What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become An Immortal?

Chapter 825 Go kill them until they are scared! (W word)

Qi Zixiao suddenly understood.

It seems that it cannot be said, but it is actually a reminder to myself. Just now, Emperor Qingping said that the purpose of those old things may be to force himself and others to go to the front line and the battlefield.

And the reasons and excuses used by those old things are—the three of them are sinners of the heavens and the world, and they have great sins, so they should go!

Hearing this kind of statement, whether it is yourself or others, the first reaction is naturally not happy and disapproving.

How can I be a criminal if I defend myself justifiably?

But if on this basis, what about the news of the war between Yin and Yang and the strange 'reincarnation' of both sides?

Perhaps, some decent-minded people directly recognized the name of this 'sinner'?

At that time, will he go to the battlefield and go to the first line of defense?


"It's really interesting, those old immortals are really shameless."

Qi Zixiao sneered.

Ji Chutong and Lan Caier had never thought of this, and looked curiously: "What do you mean?"

"They themselves don't want to go to the battlefield, even if they haven't fought for a long time, but once they start fighting, the people on the first line of defense will suffer endless danger."

"To give us the name of 'sinner' is to let us go there to carry out the so-called 'delinquent meritorious deeds'?"

"Haha, it's really interesting."

"They don't want to go, they don't want to go, but sinners should guard the frontier, and according to what they say, aren't we 'sinners' at this moment?"

Qi Zixiao's voice was even colder, with strong sarcasm: "If I guess correctly, the people guarding the first line of defense are also the so-called 'sinners of the heavens and worlds'?"


The Great Elder sighed softly: "Sure enough, I guessed it."

"Hey." Emperor Qingping smiled, noncommittal.

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Qi Zixiao knew that he had guessed correctly, and couldn't help but shook his head: "Corrupt..."

"Yes, rotten." Qingping Emperor sneered: "The heavens and myriad worlds, from top to bottom, have long been rotten beyond recognition."

"If there is no war, everything will remain as before. The nine heavenly palaces are high above, and all the heavens and myriad worlds will surrender."

"But if the war breaks out again, the heavens and myriad worlds will inevitably become a mess. At that time, perhaps many passionate monks will go to fight, but it will definitely be useless."

"Unfortunately, my monster race has long been lonely. After all, the heavens and myriad worlds are still the 'masters' of the human race. The nine heavenly palaces are high above. Who dares to disobey?"

"That's why I will actively pursue the traces of the real dragon and the three-legged Golden Crow. They are all the co-lords of the monster clan, and they belong to the extremely strong clan of countless years ago!"

"I'm looking forward to, looking forward to the reappearance of the real co-lord of the monster clan, leading our monster clan... leading the heavens and the world, getting rid of this decadent time, and truly rising!"

The elder was silent.

His status, if you say it is low, is not low, but if you say high, it is not too high.

In the Sword Palace, he is the Great Elder, but not in the Taixuan Jiuqing Palace.

He knows some of the secrets of the Nine Heavenly Palaces, but not much, and he cannot agree or refute Emperor Qingping's words at this moment...

The three of Qi Zixiao heard these words in their ears, and for a while, they were also in complicated moods.

The hidden information in these words is really scary, and it takes some time for people to digest it.

Especially Ji Chutong and Qi Zixiao, they are still shocked by Qi Zixiao's guess and the acquiescence of Emperor Qingping and the Great Elder.

However, Emperor Qingping continued to say something like this, indicating that the heavens and worlds controlled by the human race have long since decayed...

"What does it look like in the underworld?"

At this time, the big dragon tail lion asked with a trace of curiosity: "It is also the heavens and the worlds, are they just opposing each other?"

"Still not the same, with its own complete inheritance and historical traces?"

"No one in the Yang Realm has ever been to the depths of the heavens and myriad realms. Even if they managed to get in, they were blocked, killed, or repelled before they got too deep."

"So, I don't know much about it." The Great Elder recalled the records in Tiangong, and said: "This is the same for the other party."

