What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become An Immortal?

Chapter 835 The Three Realms of Heaven, Earth and Man, Buzhou Mountain (word W)

I am afraid that the resonance will not succeed!

According to what Lin Fan said before, both the First Emperor and the Empress felt that there was a high probability that it would be those two situations.

1. Eighty-one Dao, nine types, some of which are harmful to the Dao of Heaven or unable to resonate.

Second, it can resonate no matter what type, but if it reaches a certain amount, it can no longer continue, or it is harmful to the way of heaven.

At present, they already have four types. If all of them can successfully resonate with the Dao of Heaven, it is basically certain that it is not the first case.

If this is the case... not only can some news be speculated, but also huge benefits can be obtained.

After all, even if nothing else is said, just resonating the foundation of the four heavens at the same time is enough to make the earth rise against the sky in a short time.

Although the First Emperor and the Empress did not know the existence of the Nine Heavenly Palaces and the Kunlun Heavenly Palace, they did know that the foundation of the way of heaven is definitely a good thing among good things.

Its importance is really needless to say!


The great earthquake of the heavenly way, the auspiciousness is myriad, and the number is innumerable.

Lin Fan, the First Emperor, and the Empress all looked up at the sky, expectant and nervously waiting.

Until, seeing that a large amount of merit is divided into three...

"It's done!"

The three of them let out a low cry at the same time, inexplicably excited.

The golden cloud of merit and virtue is divided into three, which is enough to explain everything. Obviously, the foundations of the three ways of heaven have all successfully resonated with the way of heaven.

Moreover, it is basically certain that it is not certain types of Heavenly Dao foundations that are harmful to Heavenly Dao...

That being the case, I don’t need to care about the type after that, I just need to do my best to collect them. This is my biggest advantage!

Lin Fan's breathing became short of breath.

He and his saintess are constantly interpenetrating, and he can use the clues of later generations to find the foundation of the way of heaven. Moreover, as he learns more about the many "ancient histories" of the heavens and worlds, he will only know more and more.

Even, he was thinking, if Ji Chutong's strength grows further, will it bring some more useful news?

After all, she comes from a 'future' farther than the heavens and worlds!

In that era, it is reasonable to know the location of the foundation of the Dao of Heaven that was not known in the period of the Heavens and Myriad Realms!

If so...

How bright will the earth be in the future? !


The merit falls, bright and blazing.

Lin Fan is already familiar with the road, while the empress and the first emperor are relatively excited.

The Golden Ring of Merit is taking shape!

In just a short moment, their golden circles of merit increased one after another.

However, Lin Fan did not move.

He already had the golden ring of nine rounds of merit before, and the invisibility cloak is temporarily useless now. Although he can use this large amount of merit to upgrade the invisibility cloak, how much can he do with the invisibility cloak in the future?

He's not sure!

Therefore, for a while, I didn't decide how to use this great wave of merit.

Should I save it, or try to see if I can condense the golden ring of merit in the tenth round?

But the facts proved that Lin Fan thought too much.

The merits and virtues fell in pieces, and there was a lot of movement, but they were all absorbed by the already existing nine rounds of merit and virtue golden ring.

Absorbed it all!

The tenth round of the golden ring of merit? Not even a shadow.

It's just that the golden rings of the nine rounds of merit have become a bit more 'thick' and 'brighter', and at the same time, they feel more sacred.

"... So, is this a loss or a gain?"

The corner of Lin Fan's mouth twitched, and he suddenly felt a bit at a loss: "If I knew this would happen, I'd let Heaven save it first..."

The main reason is that there is no big change at present, and I don't know how much bonus this enhanced version of the golden ring of merit can bring.

"Well, I can only try again later, as for now..."

He didn't think about it anymore, and together with the First Emperor and the Empress, quietly waited for the resonance to end.


It is at this moment that the earth changes dramatically!

The entire earth began to shake violently, as if a magnitude 18 earthquake had erupted, as if the end of the world was coming, and everything was going to be shattered.

However, although the shaking was strong, there was no geological disaster or tsunami outbreak.

Ordinary people couldn't stand at all, they all staggered, lay on the ground, and were even bounced several meters high.

