What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become An Immortal?

Chapter 268 'Beat' Shangzi Mansion

If it was before, Chen Feihua would definitely not have made this choice.

After all, how miserable were they when they were in the secret territory? It's like a street rat, everyone shouts and beats it, but it still smells so bad that no one wants to get close to it.

but now……

There is no way, they have to go to the Holy Land of Zifu to ask for an explanation! With only a hundred or so people like myself, how can we ask for an explanation?

Although even if these tens of thousands of people are released together, it is impossible to beat them, but they represent several holy places and a large number of first- and second-rate sects of cultivating immortals.

What's more, Chen Feihua has an intuition.

That is, with the style of Qi Zixiao's LYB team, these "fellow daoists" trapped in the formation must have already done it, and they stink out of character.

It might be even worse than myself, so why would they dislike each other?

"Quick, help, break through at full speed!"

After Chen Feihua gave an order, many Taiyi disciples began to ponder.

If you are trapped in the formation, it is not so easy to break the formation, but if you break the formation from the outside and cooperate with the inside and outside, it is different.

Therefore, within three hours, the formation was declared broken.


A thunderous explosion sounded far away, and nearly 50,000 people appeared in Wuyang Wuyang on the Heishuize that was empty a second ago!

Not only that, but accompanied by them, there is also an incomparable stench...

Perhaps, everyone was 'injured' by 'biochemical weapons', and the smell on their bodies is not much different, but... the concentration is also a huge problem!

Is the stink from a hundred people the same as the stink from nearly 50,000 people?


In an instant, I don't know how many people vomited, and they vomited crazily.

"Qi Zixiao!!!"


The Buddha vomited wildly and roared angrily: "I will not share the sky with you, what happened today, I will definitely let you pay back ten times, vomit..."

It's not just him, too many monks are roaring at this moment.

"Qi Zixiao, you really are not a son of man!"

"She was originally a woman... so what about a woman? She is simply not the queen!"

"This kind of action is really true. It's too insidious. How can a dignified saint make such a bad move?!"

"It's nothing more than snatching our magic weapon, but you still use such a stench to disgust us, it's just, I'm so angry, ahhh!"

"Why does the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion allow this kind of witch to be a saint? Could it be that the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion is no longer available?!"

"That... don't you know that this is the tradition of the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion? Their last saint, I heard from the master, that style is simply excessive and urgent!"


"What should we do now?!"

"Naturally, I went to the door to ask for an explanation, and to return the treasure I was waiting for!"

"Yes, let's go together!"

"There are so many people, there is enough pressure just now, let her speak up and return the treasure we are waiting for."

"That being the case, fellow daoists, let's go together, vomit..."

In addition to cursing, many monks also discussed in a few words, and they wanted to go to the Holy Land of Zifu together and ask Qi Zixiao for an explanation.

Afterwards, they even promoted three of them, Chen Feihua from the Holy Land of Taiyi, Buddhist disciples from the Wanfo Sect, and Xu Yang, the leading disciple from the Holy Land of Dayan, as the principals.

After all, with so many people, there must always be a few masters.

The three of them are all from the Holy Land, and among them, Chen Feihua and Xu Yang are monks in the Void Refinement Stage, and their strength is strong enough.

Although Fozi's cultivation level is not high, but what he is showing off is lip service, and he is also from the Holy Land, so it is natural and reasonable to have him as the principal.

No sooner had they set out, however, than a problem arose.

"Amitabha, Master Xu, can you please stay away from me?"

A group of nearly 50,000 people gathered together at this moment, the strong smell was simply... appalling!

The Buddha couldn't bear it any longer.

"Why?" Xu Yang was a little upset: "I'm right here!"

"Can't you smell the stink?"

The Buddha is earnest.

"Can't you close your five senses and close your eyes? That way, you won't be able to smell it naturally."

"Then you can't smell it, but if you close your eyes and your five senses, you can only use your spiritual sense to find the way and communicate."

"Didn't you find out? Sensing with spiritual sense will only make it smell worse! Especially now that tens of thousands of people gather together?!"


Xu Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then he also reacted.

Yes, now comes the problem.

What was before him, and everyone else, was a choice.

Should I choose to close my senses of smell, taste, etc., then close my eyes, and use my spiritual sense to explore everything I'm going forward.

Or restrain your consciousness and look at the road with your eyes?

The smell sensed by the divine sense was even more 'unforgettable'.

But when you open your eyes, you will definitely be so hot that you will burst into tears...

No choice is right!

But I still have to continue to make choices...