"Then...among the opponent's strong men, is there a real dragon?"

"Especially, mother."

The little dragon tail lion took over the topic.

These two sentences directly shocked the brains of Qi Zixiao and the three of them to buzz. If others don't know what she means, how can the three of them not know? !

This is obviously to hit the idea on the underworld!

But then again, it's really not their fault.

If you want to find a 'wife' for a real dragon, it must be a real dragon mother, otherwise, at most, you will be a 'concubine', a concubine or something like the mother and daughter of a dragon tail lion.

During this period of time, Qi Zixiao and the others also inquired about some news about the real dragon, but, at least from the Heavens and Myriad Realms, they did not find any clues related to the mother real dragon.

Don't say it's the real dragon mother, even the real dragon, no one knows about it, otherwise Emperor Qingping wouldn't have asked them.

It must be known that Emperor Qingping has been looking for the real dragon for a long time, but unfortunately until today, he has found nothing.

In this case, how to find the mother real dragon? !

It’s okay if you don’t know.

Now that we know the existence of the underworld, and the two sides are 'mutually external'...

Their mother and daughter naturally began to think about the other side of the underworld. If there is a female real dragon over there...

Although it is a hostile relationship, it may not be impossible.

If it really doesn't work, at worst, pass the news to the 'ancestor' and let him make his own decision. It doesn't matter, or grab it, you can try it~

It's just that they are destined to be disappointed.

Both the Great Elder and Emperor Qingping said that they had never been on the battlefield, and it had been a long time since they fought.

Among the relevant records and legends, there is no record about the appearance of a "true dragon" in the underworld.


The dragon tail lion mother and daughter sighed.

Qi Zixiao and the others: "(⊙o⊙)..."

"But what else do you want to ask?" Emperor Qingping looked around and sighed softly.

"Not for now."

Qi Zixiao shook his head, and then said: "But, if you have some news about the prehistoric era, or some clues about the ancient times, please let me know."

"There's nothing wrong with that, of course."

Emperor Qingping nodded: "Exchange the sound transmission jade charm?"

"Use the fairy machine."

Qi Zixiao took out a brand-new fairy machine: "The coverage area is about as large as the three thousand worlds nearby, and you can contact it at any time."

"There are operating instructions in it, you can understand it after reading it. It is simple, easy to use and convenient. With one machine in hand, I have it all over the world."


"Your advertisement is a little exaggerated." Ji Chutong's head was full of black lines.

Why did it start selling again?

Recalling what Qi Zixiao did during the Tianjiao Grand Meeting, she was really speechless.

Later, she dared to sell a fairy machine of a thousand pieces of spirit stones for a million or even tens of millions at the Tianjiao grand meeting! ! !

In the end, Qi Zixiao distributed some magic tricks to the Great Elder, Emperor Qingping, and the mother and daughter of the dragon tail lion, so that they could use them for those they trusted.

With the successful evolution of Sister A Wu's fusion of the foundation of heaven and virtue into a treasure of innate virtue, her "signal" has skyrocketed. Now, even on a big map like the heavens and ten thousand worlds, the signal can cover a small half of the map, as long as it is not too far apart. Too far away, the fairy machine is already very useful.

Moreover, Qi Zixiao is also looking forward to it.

Looking forward to one day in the future, the sky-gazing mirror will be upgraded again, and the 'signal' can directly cover the entire heavens and worlds.

At that time, the fairy machine is the real fairy machine.

"Great Elder, Emperor."

Qi Zixiao gently cupped his hands: "If there is nothing else, let's part here."

The Great Elder pondered for a while and said, "What are your plans?"

"Before, we underestimated you too much. With your current strength, you can go to all the heavens and all worlds."

"The so-called 'enemies of the world' are just a joke. Now, these 'enemies of the world' should be worried about you going to find trouble."

"It's just that you already know the friction between the yin and yang worlds, and you have also guessed the role played by the 'sinner'."

"I'm curious, how would you choose?"

"Is it really as you said before?"

