What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become An Immortal?

Chapter 291 Meet the Heavenly Master~

As a policeman, Wu Guodong didn't know what the ultimate goal of 'Lin Fan' was, so he was worried.

But as a friend, he felt that Lin Fan didn't seem like someone who would do bad things, so he had to add his own subjective opinion to this report!

Under normal circumstances, such reports from subordinates to superiors, especially analysis reports, basically cannot add their own subjective opinions.

Because, this will give the superior a kind of 'Are you teaching me to do things? 'a feeling of.

The best way is to only talk about data and objective facts, and analyze the results.

But this time, Wu Guodong decided to make an exception...


The first sentence of the report gradually emerged on the computer screen.

"According to my analysis, Lin Fan will not endanger society and national security. The reasons are as follows..."


On Longhu Mountain, Tianshi Mansion.

Lin Zixiao arrived leisurely, looking at the Taoist temple that has been passed down for nearly two thousand years, even she was a little surprised.

"Dao rhyme is full..."

"This, I'm afraid it's not just a dao rhyme that can be gathered by the way of cultivation."

The "Tao" of Taoism is divided into Taoism and Taoism.

Taoism refers to Taoist classics such as the Tao Te Ching, and art can be described as supernatural powers.

Although there is no trace of Taoism in Longhu Mountain now, Lin Zixiao is almost sure that many years ago, there were definitely people who practiced Taoism in the Tianshi Mansion of Longhu Mountain.

"So, how did this Taoism break the inheritance?"

"Thousands of years ago, did it disappear with the exhaustion of spiritual energy?"

She couldn't help guessing.

But if this is the case, why did the aura of the earth disappear?

In Tianshi Mansion, Taoism permeates.

At this moment, the true essence in Lin Zixiao's body seemed to resonate with it...




That is, at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

In the Tianshi Mansion, the ancient clock hanging high suddenly made a sound of its own accord, which spread throughout the Tianshi Mansion, causing everyone to look sideways at it.

Be it the tourists or the disciples of the Tianshi Mansion, they were all stunned.

"Why did the ancient clock ring by itself?"

"Is it the wind?"

"Nonsense, do you feel the wind?"

"In previous years, even when the wind was the strongest, the ancient clock never rang by itself. What the hell..."

They don't understand, they just feel surprised.


Zhang Xuanzhi, the contemporary old celestial master who was originally taking a nap, got up from the bed in an instant, and then rushed out of the room, his body was so flexible that it was ridiculous!

Immediately, he came to the courtyard and looked at the thousand-year-old clock hanging on the old tree.


The ancient clock is still ringing.

Everyone is talking.

Henry Zhang's expression was completely frozen at this moment...

He remembered that when he took over as a celestial master, the previous celestial master was in front of the hospital bed, retreating to the left and right, very weak and telling the secret to himself alone.

"The third generation of celestial masters left a legacy, asking me and other celestial masters to pass it down. After more than a thousand years, when the ancient clock chimes, it will be the day when the prosperous age will reopen... At that time, a young man will come ..."

What are you doing here?


Before he finished speaking, the old celestial master of the previous generation passed away.

After so many years, Henry Zhang almost forgot these words.

The ancient clock chiming?

He had never seen such a situation when he grew up in Tianshi Mansion! After all, an ancient clock is not a bell!

The bell was shaken by the strong wind, and maybe it would ring a few times by itself, but how could the ancient clock ring by itself for no reason?

This half of the body is almost buried in the ground, and I have never seen it before!

But today...

But he saw such a miracle with his own eyes!

The ancient clock weighing more than 600 jin was hung on the old tree for an unknown number of years.

At this moment, right in front of your eyes, it will sound by itself!


"Master, master, you said why didn't you hold on for a few more seconds before leaving? Why didn't you finish talking..."

Henry Zhangzhi was very anxious at this moment.

The third generation of celestial masters?

That was a thousand or two thousand years ago.

At that time, the "legacy" was established, which has been passed down from generation to generation by the celestial masters to this day. The ancient clock chimes...

In the internal records of Tianshi Mansion, there is naturally a record of relevant information about the grand occasion of Tianshi Mansion.

Even the inheritance of various Taoism has...

But as far as Henry Zhang knew, no one in these generations could make it, so over time, even Henry Zhang himself didn't believe it.

The record is very comprehensive and has everything.

Even in the war-torn era, it was preserved.

But the problem is, no matter how comprehensive the record is, no one can practice it! After practicing it over and over again, it's useless to memorize the formulas backwards and backwards, and pinch the formulas so that they are more flowery than hands!

Over time, no one practiced.

There are still people practicing talismans, but most of them are just for peace of mind...

But now, okay! ! !

The third generation of celestial masters from one or two thousand years ago has already 'reckoned' what is happening today? !

The day when the ancient clock chimed, when the prosperity reopened...


The prosperous age is coming?

As the Heavenly Master of the Heavenly Master Mansion, how could Henry Zhang not be excited?

But what about the back? !

A young man came...

What are the young people doing here? what do I do?

How about full cooperation? Or beat him?

At this moment, Henry Zhangzhi was very sad...

"Master, master..."

Henry Zhang sighed, looking at the ancient clock that was still ringing, took a deep breath, and then strode forward.

