"Ruthless people, you are all ruthless people!"

Qi Zi Fan gave a thumbs up, expressing dissatisfaction.

Is really convinced!

"I asked you how you would deal with this situation. One of you said to let him hold hands, and the other said that Master killed the other party's entire family..."

"You guys answered my question directly!"

"How exactly?"

"Assassin? Or what?"

The two women frowned, looked at this fellow, and then said in unison: "Why are you asking us, and not us asking you?"

"Then tell me, what would you do if you encountered this situation?"

Qi Zi Fan: "..."

"Okay, you guys have learned to be smart, and you are afraid of exposing your 'intelligence quotient', so you turned against the army?"

"It's not easy. There are two situations."

She smiled and said, "Let's see if the same clan is allowed to kill each other. If it is allowed, it will be killed directly. After all, judging from the woman's reaction, she is also extremely disgusted with her. Now that she is extremely disgusted, what else is there to say?"

"What if it's not allowed?"

"Between the same clan is not allowed. With her strength, she can't fight against the whole clan. Of course, she can't kill, but it's always okay to be ruthless, right?"

"Beat until he loses his ability to move in a short period of time, and can no longer entangle himself, such a simple choice will not."

"This spiritual intelligence is really low to a bit earth-shattering."

However, for Qi Zi Fan's words, the two women didn't think it made sense, but instead felt curious: "That's it?"

"That's it???"

"You don't look very smart, do you?"

"Yes, this is just the basic operation, but the advanced operation will come later."

Qi Zi Fan smiled, and his voice became colder: "If you can kill, you must be ruthless, so as not to leave future troubles, so as not to cause trouble for yourself."

"If you can't kill, but you use a ruthless hand, you must pay more attention to the follow-up, and you must not leave any future troubles. After all, no one knows whether the other party will hold a grudge after that kind of ruthless hand."

"Otherwise, there will be endless troubles."

"At this time, we have to find a way, whether it is to borrow a knife to kill someone or design a frame, we must kill him."

"And we have to cut the weeds and eradicate the roots!"


The two girls felt cold all over, and even Lan Caier frowned: "I thought I was ruthless enough, but I never thought that you were more ruthless than me."

"What about after that?" Ji Chutong seemed to be 'learning scriptures': "According to what you said, regardless of the spiritual wisdom of this group, it will definitely be noticed under normal circumstances."

"That's why we need to cut grass and roots, and this is exactly the importance of cutting grass and roots."

Qi Zi Fan chuckled: "Even if someone notices anything? As long as no key evidence is left, it doesn't matter."

"What's more, the people related to it are already cold, who will hold on to this matter?"

"Doubt can never be used as evidence."


Ji Chutong stared at her beautiful eyes, speechless for a while.

Lan Cai'er suddenly realized, with an expression of being educated.

"So, is my answer qualified?"

"Basic exercise." Lan Cai'er curled her lips, although she felt very good in her heart, she would not admit it.

"Yeah, fuck."

Ji Chutong also followed.

"You guys!"

Qi Zi Fan shook his head and smiled.

"Let's take the initiative. If not, I don't know how long it will take for them to react."

boom! ! !

That is, at this time, the bottom is marked again.

When the female Asura made a move, an unknown amount of blood rushed up and then poured down. If it was a normal person, he must have avoided it or waved his hand to block the blood.

But the Asuras in that range stood there blankly, without the slightest intention of dodging, and then let the blood wash over them, making them extremely embarrassed.

"...This wisdom is really low enough."

Lan Caier couldn't help muttering.

Immediately, a group of three landed and formally appeared in Asura's eyes.


The Asuras were dumbfounded.

Even the two men and women who were fighting stopped at this moment and looked at the three of them blankly, their faces full of bewilderment.

"What's this?"

"have no idea."

"It seems like... um..."

"Do you want to hit them?"

"never seen it."

"what should we do?"

The Asuras muttered, Qi Zi and Fan couldn't understand what they said, but their spiritual consciousness fluctuations were also extremely strong, and they didn't hide anything, so they could clearly understand what they meant.

But it is also because of understanding that we can further discover and confirm how low their spiritual intelligence is.


Qi Zi Fan communicated with them with his spiritual consciousness.

After all, judging from the current situation, it is really difficult for these Asuras to make themselves ugly.