After hearing the words, Emperor Qingping, the big and small dragon tail lions all looked at Qi Zixiao, wanting to know her answer.

Although Ji Chutong and Lan Caier are all together with Qi Zixiao, everyone knows that Qi Zixiao is basically the one who decides.

"It's natural."


Qi Zixiao smiled, with a cold smile: "At first I didn't make a complete decision, but after I learned what the so-called 'sinner' meant, I made up my mind."

"Those old guys, don't even want to live."

"I will go, find them, and send them on their way one by one!"

"Even if we are guilty, it is not their turn to point fingers, let alone their turn to judge!"

"Using the big hat of righteousness in the world to cover up my incompetence and cowardice, and persecute people like us who should be victims..."

"What's the use of keeping them?!"

"Killing them will also allow the power in their bodies to return to the world, and give birth to some other talents."

"Perhaps, it is not impossible that among these arrogances, there will be a few passionate people born."

"well said."

Emperor Qingping clapped his hands and cheered: "I knew that you, Qi Zixiao, are definitely not that pedantic person. Once you hear the righteousness of the world, you forget all the hatred and grievances. Even if you are wronged to death, you will work for them..."

"Simply stupid!"

The big and small dragon tail lions nodded silently.

The Great Elder sighed softly: "Since you have already made a decision, I won't ask any more questions."

"This is your own path, and it is always up to you to walk on your own, but in the future, don't regret today's decision."

"Of course I won't regret it."

Qi Zixiao responded, and Ji Chutong and Lan Caier nodded to express their approval and attitude.

"That being the case, let's part ways."

The big dragon tail lion said: "Emperor Qingping, if you want to see the real dragon, we will take you to meet the ancestor, but we can't guarantee whether the ancestor is willing to be the so-called co-lord of the demon clan, even if the old man eats you up in one bite." Not impossible."

"Think about it yourself."

"No matter what happens, we will stand by the ancestor, even if the old man asks us to kill you."


Emperor Qingping grinned for a while, almost rolled his eyes and said: "I will bear all the consequences myself."

"A tyrannical existence like a real dragon, no matter what you say, you have to see it first."

"Then old man, go back to the Sword Palace."

"The Nine Heavenly Palaces have been sealed by the Sword Master for a thousand years. Although our Sword Palace has not been restricted by the Sword Master, we are not allowed to go out at will, otherwise we will easily be caught by the other Eight Heavenly Palaces."

The great elder's worries were not unfounded.

This is a fact.

The Nine Heavenly Palaces could not come out, but your Sword Palace was able to come out...

If someone mentions this matter, they will say it quickly: "It means that you are not one of the nine heavenly palaces!"

How should I answer at this time?

how to respond?

Before, I heard that Qi Zixiao and the other three were too dangerous, so the Great Elder naturally didn't care about other things, and just waved his hand and brought them over.

But now, Qi Zixiao and the other three were not only relieved of the crisis, they were even terribly strong. Naturally, it was better for them to go back to the Sword Palace and 'squat'.

"As for us..."

Qi Zixiao looked at Ji Chutong and Lan Caier, narrowing his eyes slightly: "Find out those old guys who are clamoring, and kill them all the way!"

"If they don't get rid of them, or if no one comes forward, this matter will gradually become a 'hidden rule', and the already rotten heavens and worlds will be completely sunk!"

"Someone has to stand up and someone has to break the rules."

"Originally, we didn't have any interest in these things. What stereotypes, what stand out? As long as we don't provoke us, what does it matter to us?"

"But at this moment, they are targeting us..."

"Then, we don't mind standing up once. I hope they don't collapse too quickly and hold on for a little longer."

"In this way, we can kill to our heart's content!"

Lan Cai'er smiled sinisterly, matching her already bright clothes and the blood mosquitoes floating around, she looked even more sinister: "Speaking of which, I found out in the battle just now that the flesh and blood of Jinxian, especially the spirit Blood can quickly breed blood mosquitoes..."

"Although those old things are near the end of their lifespan and don't have many lives left, they are still golden immortals after all. Rotten golden immortals are used to breed blood mosquitoes. They should complement each other, right?"