But what is strange is that many buildings have not been destroyed in such a strong vibration, which is very miraculous.

Under the attention of everyone around the world, three phantoms suddenly appeared above the sky.

The phantom is extremely illusory, and it doesn't look real at first, but as time goes by, everything becomes clear.

At this moment, I don't know how many people exclaimed, unbelievable.

"That is···"

"Immortal Master Lin Fan?!"

"And the Empress!"

"Who is the third person? It's so dangerous, and it looks familiar?"

"My god, that's the First Emperor!!!"

"The first emperor, the empress, and Lin Fan?! Why do the phantoms of the three of them appear in the sky, so lifelike, that all creatures on the earth can see them?"

Everyone was scared.

And Lin Fan, after these years, with the continuous growth of the earth and the continuous strengthening of the cultivators, he has a brand new name... Immortal Master!

The implication is the mentor on the road to immortality.

Even the Ministry of Residents' Happy Life publicly stated that Lin Fan is the teacher who helped the earth to embark on the fairy road again.

Therefore, this name became Lin Fan's recognized name.

The empress had also made public appearances before her return, so she knew a lot of people, at least all the Chinese people who remembered the matter knew her.

The First Emperor had never made an appearance in public, but what an amazing battle he proposed in Kunlun before?

During that battle, some earth monks watched from a distance, so the appearance of the first emperor had already been transmitted back.

Therefore, now, when the crowd saw the sacred and resplendent shadows of Lin Fan and the three of them in the sky, they quickly recognized them and were horrified.

The golden light gradually dissipated.

Instead, the phantoms of the three of them floated in the sky, lifelike, accompanied by the auspicious vision that filled the sky and never dissipated for a long time.


Over the Ministry of Residents' Happy Life.

Eleven ministers gathered and flew high into the sky, looking at the phantom above the sky from a distance, and heard various observation results and instrument test reports from time to time.

They were all taken aback when it was determined that no disaster had occurred, and the earth was growing crazily and the aura was increasing sharply.

"This scene seems familiar!"

The Seventh Deputy Minister was surprised: "It's like the scene when Lin Fan used the foundation of the heaven to communicate with the heaven, but it's more intense and shocking."

"Could it be, the foundation of many ways of heaven?"

"If so..."

"I'm afraid, there will be some changes."

"I don't know if those outsiders will..."

"At the moment, we don't have the strength to deal with this matter, but the three of them should have been prepared long ago, right?"


Within Zizhu Academy.

Old Chen turned his back on his back and scolded the frightened students.

Then, looking at Lin Fan's sacred phantom from a distance, he pursed his lips: "This brat, it seems that he has obtained the foundation of the way of heaven again."

"Don't say a word when you come back, it's really..."

"However, I don't know what the earth will look like after today?"


Suddenly, a divine light bloomed on Zizhu Island.

Old Chen was startled, and rushed to the place where the divine light bloomed, only to find that Zizhu Island had grown bigger again, and at an extremely fast speed!

The sea of ​​purple bamboos seems to be innumerable.

At the same time, there was a very sacred Sanskrit sound, accompanied by faint moon and moon Buddha's chant from all over Zizhu Island, it was more like some sad sounds lingering in my ears.


Old Chen was taken aback, as if seeing a ghost: "No...can't you?"

Zhang Laodao and the old man also rushed over immediately and stood beside him with a look of shock on their faces.

"Do you think the same as I think?"

"I think the probability is about the same."

"But...how could this be?!"

"Could it be that what you see now is gradually approaching the true face of Zizhu Island?"

Zhang Laodao whispered to himself, as if muttering, feeling unbelievable about the changes in front of him.

"My medicine field has been scattered..."

The old man yelled, very heartbroken: "Huh?"

"No, look!"

"Those three trees are shining, as if something has changed, huh? Hiss!!! It seems to have grown for thousands of years in an instant!!!"



My hometown, the top of the mountain.

Because the vibration was too strong, the old man flew into the sky.

Both of them are monks in the distraction stage now, and it is natural to take a break or something, and it can be done with a single thought.