It's better to speak up earlier, maybe you can avoid some unnecessary fights.

"We are outsiders, and we came here by chance. We have no malicious intentions, but just want to chat with you and exchange some news."

At this moment, all three showed friendly expressions.

It's not that they are fooling these asuras who are not very smart, but that they really don't have any malicious intentions at the moment.

All I wanted was to figure out the specific situation here and some things related to the sea of ​​blood.

For example, does the Blood Brake Lord rebirth every once in a while?

"What do you mean outsider?"

"What about chance? Who knows?"

"I don't know, but they said they didn't mean anything..."

The Asuras started chatting on their own again, but what they were talking about made Qi Zi and Fan's heads full of black lines, and they were speechless for a while.

Say you can't communicate, but it seems that you can communicate normally again.

But if you want to say that you can communicate normally, this level is extremely uncomfortable.

"Back off."

At this moment, an incomparably vicissitudes of voice came from a dilapidated ancient temple. Although it is just two simple words, it contains many emotions.

Qi Zi and Fan instantly confirmed that a 'normal' Asura finally came out.


Ji Chutong said softly: "If this continues, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist."

Lan Cai'er thought so, and kept nodding.


Just when the three of them thought that the Asura around them would obey the order to retreat, they found that they were standing there calmly, as if they hadn't heard anything.

But in fact, they heard it.

"The ancestors seem to be telling us to retreat."

"Why do you want to back down?"

"I still want to look at these outsiders for a while. They are so strange. Why do they only have one head and two hands? Was it cut off by someone?"

"It's so miserable, and so ugly!"


The three were speechless for a while.

At this time, the vicissitudes of life sounded again: "Get out!!!"

boom! ! !

The sea of ​​blood exploded, accompanied by a strong shock wave that instantly affected all the Asuras. These Asuras couldn't calm down anymore, screamed and were sent flying.

Then, as if he had just reacted, with a frightened face, he yelled and walked away.

"The ancestor beat someone!"


Qi Zi Fan: "..."

Ji Chutong: "..."

Lan Caier: "..."

The corners of the mouths of the three 'beautiful girls' twitched, their eyelids twitched non-stop, and they were completely speechless.

Are these existences really 'immortals' and a group of powerful existences? This IQ is really no one else!

At this moment, the vicissitudes of the voice brought a trace of weakness: "I didn't expect that someone would come."

"Come here, I think you are also very curious."

what to do?

The three looked at each other, and Qi Zi Fan nodded slightly: "Go and have a look."

"Then I will bother you."

Lan Cai'er opened her mouth without a trace, and immediately, the blood under her feet suddenly changed color, but it quickly returned to normal.

All this was seen by Qi Zi and Fan, but they never said anything about it, and then they went towards the source of the sound together.

It was an ancient temple with no 'characteristics', and it looked not much different from other ancient temples.

There is no door, perhaps there was once, but it is long gone now, and only a destroyed door frame can still be discerned.

In the hall of the ancient temple, an old man of the Asura clan was sitting there. The ground was the surface of a sea of ​​blood, and instead of rippling waves, there was a pile of fire.

Sitting by the fire like this, he was extremely old, as if every part of his body was covered with the vicissitudes of time.


He looked up, his eyes were very cloudy, as if he was not awake, but a special light was born in his eyes.

"It turns out that there really are such creatures."

He sighed, with shock and joy on his face, but more, it was unbelievable.

Looking at him, Qi Zi Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Ji Chutong and Lan Caier were also quite vigilant.

This is a peak Golden Immortal existence!

A golden fairy of the Asura clan, but for them, this is an unknown race, whose abilities, good and evil are unknown.

Faced with such an existence, it is natural to be extremely vigilant.

"Senior knows about our human race?"

Qi Zi Fan was also very cautious, but asked the question along the topic.

"I know."

The old Asura nodded, and then his eyes kept wandering on the three of them, as if he was identifying and analyzing creatures like 'human'.

"When I was born, I have some memories."

He sighed softly: "There are some things about my family, about humans, ghosts, gods and monsters... but there are not many, but I have never seen them before."

"It's been an unknown number of years, and I even suspect that all of this is false rather than real, until you just appeared."

born? !

Qi Zi Fan's heart skipped a beat, he suppressed his curiosity, and pretended to be normal: "Senior, what did you just say, birth?"