"You are disgusting."

Ji Chutong complained: "I just want to wipe out all those old immortals who are targeting us, let alone..."

"Accusing the border guards who shoulder huge risks as sinners, these people, this kind of practice, deserve to die!"

Three parties respectively.

At the end of the blood river, the river is surging.

Its turbulence is more than ten times stronger than before this battle!

Even part of the river was dyed golden, turning reddish in gold and gold in red, but in the end, it all flowed into the end of the blood river and disappeared.

Qi Zixiao did not build any buildings to cover up the wonder of the end of the blood river, because in this battle, too many people saw the original appearance of the end of the blood river.

It's useless to cover up, it's better to 'put' it here.

Anyway, it is not easy to master the way of time and space and find the sea of ​​blood.

Moreover, maybe after the next Blood Brake Lord is born and comes out, he will find a way to build something here again?

Qi Zixiao and the three left.

The Great Elder also led the Sword Immortals in the Sword Palace to rush upwards.

Emperor Qingping dismissed the monster races from different worlds with a wave of his hand, and followed the big and small dragon tail lions to the sea of ​​beasts.

In the starry sky, it gradually fell silent.


Not long after, someone showed up.

There are real immortals, heavenly immortals, and mysterious immortals.

They didn't come here for the war, but to 'pick up trash'.

The land where golden immortals fell, although Qi Zixiao and the other three had already cleaned the battlefield, some things would remain after all.

And the things of golden immortals, even if they are 'spicy chicken' or 'incomplete fragments', are also of high value.

At the same time, they also became very interested in the strange scene at the end of the blood river.

After all, this scene is too strange, as long as people who see it rarely feel that they have no idea.

However, it is not easy to explore its mysteries.

A group of fairy families descended, each using their own means and showing their magical powers.

But no one was able to discover its mystery, and they couldn't find the location of the sea of ​​blood. They didn't even find any clues or clues.

In the end, you can only come while you are happy and return in failure.

Everyone knows that there must be a problem at the end of the blood river!

Many immortals even speculated that Qi Zixiao and the three suddenly became so tyrannical, and that shocking sword of killing came from this hidden place.

And this statement has also been recognized by many immortals.

But still useless.

Guess what you guess, what you approve is what you approve, as long as you can't get in, everything is useless.


At the same time, within the sea of ​​blood, the land of the Asura clan.

Cang Momo paid attention to the scenes in the 'ten areas' alone, especially when he found out that many Asuras were pregnant, he showed a relaxed look.

But soon, he appeared in the distance.


Above the dome of sky, the bloody water slanted down, like a huge waterfall in the dome of sky, causing the bloody water to flow down three thousand feet.

Cang Zao has seen this place and this scene more than a few times.

But at this moment, he was shocked.

Gold is mixed in the blood!

Murderous, dead, resentful...

All kinds of breaths are also countless times better than before!

If it is said that the benefit to them after the water of the river of blood merged into the sea of ​​blood was "one", then now, it is at least more than "one hundred"!

"These changes..."

Cang silently deduced, showing surprise: "It is enough to increase the growth of our Asura clan many times!"

"Not only that, the expansion of the entire blood sea will also grow rapidly."

"Many creatures in the blood sea will benefit greatly. From this moment on, earth-shaking changes will take place."

"How could such a change happen?"

He pondered for a moment, and then pondered: "Could it be that Qi Zixiao and the others did what that person did in the outside world?"

"Blood River..."

"Just killing a few golden immortals and pouring their blood into the blood river, wouldn't such amazing changes happen?"

"What kind of catastrophe did they make, and how many powerful people did they kill?"

At this moment, even Cang Du felt a chill down his spine and his whole body was icy cold.

"In this way, I underestimated them. After Qi Zixiao got the two swords of Yuantu and Abi, his strength may be stronger than mine."

"However, under such circumstances, perhaps..."

"It may be possible for me to take that step, but I don't know."