"What are you doing, baby?"

The old man raised his eyes and looked into the distance, and scolded: "Don't say hello when you come back, Gua Wazi."


Mom didn't say anything at first.

After a while, he said: "It seems that he did it."


The old man was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly realized: "You mean..."

"Huh? It's really possible!"

"A melon!"

They came back after the examination, and the doctor said that the fetus in the stomach was fine and very healthy, and even said that it was a bit unreasonable to be healthy.

As for why the stomach is getting smaller and smaller...

The doctor couldn't tell why.

Just say: Nezha knows, right? It seems that you children will be stronger than Nezha after birth~

What else can they say?

Naturally, he could only come back with a dazed look on his face.

But at this moment, I saw Lin Fan's figure floating in the void, and with the earth's great changes, the mountain peaks under my feet grew taller and grew a lot...

How could they fail to guess?

It is clear that the 'boss' of his family is doing something.

As for, what the hell is going on?

Hey, where does our second elder know where to go?

In short, it must be a good thing.

"This melon!"

"Oh, forget it, he has been sensible since he was a child, and he will definitely not mess around. He will play ball, let's go, let's go inside and watch TV..."

The shaking gradually died down.

Dad yelled and dragged mom into the house to watch TV.

The mother turned her eyes away from the phantom, as if her son was right in front of her eyes.


She sighed softly: "I don't know if this baby is some kind of ruthless way of cultivating immortals, don't cut off the seven emotions and six desires..."


Dad cursed.


Look at the world of self-cultivation.

The earth has changed dramatically, the massive accumulation of merits and virtues, all kinds of rays of light all over the sky, accompanied by wonderful but miraculous fluctuations, it is difficult for many immortals to pay attention to it!

The foundation of heaven!

At this moment, they all realized.

The news has already spread.

Both the first emperor and the empress have the foundation of the way of heaven, and both came from the same place.

Therefore, it is not surprising to them that there is a foundation of the heavenly way and the resonance of the heavenly way, but...

When they discovered that there were three foundations of the heavenly way that resonated, they were still shocked.

Especially, when they found out that this special mother turned out to be the earth, after this planet that had resonated together a few years ago...


"Four ways???"

"According to the monks who have been to the earth, the strength of the earth monks is generally extremely low, and there are only a few strong ones in charge."

"On such a planet, there are also four foundations of heaven?!"

"How about you go grab it?"


"Who is the first emperor, don't you know?"


"Da Luo Jinxian didn't say a word. If he didn't say a word, it means that he acquiesced in this matter. Are you going to try it?"



How many monks and immortal families are there in the comprehension world? !

The monks just let it go, knowing how much they have, naturally they dare not snatch it, and they don't even have the idea.

However, for many fairy families, this is unbearable for them.

The foundation of the four heavens! ! !

It just appeared so openly, and they are all in the same world...

How great would it be if I could get one, or even two?

Or, go grab it?

There are quite a few immortal families who have thought about this, but when they think that Daluo Jinxian has never spoken, and has ordered preparations for the war in the underworld more than a year ago, no more internal friction is allowed.

In addition, the first emperor is a great Luo Jinxian's combat power!

Before, there were even news that ten great Luos broke into the underworld, but the first emperor was still safe and sound.

Who dares to snatch it? !

No matter how much you think and how much you desire, in the end, you can only 'hold back'.


Among the sea of ​​clouds.

Most of the 108 big Luos are just incarnations here, and only a few of them are real bodies sitting here.

Originally, most of them were resting their eyes or cultivating. After all, it is not just a day and a night to explore the underworld.

But at this moment, they all opened their eyes and looked at each other.

"Four ways?"

"Amazing fluctuations."

"That planet is about to rise against the sky."

"And the speed will be extremely fast!"

"Is it the birthplace of Yingzheng? Oh, it's lucky."

"In my opinion, that place doesn't deserve to have so many. The one owned by Yingzheng is nothing more than that. Others, what can they do?"

Someone complained.

But soon, someone refuted.

"Who doesn't know that you have three thousand cultivation planets under your command? Do you want to seize one or two for your own benefit?"