He nodded: "Maybe you don't know, our family is named Asura..."


Qi Zi Fan was completely sure of this in an instant.

But Ji Chutong and Lan Caier looked confused and curious.

"Asura clan?"

They looked at each other silently, neither understanding nor understanding what kind of race this was.

"We were born in this sea of ​​blood, and we also died in this sea of ​​blood. Generations after generations, I don't know how many years have passed."

"But as far as I know..." Qi Zi Fan took over the topic: "The Ashura family should also be married offspring and give birth to offspring? The senior said that since he was 'born', did he mean birth, or? "


The old Asura turned his eyes to Qi Zi Fan, his eyes flashed with curiosity: "Do you know Asura?"

"I have learned a thing or two from some ancient records, but I don't know whether it is true or not. I hope the seniors can clear up the doubts for the younger generation."

"So that's how it is. You just said that you are outsiders. In this way, do the outside world still have legends about my family?"

Qi Zi Fan remained silent.

However, whether there are any legends about the Asura clan in the outside world, he is really not sure.

There must be an era of the earth, but the era of the heavens and worlds is hard to say.

"Indeed, as you said, generally speaking, the offspring of our family are conceived and born by male and female mating, and the same is true for Asura outside."

"But me, and my wife, were conceived by this sea of ​​blood, and the sea of ​​blood is our mother."

this? !

Another version of Styx?

Qi Zi Fan's heart jumped violently, but judging from their strength, they were obviously not 'Patriarch Styx', and even several generals of the Asura clan under Patriarch Styx were far apart by thousands of miles.

So, is it just the Asura clan bred by the sea of ​​blood?

The old Asura who didn't know Qi Zi Fan's thoughts spoke again: "Actually, the Asura conceived by Mother Blood Sea is the most perfect existence."

"Although my wife and I are attracted to each other and have given birth to many children, they..."


"As you can see, their spiritual intelligence is extremely low, and they almost only have instinctive likes and dislikes."

He shook his head for a while, sighing full of loneliness and helplessness.

"Perhaps, this has something to do with our family being cursed?"


Lan Cai'er was very curious. Part of her method was 'cursing', so she couldn't help but want to know more.

After all, it must not be a weak method to make such a powerful Jinxian pinnacle being deeply cursed.

It would be of great help to her if she could understand a thing or two, and even break it.


Qi Zi Fan frowned slightly, then slowly shook his head: "Maybe it is, but maybe it's not the case."

"Senior, we have no malicious intentions, and at this moment, it seems that you are the same. If possible, I hope that both of us can speak freely and communicate sincerely."

"Naturally." The old Asura nodded slightly: "If not, how could you come in?"

"It's the heart of a junior villain."

Qi Zi Fan smiled and pointed to the two women respectively: "I am Qi Zixiao, the one on the left is named Ji Chutong, and she is Lan Caier."

"I don't know the name of the senior?"

"Cang." The old Asura pointed to himself: "My name."

"Senior Cang."

The three clasped their fists together and saluted.

Cang didn't understand these understandings, but he could see the general idea, so he waved his hand slowly: "It doesn't have to be like this."

"Qi Zixiao, what you said just now, maybe all this is not a curse?"

Ji Chutong and Lan Caier also looked at him curiously.


Qi Zi Fan nodded: "However, this junior is not sure, I just have some doubts. Before that, please forgive my presumptuousness."

"As for the curse, where did you learn about it, senior?"

Cang did not hesitate: "This is the conclusion I came to after discussing with my wife."

"We have lived for an extremely long time, and even our sons, grandsons, and even tens or hundreds of generations have passed away."

"But after us, all..."

"And, in our innate memory, there is a vague, but certainly earth-shattering battle."

"That battle affected the entire Blood Sea and the Asura clan."

"Since then, there seems to be no Asura in the sea of ​​blood, until countless years later, my wife and I were born at the same time."

"Based on these clues and results, we speculate that there is a mysterious curse that was planted by the other side of the war, and has been buried in the blood sea and the Asura family."

"That's why our offspring are so... stupid."

After deliberation, Cang finally used the word stupid.

"I have personally witnessed the birth of millions of Asuras and the death of hundreds of thousands of Asuras."

"They are all descended from the blood of my wife and me, but they are all like this."