"I, on behalf of the Ashura family, took over this favor and karma."

Not long after, Cang sat down cross-legged and began to practice.

And before that, he hadn't cultivated for an unknown number of years, because when he reached the peak, the road ahead was broken, the bottleneck was extremely hard, and he couldn't break through at all.

but at the moment...

The bottleneck like a moat seems to have loosened a bit.

Even if there is only a glimmer of it, there is hope after all.


Inside the Kunlun Heavenly Palace.

The three palace lords gathered together, Elder Zhou was like a peaceful corpse, lying on the bamboo chair by the pond, sleeping peacefully with his eyes closed.

His feet sank in the pool water, and the fish in the water swam around his feet, very agile.


The three of you look at me and I look at you, a little embarrassed.

"It's not good to bother Mr. Zhou, is it?"

"But this matter is important, and we can't make decisions arbitrarily. Although it will disturb Mr. Zhou, it's better not to make decisions arbitrarily."

"That's right, then you go."


The person in the middle looked bewildered, but seeing that they were both looking at him, he could only move closer and whispered, "Old Zhou."

"Old Zhou?"

Calling one after another, the volume keeps increasing.

Unfortunately, no response.

Elder Zhou didn't respond, even the heaving of his chest disappeared.


The expressions of the three of them changed slightly, and the person who was close to him was even more shocked when he sensed it: "No, Mr. Zhou has no breath at all. Could it be that the old man has already..."

"Sit down?"


"But Mr. Zhou clearly has..."

"But he is too old after all, I don't know how many years he has lived, even if he takes that step, it may not be..."

"But, this, this..."

The three of them were dumbfounded.

They are all Da Luo Jinxian, and they are the strong of Da Luo Jinxian.

But even so, in the current situation, everyone was flustered, their claws were numb, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

"Ha ha!"

However, just when they were a little panicked, a loud laugh suddenly came out.

Then, Zhou Laomeng, who seemed to be 'dead', stood up and laughed loudly: "Did you be fooled by me?!"

The three palace masters were instantly confused: " ̄__ ̄||···"

"It's fun, it's fun, it's fun."

Elder Zhou was very excited, clapping his hands, looking very happy.

However, under the helpless and depressed expressions of the three of them, Mr. Zhou could only stop smiling, and the corners of his wrinkled mouth slightly twitched: "It's just a joke."

"Not cooperative at all."

The three of them couldn't laugh or cry, but they could only say: "Old Zhou, you better not scare us like this..."

Although they are Da Luo Jinxians, they have great respect for this one in front of them.


This is an existence that seems to have survived from the previous era!

He is too old, no one knows how long he has lived, and no one knows how strong he is. The first half of Kunlun Tiangong's history is almost all written by him alone!

Later, not many people knew about the old man.

Because he no longer manages the affairs of the Tiangong, and does not show his face to the outside world, even within the Tiangong, there are no more than ten people who have seen him in this world.

This is a living fossil, a real antique.

It’s fine if you don’t know it. How can you not admire the Kunlun Heavenly Palace after knowing its history?

"Is there something wrong?"

Mr. Zhou grabbed the bait at hand and sprinkled it into the bath, watching the baits scrambling for food, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Seeing this, the three palace masters all looked 'convinced'.

With his strength, if he calculates with his fingers, there are almost not many things in the world that can be hidden from him.

But he never does.

Someone once asked, why is it not considered to be the best in the world.

But Mr. Zhou said, if the world is known, what is the fun in this world?

Yes, he never counts.

Even if it's about the comfort of the entire Kunlun Heavenly Palace, he never thinks about it, and always 'knows later'.

But it was also because of this that the three Palace Masters admired them all the more.

What kind of person and what kind of state do you have to be in order to let go of everything?

Although they are the strong ones among the Da Luo Jinxians, they are still somewhat incomprehensible.

"Something happened. The latest news is that just recently, Qi Zixiao, Ji Chutong, and Lan Caier are the contemporary saintesses of the witchcraft holy world."

