This calyx beast already has a certain IQ, and seems to be a bit smarter than the original animation. After a few short fights with Xiao Yan and the others, it seems that he can already judge that he can't get any benefits, immediately Just climb up the pillar.

At this time, the calyx beast had already opened a large opening in its abdomen, and the turbid and viscous liquid inside fell down the pillar, which looked a lot weaker.

But this is not the calyx beast in the normal world map, so Xiaozhen and the others can't see its health bar.

It can only be played by guessing.

The calyx beast's climbing speed is not fast, life is like a bone in the hand of a tea, emitting a faint blue light, and an attack like a falling meteor is directly above the head of the calyx.

Then, the meteor smashed five times like raindrops from above, and each of them fell heavily on the calyx beast. The calyx beast roared and tried harder to crawl upward.

"Don't let it escape, or it will recover after a while." A plot character called out the lines of the original film.

This line appeared in the original film because the Calyx beast's belly was full of the second team. The hunters couldn't let it run like this, otherwise they would not be able to save the second team.

But now the calyx beast not only has no second team in its belly, but also has a big opening. It crawls while waiting for it to recover. Therefore, the lines become like this.

Therefore, even the lines of the characters in the plot have changed, and the whole plot should not be able to pull back.

"Hey, don't care if it escapes or not! You first..." Xiaoyue kicked and kicked away in the plot of the original animation film. Because of chasing up, he was shot back by a bone spur and stuck on the wall behind him. , The hunter who sacrificed on the spot.

The bone spur that came by flying past the face of the hunter, scared him to stand in place for three seconds without responding.

The other hunters also found the problem!

"There are epiphytic species..."

"Be careful, these Extreme Devouring Beasts actually disguise."

"Follow him, come and fight!"

The heavy three-dimensional headed by Captain Mark is at the forefront. The high-attack thermal weapons in their hands can still deal a heavy blow to the pan-generic polar eater that emerges from the dark. The firearms on board can only serve as interference.

At this time, thorn eels appeared in various places from the corridors, stairs, windows on the third and fourth floors!

The entire collection point was filled with the gloomy light flashing from the thorn eel and the extremely fast bone spurs. Xiao Yan yelled at the hunters: "What are you doing? Read the lines!"

In the original film, there is a line saying "retreat, avoid their bone spurs", but that is because Captain Mark is not here, so the squad leader gave instructions to retreat, but because Xiaozhen and the others changed the plot... …

Captain Mark appeared in the battle early.

Therefore, no one shouted the line of "retreat", and of course no waste hunter retreated!

Now in this map scene, a vast number of spiny eels are refreshed, and the sentence "It is twice as large as the original film" in life is like tea, and their watch pops up a reminder of [Spider eel]...but this reminder, It looked like a mockery instead.

If they haven't changed the plot, then, what they have to do here is just to kill the thorn eels that are more than the original animation.

However, the plot changed, so many thorn eels were brushed, but the hunters did not leave, and there were only five players who entered the egg card. Even if you look at the six directions and listen to all directions, it is impossible to save everyone. .

"Hey, why are you doing this?! Withdraw, isn't this a death?!" The purple sweet potato dumpling looked at the bone spurs one after another, and plunged into the chests and heads of the hunters, although most hunters They all wear armors, but those armors are just like paper paste in front of the polar-chewer beast. A bone spur that flies from the thorn eel at a high speed can easily penetrate the armor and then stick with force. Penetrate the skin, drill into the flesh...take their lives.

"Where's Captain Mark? Captain Mark... leave it to us here, and you can take someone to evacuate!" Concubine Yun, who had just rushed back, was also anxious at the sight of the scene, "We have the ability to break."

"Nonsense." Captain Mark answered them with two words.

So angry Xiaozhen immediately wanted to stun Captain Mark with an axe and get rid of him.

Captain Mark, as the commander of this wilderness hunter, is definitely impossible for Xiaozhen and the others to lead the team to retreat first after a few breaks. It is impossible to even think about it with their toes.

"So," Dongmen City turned to look at Chen Qian and asked, "Is this the result of changing the plot?"

"Well, the second team in the original film was destroyed, and it became the complete destruction of the entire hunter team including Captain Mark. 4068 became the biggest winner." Chen Qian answered with a sip of tea.

"Dog system." Dongmencheng cursed.


The calyx beast is an epiphytic species of polar eating beasts. The continuous attack of thorn eels far exceeds Xiaoyan and their estimates, although for their players, they can kill a low eel with just one skill. The level-eating beasts and the bone spurs of the thorn eel can't break the defenses of Xiao Yan and their immortal armor, but there are too many thorn eels that can't stand the thorn eel, and the line of sight is very disturbing.