"It is really···"

Pain was written all over his face at this moment.

A sad mood was spreading, even Lan Caier and Ji Chutong were also 'infected', showing sadness on their faces.

Qi Zi Fan frowned slightly.

"I see."

"This... may indeed be the existence of some kind of curse, but there is also another possibility, but there is a slight discrepancy."

"What's possible?"

Cang suddenly looked over, with resentment and helplessness in his eyes.

"Senior, your wife..."


Cang Youyou sighed: "At the last moment of her life, she gave me everything, so I can survive until now."

"If I'm not here, these children will be left unattended..."

Ji Chutong and Lan Caier immediately burst into tears, being 'guided' by this intense sadness, unable to calm down.

Countless descendants and descendants have intellectual problems.

A pair of old fathers and old mothers were worried about this.

There is so much sorrow in this, it is hard for those who have never experienced it to understand.

They have no offspring, and even from the age of 'immortals', they can even be said to be 'underage girls'.

But at this moment, they were all affected by this emotion and couldn't extricate themselves.

Qi Zi Fan also felt uncomfortable, but he finally resisted.

"Is that so?"

He said with concentration: "Then it is impossible to test, but as far as I know, inbreeding will easily cause various problems."

"To be more specific, many diseases are caused by inbreeding, such as fetal malformations, intellectual disabilities, or some congenital diseases. In addition, inbreeding will also increase the risk of many diseases."

"To put it in a more professional way - couples have acquired more of the same genes from their common ancestor. It is easy to make harmful genes that are not conducive to the survival of offspring meet, thus increasing the degree of harm of harmful genes to offspring, so It is easy to give birth to problem children."

"A couple who used to marry cousins ​​gave birth to 7 children. Except for 1 child who was quite normal, the other 6 had abnormalities to varying degrees. The eldest child was stupid and handicapped, and died at an early age.

The second child is 32 years old and looks like a 3-4 year old normal child... a dwarf. "

"Of course, the 'inbreeding' of cousins ​​is not all such a tragedy, but it is still possible for cousins ​​to be like this, if the siblings, or even the 'defective genes' in their bodies are exactly the same..."

Cang and Ji Chutong must not know what genes are.

But now Qi Zi Fan has no way to explain it to them in detail, and can only tell them its general meaning through the fluctuation of spiritual consciousness.

Therefore, although they seem to understand half of it, they can roughly understand the meaning of genes.

At this moment, Qi Zi Fan said again: "I would like to know, besides the 'intellectual defect', senior, does your child have any other defects, such as premature death, dwarfism, etc.?"

In fact, Qi Zi Fan was also somewhat curious and skeptical.

Inbreeding will indeed lead to various problems in the offspring, but it is not 100%, even brothers and sisters are not 100%.

Even if there are some accidents that cause problems with a 100% chance, they won't all be 'intellectual defects', right?

"Untimely death, dwarf..."

Cang frowned, his already old face was even more wrinkled at this moment, as if he couldn't open it anymore.



Qi Zi Fan was taken aback, and was about to say that he probably guessed wrong, but he heard Cang say again: "If the children are not in good health, with the strength of my wife and I, we can easily restore them to health. premature death and dwarfs."

"However, there are indeed many children with poor health."


Qi Zi Fan's words were held back abruptly.

Almost forgot that this is the 'mysterious side'!

Died? has a problem?

What is that to a fairy, or even a golden fairy?

It can be 'cured' easily, but the problems in the mind, even Jinxian can't do anything about it?

"And if it's as you said, isn't it all my fault and mine?!"

Cang reacted, with regret and annoyance on his face, and deep shock at the same time: "She and I were conceived in the same sea of ​​blood, so we are indeed brothers and sisters, we are 'close relatives'..."

He could no longer remain calm, got up from the fire, and paced back and forth.


Qi Zi Fan didn't try to comfort her immediately, because there was really no way to comfort her.


If it is really because of inbreeding that led to such a tragedy.

"Please don't worry, let's determine the problem first, maybe it is indeed a curse, because generally speaking, inbreeding is not 10% problematic."

"It just so happens that Lan Cai'er has some knowledge about curses, maybe let her take a look for you to be sure."


Hastily looked at Lan Cai'er, his muddy eyes flashed with a strange light, a little frightening, and at the same time, he hesitated.