"The three of them teamed up and killed nearly a hundred golden immortals at the end of the blood river. The blood of the immortals was rolling, and the blood river was surging..."

"The backbone of the heavens and the world has dropped to the lowest point in history at this moment."

"And if this news is revealed, we are worried that the underworld..."


"Three little girls, kill a hundred golden immortals?"

Elder Zhou showed shock, and blinked his eyelids: "Is the current Jinxian already so weak?"

The three palace masters: "..."

Does this mean that the current Jinxian is weak?

Obviously that Qi Zixiao is too perverted, okay?

Also, is your focus a bit skewed? The point is not this, but the result. Well, the result!

One of them said in a low voice: "Old Zhou, it's not because the Golden Immortals are too weak. According to the news, Qi Zixiao has two big weapons in his hand, one black and one white bone sword. The killing intent is shocking. They are the Golden Immortals. The pinnacle can't take a sword."

"Furthermore, Qi Zixiao relied on this sword to fight more and more bravely, as if he would never exhaust himself, and even his spiritual power was suspected to be stronger than that of Jinxian, and he could often predict the enemy's opportunities first, so..."

"Isn't the current Jinxian too weak?"

Elder Zhou asked back: "If Jinxian is strong enough, how could she be beheaded by her?"


The three palace masters were even more speechless.

Before he had time to speak, Elder Zhou said again: "You just said, one black and one white bone sword?"


Another palace lord waved his hands and drew the appearance of two swords in the void with his immortal essence: "This is the scene that was reported, and those two swords look like this."

"It's really hard to imagine what kind of peerless sword this is."

"Just looking at its phantom can make me feel cold all over..."

The palace lord's expression was very surprised, but at the same time, somewhat cautious and unbelievable.

It's okay to kill the golden immortal, I am a great Daluo Jinxian, and I have been a Daluo for more than five million years, just looking at the phantoms of these two swords, can I be scared to death? !

"These two swords..."

Mr. Zhou's focus this time was not wrong, he took a closer look, and then...

Lie down on the bamboo chair: "I haven't seen it before."

The three palace masters: "..."

Then, Elder Zhou said again: "But it feels a little familiar, I should know it, but I can't remember it."

The three 'beautiful' Palace Masters were speechless.

"Why can't you remember anything?"

They whispered in their hearts, but they must not dare to say these words.

"Mr. Zhou, do you think... do we want to intervene?" Changed the subject, hoping to bring Mr. Zhou's attention back to the right place.

"Intervene in what?"

Elder Zhou asked back.

"...Nowadays, many old guys who have closed the death pass have left the pass, accusing Qi Zixiao and the other three of them as sinners of the heavens and the world."

"It looks like they want to push them to that point as they did back then."

"Are we going to add fuel to the flames?"

"What kind of waves are you pushing, what are you helping?"

Elder Zhou squinted his eyes and curled his lips: "My old bone didn't approve of what happened back then, but the palace master of that generation said it was for the good of Tiangong."

"If you don't get them there, something will happen sooner or later, and if this is the case, you can still save the power for Tiangong."

"At that time, my old bones had already retired for many years, so naturally I didn't bother to take care of it."

"And those people are also Daluo Jinxian, and they do have the strength to guard the boundary pass."

"But Qi Zixiao and the other three little girls, do they have the qualifications?"

"Forcing them to do? To die?"

The three of them were not surprised, and immediately probed: "Then... Mr. Zhou, what do you mean, to suppress this matter?"

"What pressure?"

"What does this matter have to do with our Kunlun?"


"I'm tired, let's go, don't disturb my rest."

Mr. Zhou started to chase people away.

The three could only leave.

When they got out of the other hospital, the three of them were still confused and helpless.

"Mr. Zhou is getting more and more mysterious, always talking halfway."

"Huh? That's not right. There's still one thing I haven't said. The Jieguan side... I'm afraid it's not going to be peaceful!"

"How about going back?"

"Why go back? If Mr. Zhou doesn't want to see us, you won't be able to get in even if you try your best."

"Then what to do?"