"So what?" However, when his idea was exposed, this big Luo was not annoyed at all: "What can you do for a mere earth?"

"Earth? Have you even found out the name?"

Fairy Meng cast a glance at him, then slowly shook her head: "I understand what you think, but I don't agree with it."

"Dead this heart."

"Whether the earth is worthy or not is not up to you. Now is the time to employ people, not the time for internal friction."

"What's more, Emperor Shihuang is a man of character far beyond your imagination. If the persecution is too harsh, the solution will definitely not be as you wish."

"Not bad!" Geng Jin also said.

In fact, the other big Luos who had been to the underworld also nodded their heads.

"Don't force it at will."

"Especially at such a critical moment!"

"Furthermore, what's wrong with the rise of the earth against the sky? A great war is imminent, and in the final analysis, the battle is still started because of the first emperor, and the earth happens to be his birthplace..."

"You can do this, let the earth have more people!"


That big Luo was still a little unhappy, he had planned to make a move a long time ago, but now he was being opposed one after another, and he was in a bad mood.

It's a pity that when he glanced at the other big Luos, wanting to get an opinion in favor of himself, he saw everyone shaking their heads after a while of contemplation.

"What you say makes sense!"

"No internal consumption."

"Reincarnation is extremely important, Su Hao, you must not act rashly."

Su Hao: "..."


He snorted coldly, seeing that no one agreed with him, although he was upset, he could only give up his thoughts.

Very upset!


"What a big change."

On the top of Mount Everest, the three of Lin Fan looked at each other, and they could all feel the changes in each other, not the appearance, but the 'inside'!

Cultivation is growing!

Lin Fan's cultivation has soared all the way from the early stage of true immortality to the peak of true immortality, and he is only one step away from the heavenly immortal.

The Empress's cultivation was also almost exactly the same as Lin Fan's, even slightly stronger.

After all, she has been settled for a long time, and now she can be said to be a 'half-step fairy'.

Both Lin Fan and Shi Huang couldn't see through the realm of the first emperor, but it was more advanced than before. Both of them had a clear feeling about this point, so there must be no mistake.

"It's not just the cultivation and energy of the three of us that are changing." Shi Huang closed his eyes for a moment and said, "At this moment, the Dao of Heaven favors the three of us."

"Especially Lin Fan."

"It is estimated that in the earth now, you are the natural son of Tiandao, and the Empress and I are at most illegitimate children."

He laughed and said: "I have no doubt that if you take two steps in the barren mountains at will, many elixir, even fairy medicine will 'jump' to you by itself."

"Hey, you can't say that, why are you an illegitimate child?"

Lin Fan chuckled: "Old Zhao, maybe you picked it up?"

The corner of Shihuang's mouth twitched: "..."

It's not as good as an illegitimate child!

"Not only that, the change of the earth is really great." The empress said with emotion: "From the current point of view, it has increased by more than ten times in an instant..."

Half a day ago, the earth was about 60,000 times larger than before the spiritual energy recovered.

But now, it has exceeded 700,000 times!

And it is still growing, and the speed is much faster than before.

"According to the current growth rate, perhaps, in just a few days, it will be more than a million times larger than before."

Lin Fan exclaimed: "I don't know how majestic and astonishing the real original appearance of the ancestral land is?"

In the first sword tower, Li Bai once said that the earth once skyrocketed by a million times, but unfortunately, the war broke out and it was suspected to be destroyed.

When he wakes up after being sealed for thousands of years, he can no longer find the trace of the earth.

So, is the earth really broken?

A million times, is it the limit of the earth?

After all, Li Bai didn't say, and couldn't be sure that the earth would stop growing after a million times, right?

If it will continue to grow, what is the original appearance of the earth? !

Fragments of the legendary prehistoric world?


The human world among the three worlds of heaven, earth and man? !

While thinking in Lin Fan's heart, he was also looking forward to it.

"Perhaps, after waiting for a while, there will be an answer?"

"After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, many relics have already been exposed. Maybe some clues can be found in these relics."

This time, the earth has really changed a lot.

The sudden increase of ten times is still an increase of ten times on the basis of more than 50,000 times the original earth, which is too big!