Facing his hesitation, Qi Zi and Fan were not surprised.

a long time.

Cang gradually calmed down: "Then I will trouble you, little girl."

"No trouble."

Lan Cai'er stepped forward and used her own means to sense it carefully, but... she couldn't sense it.

"Senior, please let go of your guard, your realm is too high..."


A big boss who is at the peak of Jinxian and who has lived for an unknown number of years, doesn't want to 'check' just to check.

"You do it."

Cang hardly hesitated and let go of his guard.

After a while, the result came out.

A trace of unbearable flashed in Lan Cai'er's eyes, but she didn't speak.

But Cang already understood what she meant, and couldn't help but sighed deeply, tears streaming down his face.

Seeing him like this, Lan Cai'er couldn't bear it, and said: "Maybe the curse is not on you, but on your descendants..."

When Cang heard the words, he called another descendant.

That is a 'very weak' Asura, who looks like a child, only in the distraction stage. Among the Asura clan, he is indeed a 'weak'.

And for this kind of Asura, Lan Cai'er will be more relaxed and handy when 'checking', and will not miss any details.

But the result was equally cruel.

"..., no obvious traces of the curse were found."

After all, Lan Cai'er didn't say it to death: "What I'm best at is not cursing, so the conclusions I draw may not necessarily be correct."

"Yes, senior." Ji Chutong also said: "This girl is a cheater, even our own people are scammers, maybe it was back then..."

"It goes without saying, I deserve it."

But Cang waved his hands, sat down again, and gave birth to a child, feeling desolate and vicissitudes.

Seeing this, Qi Zi Fan was also very sad.

I even had some doubts, should I say this?

To put it bluntly, although he helped Cang solve the doubts he had had for many years, it only brought him more pain.

And he also couldn't understand why the offspring would have 100% problems if the close relatives reproduced to the Asura clan?

At the same time, Qi Zi Fan really wanted to know, in Cang's innate memory, that battle back then!

And, what exactly does he know.

Unfortunately, under the current circumstances, it is extremely difficult to understand what happened back then.

After all, people's emotions are already like this...

He shook his head and could only say: "Senior Cang, you don't need to do this."

"Even if it is true inbreeding, all this is not without a solution."


Cang raised his head in an instant, and at this moment, the old eyes seemed to be burning with flames: "How to solve it?"

"You have a way?"

"If you can solve this matter, I will give you whatever you want! As long as I have it."

"Senior's words are serious."

Hearing these words, Qi Zi Fan felt a lot more relaxed. At least Cang withstood the blow and never went crazy or had any accidents, such as sudden death on the spot...

Otherwise, it would be a waste of time.

He whispered: "We don't need seniors to do anything, but there are some things we want to know, and we hope that seniors will not hesitate to enlighten us."

"What do you want to know?" Cang didn't hesitate.

"Let's talk about the solution first."

Qi Zi Fan saw his urgency, if he asked now, he would inevitably miss something because of his urgency.

Show your sincerity first!

At this moment, Qi Zi Fan couldn't help but sigh, thanks to the fact that he is a modern person and has received a 'scientific education'.

Otherwise, there is really no way to solve this matter.

Because of inbreeding or something, in ancient times, there was really no such saying.

Where is the saying about inbreeding?

Maybe it's rare between brothers and sisters, but between 'cousins', it's a lot.

Even if you become a fairy, you don't know what's the 'secret' in it.

Cang didn't speak again, but kept staring at Qi Zi Fan, and listened quietly.

"To solve the current plight of the Ashura family, there are two ways."

There are two more?

Cang was stunned for a moment, he thought it would be extremely difficult to solve this predicament, even as difficult as heaven, but you gave me two kinds of questions as soon as you opened your mouth?

Lan Caier and Ji Chutong were also confused.

They don't understand this either!

But my partner "Qi Zixiao" understands, and he also "very understands", doesn't this gap come out?

They are also very curious.

"Where did Qi Zixiao know this?" Lan Caier was very curious: "In the world of cultivating immortals, there are still people who study this?"

"..." Ji Chutong looked bewildered: "I don't know either."

Sister Ah Wu thought of something, after all, she knew very well that Lin Fan and not Qi Zixiao were the ones on the account, but she couldn't say~


Qi Zi Fan didn't know what they were thinking, but just shared his thoughts.