"Obviously, what Elder Zhou meant was that we, Kunlun, don't care about Qi Zixiao and the others. Then let nature take its course."

"Although Mr. Zhou has never been able to count the whole world, with his strength and realm, I am afraid that what he said casually fits the Dao, so we just do what he said."

"As for the boundary gate..."

"I'm afraid, we have to send a few disciples who are proficient in space one, and pay attention at all times. If there is a war, we have to be prepared."

"By the way, those few, are they still alive?"

"If there is a war, they should be able to live for some years..."


"Hula la..."

Mr. Zhou threw a lot of bait casually, but unknowingly, he simulated the phantom of the two bone swords he saw just now.

Watch and watch.

He suddenly slapped his forehead and said excitedly, "Huh?"

"Like the legendary Yuan Tu and Ah Bi!"


"Why am I so excited?"

"What are Yuantu and Abi?"

"Where is the legend?"

His excitement disappeared, replaced by bewilderment and bewilderment, his brows were slightly frowned: "Why do these two names appear in my mind?"


Sun Moon Qiankun Palace.

High-level people gathered together to discuss the major events that happened today.

"In my opinion, we should push the boat along the way. Although we can't get out, the many worlds under our jurisdiction dare not be obedient?"

"Let them push the boat along with the current, and send Qi Zixiao and the three of them to Jieguan with the righteousness of the world."

"The foundation of the way of heaven... so what if I give it to them?"

"Now, Qi Zixiao is already an invincible opponent under Da Luo, and he is qualified to go to Jieguan to guard."

"I still think the foundation of the way of heaven is more important, don't forget, they have mastered the three ways!"

"And our Sun Moon Qiankun Palace, as long as we master two more, we will definitely surpass Kunlun..."

"Even if you only get one, you may not have this opportunity. There are less than nine hundred and ninety-nine years left..."

"At that time, if the princess personally takes action, are you afraid that Qi Zixiao will turn the world upside down?!"

"Don't be careless. Qi Zixiao is only at the early stage of the Celestial Immortal. After less than 30 years of practice, he can cross two great realms and kill the strong Jinxian, and kill the Jinxian like a dog! Give her nearly a thousand years, and I'm afraid it will be Da Luo... · She may not be able to kill."

"Although the gap between Jinxian and Daluo is like a moat, it is extremely difficult to bridge, but Qi Zixiao is obviously not very human, and he must not be viewed with the eyes of ordinary people."

"It's better to send them to Jieguan."

"Otherwise, it may cause disaster!"


The high-level officials were divided into two factions.

One faction suggested that Qi Zixiao and the other three should be forced to go to Jieguan, and let them guard the border, guarding it as a "guilt body", and they will never return. Otherwise, what if Qi Zixiao's "development" is too good?

Today's Qi Zixiao is not a 'rookie' who just came out of the world of cultivating immortals. She is already invincible under Da Luo. Given another thousand years, who knows how strong she is?

The other faction thinks that the foundation of the way of heaven is more important.

It is more appropriate to kill and seize the foundation later.

Noisy, but no conclusion.

In the end, it was the contemporary Palace Master who said quietly: "Enough."

"My Palace Master already knows your thoughts, but they are not appropriate."

"Pass down the order, let the world we rule add fuel to the flames, and force Qi Zixiao and the others to Jieguan."

"As for the foundation of the way of heaven..."


"When the power of the sword master dissipates, the master of the palace will judge based on the situation at that time, whether to destroy them and seize the foundation of the way of heaven."

"The Palace Master is wise!"

"So, there is nothing wrong with it."

"This is the real surefire solution..."

Everyone flattered, thinking it made sense.

What if you can't beat it after a thousand years? Don't fight if you can't beat it!

Send it to Jieguan first, wait until the time comes to see the situation, if you can kill it, kill it, and you can also pretend to be a person from the underworld...

Can't beat or kill? Then pretend it never happened, and it can also add a layer of protection for the heavens and worlds and the sun, moon, universe and heavenly palace. After all, that is a strong man stronger than the palace master, guarding the boundary gate, isn't it very safe for us?