Mountains, rivers and rivers all skyrocketed.

Some mountain ranges, rivers, caves, and ruins that have never been recorded before and have never been seen by anyone have also sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, and 'grow' one after another!

Even, many areas have become "prehistoric areas" that no one has ever set foot on.

There are towering old trees, various strange scenes emerging one after another, and astonishing animal roars from time to time, which make people's scalp tingle.

Even some big monks dare not break in at will.

However, these changes are not 'unfamiliar' to Lin Fan and the others. Because in one thought, all parts of the earth are under control.


This does not mean that the earth today has no secrets.

After Lin Fan glanced at the current earth, his expression changed, and the expression on his face gradually froze: "That, that is?!"

"Did you...see it?"

"You mean, the ruins?" Shi Huangdi's face also became serious: "The ruins full of traces of the war?"

"It's there!"

"Go and see?" Lin Fan turned his head and looked at the two of them.


Emperor Shihuang nodded.

The empress' expression was a little strange: "Is it really there?"

"you know?"

Lin Fan and Shi Huang suddenly looked at her.

"Very familiar!"

The empress nodded, then hesitated and said: "But I'm not sure at the moment, I'd better go and see for myself."

"If it's really there, I'm afraid, this will be a great discovery!"



Although I still don't know where the empress is talking about, but that place is really amazing, even for the current Lin Fan and the first emperor, so I naturally have to go to the scene to see it.

Then, Lin Fan wanted to tear apart the space and prepare for teleportation.


He just stretched out his hand, barely revealing the slightest intention to tear apart the space.


The space twisted violently, and then a space crack formed automatically, and the most amazing thing was that there was a 'calm sea' inside the crack.

There is not even a trace of 'space turbulence' at all, as stable as an 'old dog'.

Even, through this space crack, they can still see the ruins they want to go to...

First Emperor:"···"

Empress: "(⊙o⊙)..."


The first emperor looked at it hotly, and wanted to try it, but found that there was no such treatment.

The space will split open by itself, and the destination will not appear at all, and he still needs to "brute force" to break it open.

At most, it's just a little easier.


Seeing this, Emperor Shihuang shook his head and said in amazement: "Sure enough, the treatment of my own son is different."

"Old Zhao, old Zhao, I said you picked it up, right? You still don't believe it."

Lin Fan laughed for a while.

He was also quite surprised.

Who knew that after having two foundations of the heavenly way and resonating with the heavenly way, there would be such benefits in the earth?

You don’t even need to do it yourself to tear apart the space. With just one thought, the Dao of Heaven will do it directly...

comfortable ~!

Thieves comfortable!

Step out.

Passing through the space crack, Lin Fan was already in the ruins.

Looking back, the crack was still there. The First Emperor and the Empress came one after another. Then, the space crack quickly distorted, blurred, and finally disappeared.

Obviously, Tiandao still gave the 'illegitimate child' a little face.

Although they didn't give them a 'drive', at least they gave them a 'ride', didn't they?

However, the first emperor was extremely upset about this.

But this moment is not the time to talk about these things, stepping on this battlefield in person and seeing everything around with his own eyes, even the First Emperor couldn't help being moved, his complexion changed drastically.

The three of them stood back to back and looked in different directions.

The reason for this is because they felt a mysterious and terrifying aura, even the first emperor felt a chill down his spine, so he dared not be careless.

Looking around, it can be concluded that this is the ruins left after a great war.

Surrounded by huge boulders, traces of various offensives are extremely obvious, and even in some potholes, there are inexplicable Dao rhymes and runes wandering around, which have not dissipated for many years.

This scene reminded Lin Fan of Zhuxian Sword Pit!

Even if the attack here is not that terrifying, it must be extremely extraordinary, otherwise it would not be possible to keep it until now!

In the center of this place, there is a big mountain!

The height of the mountain is difficult to measure.

However, when it got near the atmosphere, it suddenly stopped, as if interrupted by someone, very scary.

Even, in a corner, Lin Fan found a half-giant skeleton!

It was dilapidated, lost its divinity, and seemed to be obliterated at any moment, but at least the half of the skeleton still maintained its proper appearance at this moment.