"Look for the opposite sex of other ethnic groups to combine and reproduce."

"It's possible that this kind of intellectual disability is hereditary, but it's also possible that it's not, and it's more likely that it's not."

"Since there will be problems with inbreeding, then use 'unintimate' objects to reproduce. The creatures of other races are naturally 'indifferent'."

"However, there may be 'reproductive isolation' between different races, that is, the inability to conceive, so the choice of race needs to be carefully considered."

"This method is effective and can be implemented at any time, but the disadvantage is that the blood of the Asura family will no longer be pure from now on."

Cang frowned slightly.



Qi Zi Fan's eyes were dark: "The effect is slow, but it can guarantee the purity of the blood of the Ashura family."

"It's just that there will be many more asuras with extremely low spiritual intelligence like at this moment."

"The specific method is to divide the Asura who will still have children into multiple groups, and each group will intermarry within the group."

"After counting... dozens of generations, let the newly born Asuras intermarry with each other, just avoid intermarriage among people in the same group."

"In this way, this problem should also be solved."

Qi Zi Fan was a little unsure whether this method would definitely work.

Because strictly speaking, as Cang said before, they have all reproduced for a hundred generations.

It stands to reason that even if they reproduce as much as they want, after so many generations, some bloodlines should have been 'diluted', so they are not 'close relatives', right?

Because modern scientific research shows that after the "three generations", it is not considered to be full.

Unless, the blood 'gene' of the Asura race is much stronger than that of the human race, three generations are far from enough to become 'non-close relatives'.

In this case, they were unaware of the dangers of inbreeding and did not pay attention to it. Therefore, within ten or eight generations, they were still close relatives. Without knowing it, it is indeed possible to become inbreeding again, and the possibility is not low.

In this case···

It's barely enough to make sense.

It is also in consideration of this point that Qi Zi Fan did not say that 'after three generations', they can intermarry normally, but said dozens of generations.

Also added a 'should', never 100% sure.

As for which method to use, it depends on the warehouse's decision-making.

"Reproductive isolation..."

An unfamiliar term, Qi Zi Fan didn't have the idea of ​​explaining it, but Cang could roughly understand its meaning.

For example, can the Asura clan and the 'fish' and 'monsters' in this sea of ​​blood have offspring?

Thinking of this, Cang was a little embarrassed.

Because his descendants are really too 'mentally retarded', and they can do anything. As far as he knows, during this long period of time, many Asuras have done this...

But no offspring.

This is reproductive isolation, right?

Moreover, the blood is not pure...


Not long after, Cang Youyou said: "I choose the second one."

"These children are too stupid. Even if they find a race without reproductive segregation, it will kill them all their lives."

"Since that's the case, this is the fate of my Asura clan, so why drag other creatures into the water and harm them?"

"It's just dozens of generations... such a long time has passed, and there are not too many years left."

Cang is very kind.

At least, that's what he showed.

This is, if Qi Zi Fan thinks about it, it may not be like this.

Emmmm, take the earth before the revival of spiritual energy as an example, many single dogs, especially men who are still single a few decades older, really don’t necessarily care that their wives are mentally retarded.

After all, Qi Zi Fan knew quite a few 'female lunatics' who were tricked by some bachelors into going to their homes and got pregnant.

This kind of thing sounds a bit ruinous to say, but it really exists, and there are many.

What's more, these female Asuras are not crazy.

What's more, the female Asuras are very beautiful, and they have three heads and six arms! ! !

Maybe it looks a little deformed and scary when you look at it abruptly, but there is nothing to be afraid of if you look at it a few more times, maybe someone will be okay with it.

After all, three heads means three mouths, right?

The forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds. There are so many people in the heavens and myriad worlds. There must be some people who like this one. Even Asura is not the only race with three heads and six arms. There must be someone who can see it right.

In addition, the strength of the women of the Asura clan is not low. As long as they are obedient, I believe that there are not a few races and creatures who are willing to be with them.

However, Cang Du had already made a decision, so Qi Zi Fan naturally wouldn't say anything more.


At this moment, Cang took a deep breath: "I don't know how long I can survive, but my lifespan is really running out."

"I will arrange everything, but I may not be able to wait until that day, so I hope you can do me a favor."

