaba Kazama struck while the iron was hot and said, "Sister, don't be embarrassed, I'm used to it."

These words instantly broke Ishihara Rina's guard.

The experiences she had experienced since she was a child and how she was afraid of society came pouring out, as if someone was holding her throat, making it impossible for her to breathe.

When she came back to her senses, she found that she had already sent the message: "It's not like we can't be friends!"

Qian Yufengma laughed loudly.

After all, Rina-chan couldn't resist the request of someone who was suffering from the same disease!

The poor person who hugs each other for warmth is the persona he has set for himself.

Obviously, Rina Ishihara loves this.

[The cunning you used empathy as a sharp sword to pierce Ishihara Rina's heart wall, and you and Ishihara Rina became friends]

[The chat topics between you have begun to increase. Based on the experience of the previous simulations, you know that Ishihara Rina has always been reading light novels, so you take the initiative to bring the topic in this direction]

"Sister, do you know the book "Sister Sister Game" that is very popular recently? All my friends are like this."

As expected, Rina Ishihara took the bait: "Hahaha, there are many people in the circle I follow, and the home delivery service also sent me a book yesterday."

"Hey, I bought a copy yesterday and read it until three in the morning. This novel is quite interesting."

"I'm about the same as you. I stayed up late yesterday to read this, but the author really likes to write about it."

"I think it's okay. It's not as bitter as the Otome novel. But if a girl stays up late reading a novel, will she lose energy the next day?"

"(Maomao blushes.jpg) It's okay if I say it, after all, I don't go out now."

"Sister, don't you have to go to school?"

"I'm what you call a NEET, the one who is hopeless."

"No, I think my sister is pretty good at talking. Is it because you don't want to go to school for some reason? It's not because you're being bullied. Bullying is quite serious in schools now."

Rina Ishihara looked at the words sent by Asaba Kazama, and little JIOJIO grabbed the chair.

He is still helping me find excuses, and he is quite nice!

What a little angel!

So she replied: "There are indeed some reasons, but you should still be a student, don't you have any friends in school?"

Asaha Kazama laughed softly. It was a good thing that Ishihara Rina was willing to understand her situation.

Once a crack is torn in the closed heart wall, the crack will become wider and wider as time goes by, and surging emotions will flood everything like a tide. This is not something Ishihara Rina can control.

He replied: "Because I came to Tokyo from Kumamoto Prefecture to study. It's a bit lonely here alone. Moreover, I often went to the hospital in the past few years. It is only recently that my health has recovered a lot."

Rina-chan: "Hey, are you not feeling well?"

"It's a thing of the past. Because I often went to the hospital, I didn't have many friends at school. Yesterday afternoon, I was hated by some people because I saved people."

In front of the computer, Ishihara Rina paused while shaking her head and held her breath.

[You told me about your courageous act, and the time and place were exactly right. This aroused Rina Ishihara's suspicion. She tried to wait for you to tell you about it, but you were cunning and deliberately changed the topic]

[Ishihara Rina really wanted to ask you, but you deliberately didn’t tell her and instead changed the topic to light novels]

The memory scene unfolds.

""Sister Game" is really interesting. After reading it, I want to start writing an article... Well, I'll do it as soon as I think of it. I'll submit it to Dengeki Bunko tonight!"

"Eh? Do you want to write a novel too?"

"What's wrong, Rina-san, do you want to write too?"

"o(^`)oActually, it's not me, it's a friend of mine."

"Is the friend you are talking about yourself?"

"No, her name is Lily-chan, a very cute girl!"

"Do I look good? (picture.jpg)"

Asaha Kazama raised her phone without hesitation, took a selfie and sent it.

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