No loss left or right.


That is at this very moment.

Black and White School, Gods and Ghosts Heavenly Palace, Liangyi Palace, Yinyang Heavenly Palace, Four Elephants Town Demon Palace, Taishang Wuji Palace...

Almost all of them were like the Sun Moon Qiankun Palace, where the high-level officials got together and secretly discussed how to deal with this matter, but their conclusions and decisions were different.

The only exception is Taixuan Jiuqing Palace!

When the Sword Palace was separated, the power of the Taixuan Jiuqing Palace had almost declined by half. If it weren't for the Palace Master sitting in charge, there would have been countless people jumping out, clamoring that the Taixuan Jiuqing Palace was not worthy of being a heavenly palace...

After all, Daluo Jinxian is too strong. At present, no one has the courage, and the other eight heavenly palaces have not yet 'spoken'.

In the absence of an early bird, the Taixuan Jiuqing Palace can still secure its title as one of the Nine Great Heavenly Palaces.

But at this moment, the palace lord has not discussed with anyone.

However, the hand holding the sound transmission jade talisman trembled slightly.

"Palace Master, you hurt me!"

"Then Qi Zixiao, is he so easy to kill? If it weren't for my fate today, I'm afraid..."


The sound transmission jade talisman exploded.

The palace lord's face was as usual, but the coldness in his eyes was almost overflowing.

"Qi Zixiao, you are invincible under Da Luo, killing a golden fairy is like slaughtering a dog..."

"You grow up really fast!"

"However, when you go to the boundary pass, what do I think of you?"


"A fairy tale?"

On the way to the Star Sea of ​​Thousand Beasts, Emperor Qingping played with the fairy machine, showing curiosity: "It seems that the 'guidance' is really very useful, try it."

It added a great elder friend, and then sent a message.

"Do you think they will go?"

"Early and late." Soon, the Great Elder responded.

"Then you said, we did this... If they regret it someday in the future, will they hate us?"

"Why do you think they will regret it?"

"Because, in my opinion, no one will not regret going to that ghost place."

"Especially when the heavens and worlds are so corrupt..."


"Everything is up to them."

"The road is under their feet."

"Yes, the road is at their feet."

The two stopped communicating.

And Emperor Qingping, who used this kind of 'text chat' for the first time, and even tried to post a few emoticons, found it particularly novel.

"It's really good, very interesting."

"Just, Qi Zixiao..."

"How will you choose?"

Drip drip.

Suddenly, the fairy machine sounded, and there was news.

Emperor Qingping took a look, only to realize that it was the monster clan under him. When they parted just now, he gave Xiang Xiang a fairy tale.


"Emperor, the latest news."

"About the three of Qi Zixiao beheading nearly a hundred golden immortals, the most noisy one, the old guy who kept accusing them of being the sinners of the heavens and the world --- Immortal Haodong... was killed in his lair gone."

"According to eyewitnesses, a bloody sword energy pierced through the sky and earth, rolled down countless stars, and cut through the void..."

"Even with Haodong Immortal Lord."


Emperor Qingping's eyelids twitched, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Is this... the beginning?"

"Are they really women?"

"This kind of murderous intent, this kind of killing intent, is simply a few killing embryos!"

"However, that's fine."

"If the old ones don't go, the new ones won't come."

"What's more..."

"This rotten world should be dealt with. Although the 'roots' can't be moved yet, it is also a good thing to blow off some rotten leaves."

"I don't have the confidence, but you... tsk, it should be said that youth means blood? Just do what you say, without hesitation at all."

"It's just that once you do this, it means that you have already made your decision."



Emperor Qingping simply responded: "If there is any similar news, please inform me at all times."

After that, he stopped thinking about it.

Because, the teleportation array has arrived.

Soon, they will rush to the Myriad Beast Star Sea.

"True dragon, the former co-lord of the demon clan..."

Emperor Qingping expressed his expectation: "If this trip goes well, it will be much easier in the future."

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