"After all, I can't find anyone else either."

"Senior, please tell me."

Qi Zi Fan did not directly refuse, but was going to listen to it before making a decision.

"They need someone to look after them."

Cang sighed softly: "After I die, someone must take care of them to ensure that the plan continues."

"Before I die, I will contact you, and I hope you can come and take care of them for me for a while until... the time is right."

"As a reward, I will definitely tell you everything and give you some gifts."

"Our Asura clan, the most precious thing!"

"It's not difficult."

Qi Zi Fan nodded: "We can respond, but I don't know if we can restrain them. After all, their strength is not low."

Although the asuras outside are not very intelligent, but there are seven golden immortals, can they control them as they please?

It's not that easy!

"There is no need to worry about this matter. As long as you arrive before I die, I can attach my breath to you. With this layer of breath, they will definitely obey."

"That's fine."

Qi Zi Fan said no problem.

Ji Chutong and Lan Caier also had no objection.

It's okay even if they have opinions, the big deal is that Qi Zi Fan will come over when he finds time, and there is no need for three people to do this together.


Cang imitated the way the three of them saluted just now, and cupped his hands: "It's not too late, I'll group them first."

"Senior, please."


Cang was 'sluggish' for a while, but did not leave.

Although Asura can be said to be 'mentally retarded', they all listen to Cang's words, that is, their 'reactions' are a bit slow.

Those who are really disobedient can also be 'beat up', and naturally they will be honest.

After the sound transmission of the spiritual consciousness, they will be threatened again, or taught from a distance, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

'Walls' appeared between many ancient temples, dividing them into ten groups, and in the following years, each of them would reproduce.

At this time, Qi Zi Fan muttered: "Senior, you can do this."

"Let the 'contemporary' marriageable Asuras reproduce quickly, give birth to offspring, and then stop multiplying."

"When the new generation of Ashura has the ability to reproduce, reproduce quickly, and so on."

"In this way, the time for this can be greatly shortened."

"As for strength and realm, you don't have to think about it. As long as you have fertility, you can start to pass on the family."

"Is that so?"

Cang nodded, indicating that he understood: "I will arrange it immediately."

This is indeed not difficult to understand.

Anyway, what is needed is the 'non-close relative gene' after dozens of generations, not other considerations, so naturally, the sooner the child is born, the better.

After finishing all this, Qi Zi Fan expressed that he wanted to ask some questions.

Cang shook his head slowly.

When the three of them were slightly wary, thinking that the old Shura turned his face and turned his back on him, he said: "There is a sentence in my innate memory."

"It's impolite to come and not to go."

"Just now, you never asked what you wanted to know, but you already told me the solution to the predicament. Now, I have something to ask from you, so naturally I should show my sincerity."


"There are three of you, but it's hard to divide this gift from me."

Cang looked at the water under his feet and raised his hand slightly.



The surface of the water was tumbling, and the burning flame became flickering at this moment, as if it was going to go out at any moment.

At the same time, a terrifying intent to kill and kill crazily swept across at this moment, making the three of Qi Zi and Fan feel cold and feel the threat of death!

"What a strong killing intent!"

Qi Zi Fan showed a look of fear.

"And, is it the way of killing swords?"

"It is stronger than the killing sword that I saw in the first sword tower, and even has a taste of killing the fairy sword."

"Could it be!!!"



The water broke.

The two cold lights broke through the sea of ​​blood at an extremely fast speed and flew around the warehouse. Lan Caier never saw it clearly, but Qi Zi Fan and Ji Chutong felt it clearly.

That was clearly two sword lights!

Surrounded by the sword light are two long swords that contain the meaning of terrifying killing!

Cang gently shielded his palms in front of him.

The two long swords gradually slowed down, and their true colors appeared in front of Qi Zi and Fan.

Both are bone swords, one is black and the other is white, only the edge of the sword is blue and blood red.

The two swords are filled with the terrifying meaning of killing, as if they were born for killing, they only know how to kill.

Lan Caier was taken aback.

"These two swords are extremely extraordinary." Ji Chutong also had a solemn expression: "I have broken through more than sixty floors in the first sword tower, and I have never seen such a killing sword."

"Haven't even seen anything close to it."

I wish you all a happy new year, good luck, and no taboos. New year, new beginning, create a better future together, rush!

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