Xu Yang didn't say a word, and silently moved away from the main army, then withdrew his consciousness and opened his eyes...

Seeing this, Chen Feihua followed suit.

Who would make the smell a little 'nicer', and who would want to stay in a smellier place?

Unless you have any special hobbies.

Apparently, they didn't.

Therefore, none of the 50,000 monks dared to get too close.

At the same time, they were divided into 'two factions'.

One of them, with their eyes closed, hurried on their way frantically.

The other 'group' closed their own consciousness and looked at things with both eyes, but this group's eyes were red and tears flowed sideways.

It's a pity that they have no way to change all this, they can only endure it silently, and at the same time, they are full of anger in their hearts.

"Qi Zixiao!!!"

"This matter will definitely let you give an explanation."

"I can't finish with you!!!"


They are all monks above the Nascent Soul stage, so their speed is not too slow, and they arrived near the outer gate of the Holy Land of Zifu in less than half a day.


Several outer disciples who were doing some internal tasks suddenly smelled a vague smell.

"What smell?"

They stopped, wondering, took a deep breath, and...


The face is green!

This inhalation, I don't know what kind of smell I inhaled, at this moment, I only feel my brain buzzing, and my brain hurts!

He even thought that his brain had been smashed several times with a sledgehammer that smelled like a big sledgehammer, and he was almost stupid!

"Ouch, motherfucker, it stinks!"

"Who the hell is farting? Hurry up, or I will never end with you!"

"It stinks, vomit!"

Several people immediately cursed loudly, and even accused each other, yelling at each other for farting, smelling like a bird.

Until, the sound of piercing the air sounded one after another in the distance, as if it was about to rush over in the next moment. The most amazing thing was that the smell of smashing the brain became more and more intense!

The few of them are all outer disciples, and their status is not high. Generally speaking, it is naturally not their turn to decide this kind of matter, but at this moment, they are all angry.

Especially after seeing clearly that the other party was not wearing Zifu's clothes and not a Zifu disciple, he cursed even more.


"Stop coming!"

"Who the hell are you guys? How dare you trespass on the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion? Ugh... Looking for it, can't you find death? Ugh!"

"Get out!"

"Ah, what the hell, my eyes, they smell so hot! Get out, you motherfuckers, or don't blame us for hurting people!"

They are angry!

What happened to the outer disciples?

The disciples of the outer sect are also the disciples of the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion, who are you motherfuckers, you guys? With such a horrible stench, rushing to the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion?

What's the matter? Do you want our entire Purple Mansion Holy Land to be filled with this stench?

Thinking of this possibility, they were almost scared to pee!

This smell is really, really bad.

They even suspected that if they didn't have a little body protection, they would be stinking to death from this smell!

"Come down!"

"Get out!"

"Or I'll kill you!"

They were crying, retching, and cursing.

At the same time, more outer disciples were alarmed...

It's not that they want to be alarmed, but that Te Niang's stink is so stinky that they can't ignore it.

As soon as the results came out, I saw a large group of people who were black and white, and there were so many carrion birds following in the distance...

What are the carrion birds doing?

Those who specialize in eating carrion, these things, the more smelly they are, the more they like them.

And now, at the end of the line of sight, how many scavenging birds are there?

"Could they have attracted all the carrion birds from the entire Eastern Wasteland?"

"This is too scary!"

"Quick, go tell Senior Brother!"

"Don't tell me, my mother is almost stinking to death, don't say anything, immediately activate the security formation, stop them outside, enemy attack, enemy attack!!!!"

The senior brother of the outer sect, who was in charge of many things, almost vomited out the last night's meal at this moment, yelling frantically for enemy attacks, and activated the security formation immediately, blocking all the people and carrion birds in the sky from the outer gate...

They can't fly in.

But even if the calculations are so, the terrifying smell is still 'coming', causing a large number of outer disciples to crook their mouths and look terrified, and they don't dare to stay here any longer, they all retreat...

"Who the hell are you motherfuckers?!"

The senior brother in charge here felt that he was about to be smoked to death, but he couldn't leave, so he had to bite the bullet and go to the sky, separated by thousands of meters from the large group of people, and angrily reprimanded: "No, you are so fucking stupid!" What the hell are they?!"

"Why do you come to harm my holy land of Zifu? Could it be that you want to die?"

"If you are sensible, hurry up and roll, as far as you can, if not!!!!"

"Yes, get out!"

"disappear as far as you can!"

I don't know how many outer disciples are cursing madly at this moment.

This nima really stinks!


On the opposite side, Chen Feihua, Fozi, Xu Yang and many other monks were furious.

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