When he came to the square of Tianshi Mansion, he found that a large group of people had already gathered in the square...

There are men, women and children, but most of them are young people.


At least a few hundred young people, so who do I call?

Henry Zhang was a little confused.

And at this moment, he suddenly heard someone whispering beside him...

Those were two men and a woman who had been following Lin Zixiao up the mountain. Although they felt that Lin Zixiao didn't look like a ghost, who could be sure?

So I didn't dare to get too close, and I felt that the place near the main hall of the Tianshi Mansion was safer after all, right?

Therefore, where they are now, the place where their strength Henry Zhang stands is very close...

"We are here, even if he is really a ghost, once we make a move, we can quickly run into the hall. There are so many gods enshrined in this hall, so they should be able to protect us."

"I still don't think he looks like a ghost..."

"Hey, who cares? We've got to watch out for our own safety, don't we?"

"This is actually..."

"According to the little Taoist priests around, this ancient clock has never rang by itself, and there is no hammer in it. Do you think it has something to do with him?"

"It's possible... what these little Taoists said is too mysterious, and he is obviously abnormal..."



Is it related to the chiming of the ancient clock? !

Although these three people seem a little unreliable to Henry Zhang, but ask, is it right?

He moved over: "Who are you talking about?"

"Oh shit!"

All three of them were taken aback, and one of the men screamed strangely. When he found that Henry Zhang was wearing a Taoist robe, he was relieved: "I said, Lord, you are too elusive."

"This man is scary, he will scare people to death, okay?"

"Hehe, pay attention next time."

Henry Zhangzhi was happy: "Listen to what you said just now, who is related to the ancient bell's self-sounding?"

"Master Dao..."

The woman came to her senses: "You are a cultivator, judging by your age, you are a master no matter what!"

Henry Zhangzhi’s face twitched: “…”

You are the master!

Your whole family are masters!

I don't know if saying someone is a master now is the same as calling someone a liar?

Henry Zhangzhi didn’t say these words after all.

Only to hear the other party say again: "Please help us find out, is that young man a ghost? I don't think he is..."

"Yes, yes, Daoist, help us to see!"

Henry Zhang: "..."

He really wants to spray people now!

Catching ghosts?

That is the 'speciality' of Maoshan lineage!

Although in the records, the Tianshi Mansion also had this business a long time ago, but that was a long time ago, okay?

He said quietly: "Longhu Mountain, Tianshi Mansion, Taoist Ancestral Court."

"What monsters and ghosts dare to come here to act wild?!"


The three of them were taken aback for a moment, then nodded again and again: "It makes sense!"

"Then it's not a ghost!"

Henry Zhangzhi's face turned black: "You haven't told me, who were you talking about just now?"

"No, it's just him, the one in the patched robe."

The woman pointed to Lin Zixiao who was standing there motionless, and then said curiously: "Master Dao, I see you have a mobile phone around your neck. Don't you usually go online? Now he is very popular..."

"Old man, I only talk about Fetion!"

Henry Zhang felt that he was despised...

What's the matter?

I'm quite old, what's wrong with hanging a mobile phone around my neck? Do you have to go online?

However, he still followed the woman's pointing and saw Lin Zixiao at a glance.

Stand out from the crowd!

It was too conspicuous, Henry Zhangzhi was in a mess just now, so he didn’t notice it...

"it's him!!"

At this moment, Henry Zhang’s heart beat violently.

He couldn't say why he felt that way.

However, this feeling is like going deep into the mind, even into the bone marrow, deep and sure!

No longer talk to the three of them.

Henry Zhangzhi stepped forward slowly, and at the same time, looked at Lin Zixiao carefully...

At this moment, Lin Zixiao also woke up from the epiphany of realizing Daoyun, and took a deep look at the ancient clock that gradually subsided.

The time is short, just two or three minutes.

But Lin Zixiao, or Qi Zixiao, has gained a lot!

Tao rhyme!

This is an existence that is unclear, invisible, and intangible.

If you understand, you understand. If you don’t understand, it’s useless to say more.

At this moment, Qi Zixiao understood a little bit, this is the dao rhyme from the Tianshi mansion, which is different from any kind of dao rhyme in the holy land of Zifu or in the world of cultivating immortals.

Perhaps, today's Tianshi Mansion has long since declined, and even the original Tianshi Mansion may not be so strong.

But Taoism is not Taoism, it cultivates the heart!

The mood has been significantly improved, and for Qi Zixiao, the benefits are huge!

Lin Zixiao's cultivation is boundless, but Qi Zixiao has a feeling that if he goes back this time, maybe... he can easily break through his current cultivation and step into the mid-stage of Void Refinement!

"Little Layman..."

Henry Zhang approached at this moment and saluted Lin Zixiao.

And his appearance also attracted the attention of many disciples of the nearby Tianshi Mansion.

"Meet the old heavenly master!"

A large number of disciples from the Tianshi Mansion saluted respectfully.

Then play music, then dance~!

Alas, to tell you the truth, two books these days, with 25,000+ words updated every day, is exhausting, but we can still persist! ! ! keep doing it! ! !

It's been hot recently, children's shoes, remember to pay attention to your body not to suffer from heat stroke. At the same time, don't drink iced drinks, it is not good for your health.

I wish you all a happy day, all the best, and all your wishes come true.

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