After the calyx beast recovered from the wound, it also rushed towards them, with two small eyes on its head and waist shining with red fierce light. It stood on the ground, looking at them condescendingly, as if laughing at them. The self-defeating.

"Dead!" With red eyes, Xiao Zhen waved the battle axe in her hand, her long hair flew, and a sharp blue light shot straight at the axe blade from her hand. With the turbulent attack of the skill, only the afterimage of the battle axe cut in from the abdomen of the calyx beast, and pierced through the back of the calyx beast with a swish, even if they could not see the blood bars, they could feel this one. Calyx beast should have lost a lot of blood.

There is no health bar without a health bar. Regardless of the trajectory, he quickly went up the stairs, and then jumped down from the sky with the Tang knife in his hand. The light Tang knife plunged into the top of the calyx beast's head. When the calyx beast wanted to swallow people, it pierced through it. On the upper and lower jaws, he only used an attack acceleration skill, and the blade pierced its head one at a time.

Calyx beast finally got angry.

The sharp sound waves are clearer than the original animated film, and they are already at a level that human ears can clearly hear, and such mental attacks echoed in the hall of the collection point several times, and it is considered that Xiaozhen and the track are both In a state of chaos.

"Calyx beast has become stronger?" Life is like tea and shouted to his teammates.

"...Impossible?" Dongmencheng replied from outside. Apart from seeing the sonic attack of the Calyx beast, there were some changes, but he didn't obviously feel that it was much stronger than the normal Calyx beast.

"Teeth! This calyx beast has grown two new teeth." Life is like a tea. He glanced at his watch, the system did not show the details, but he has already received it in his eyes. "It is now better than the calyx in the original animation. The beast has two more teeth."

"Uh..." Dongmen City can't say what this means, maybe it just has two more teeth, but it may indeed mean that this calyx beast has become stronger after they changed the plot.

After all, the Calyx beast in the original animation has to deal with a group of wild hunters with negligible combat power. Pinching them to death is as easy as squeezing the ants, but the Calyx beast now faces a group of cannibals... The monster that eats the polar beast!

Don't stay strong, wait to die?

"Sure enough, if you move one detail, everything in the back has changed..." Concubine Yun was caught by the calyx beast whose movement speed suddenly increased. She picked up a foot and threw it into her mouth.

This calyx beast even gave Concubine Yun a round in his mouth, and then snapped it off with a click, chewed a few more times, and grinded it with two newly grown teeth to make sure it was broken. It was impossible to swallow it and then resurrect, and then screamed at Xiao Yan and the others with satisfaction!

As expected, it is a wise metamorphosis-type Extreme Devouring Beast!

Seeing that the situation was not right, he stopped being greedy for more quickness. Since he could be rescued by inhaling into his stomach, he would simply chew and chew before swallowing it!

And Xiaoyue and Life are like tea. They recovered from the chaos and saw the appearance of Concubine Yun's tragic death in front of them. The Calyx beast sneered from his nose...

Then, pooh.

Concubine Yun's bone scum was spit out.

"..." Concubine Yun, who had returned to the resident medical clinic, scratched her head pale, "I am the first wilderness hunter to be killed by an extremely devouring beast in 13 years in the spirit cage... ?"

Xiaozhen and the others have a temper, but don't the Calyx beasts have a temper? Isn't it true that the metamorphosis-type polar biting beast is not a human being?

Of course The calyx beast's level is still ten levels lower than that of Xiaoyan and others. With level suppression, they can't beat Xiaoyan and the others, but even if they die, they have to give out evil, and they can take it. How to do?

"Do you still want to run?" Seeing the severely injured Calyx beast blooming its petal-like fleshy wings, trying to escape, Xiao Yan slashed on its waist with an axe, the heavy black axe light with explosive skills The power of the calyx beast at once did not even have the power to stand up. The calyx beast, which is dying, is constantly changing various skills to try to delay the time of death for himself. However, it cannot be compared with everyone in the Lingyuan era. It fought against it, and finally died under Xiao Yan's battle axe...

The calyx beast in the egg card was killed. The biggest difference from the calyx beast in the wild is that its death appears to be particularly empty-mainly because it is empty and not bursting.

The scene seemed to quiet down suddenly, there was no gunshots and fighting sounds, only corpses all over the floor and heavy three-dimensional wreckage remained.

And Xiaozhen, who was out of the battle, suddenly returned to normal at a height of more than two meters, as if she suddenly became a lot smaller, and she didn't say a word, and she looked at the whole scene in a daze.

"Uh, the head of the team won't cry as soon as he wows." Dongmen City looked worriedly at their perspective and said.

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