"Here, there must have been a big battle!"

The First Emperor finally spoke, with a dignified expression: "Many places still retain some of the original prestige..."

"I don't know how many years have passed, but a small part of the remaining prestige makes me shudder. Is this why we are aware of the danger?"

"In this way, in the original battle here, at least Da Luo participated in the battle, and there must be more than one!"

"It's even very possible to be above Da Luo!"

"But, can the earth withstand the attack of such a strong man? Even a big Luo can easily destroy the earth, right?"

"Not to mention Da Luo, even ordinary immortals can do it, this..."


The first emperor was very puzzled.

This doesn't make sense!

Just like a toy car, children can sit in it to play, but adults cannot sit in it. If they try to sit in it, the result is obvious that the toy car breaks down.

From the point of view of the First Emperor, the Da Luo Jinxian level, or even stronger ones?

Yu Wei can collapse the earth, after all, judging from the current hardness of the earth, it is far inferior to Kunlun.

Therefore, it is impossible for a strong man of this level to make a move!

But everything in front of him shows that at least one big Luo has made a move, and there is a high probability that someone who is stronger than Da Luo has made a move!

It doesn't make sense!

The Empress looked gloomy, as if she was deducing something, but she didn't speak.

Hearing this, Lin Fan had some thoughts and said, "It's not impossible."

"What if the earth today is just the tip of the iceberg compared to the ancient times, such as the prehistoric period?"

"If the original appearance of the earth is far from being revealed?"

"For example, the earth used to be millions or tens of millions of times larger than it is now, and it was a vast and boundless realm, and its strength was far greater than it is now?"

"Does that make sense?"

He is not aimless.

Just now I was still thinking about this question, what was the earth like in the past?

Can it only grow to a million times?

Or, a million times is just the beginning? !

Judging from the current strange scene, Lin Fan is more inclined to the latter.

Seeing that Emperor Shihuang's face changed slightly, Lin Fan said again: "Old Zhao, we can almost be sure that the earth is growing, and many things will be enlarged in "equal proportion" in the future."

"Including some mountains, water, and terrain!"

"So, is it possible that everything we see so far is just a zoomed-out product?"

"Including this broken mountain."

"Including, the 'potholes' and ruins left after the war?"

Lin Fan's eyes were burning.

He felt that he had solved the question of the first emperor, and it was also a question in his heart just now.

Because, after he arrived here, he felt very weird at first glance.

how to say···

Those 'survival powers' are amazing in perception, but the damage they cause is too small.

It's like, after a mushroom egg explodes, there is radiation, right?

Whether it is analyzed from radiation or other angles, it can be determined that a mushroom egg exploded here.

But the problem is that the crater it blows up is only the size of a 'bullet crater'.

It seems that the attack of Da Luo Jinxian only made a hole that a monk at the Jindan stage could make!

Isn't this weird?

"In that case, I understand it."

The First Emperor suddenly realized, and immediately said: "It's really possible!"

"Whether it's possible or not, I can't be sure for now, but I can be sure that this mountain..." the empress suddenly said, which caught Lin Fan's attention.

She took a deep breath, and then said almost word by word: "Yes... no! Zhou! Shan!"


Lin Fan and Shi Huangdi were shocked at the same time.

"Bu Zhoushan?! This..."

Buzhou Mountain is the name of the mountain in ancient Chinese myths and legends, and Gonggong raged against Buzhou Mountain, which is a myth that has been passed down for at least two thousand years.

At the same time, in various ancient documents, there are also records about Buzhou Mountain, and there are quite a few! It was first seen in "Shan Hai Jing Da Huang Xi Jing": "Beyond the Northwest Sea, in the corner of the Great Wilderness, there are mountains that do not fit together, so it is called Bu Zhou."

According to Wang Yi's annotation of "Lisao", Gao Zhou's annotation of "Huainanzi Daoyuan Xun" all test that Buzhou Mountain is in the northwest of Kunlun Mountain.

It is said that Buzhou Mountain is the only way from the human world to reach the heaven, but Buzhou Mountain is always cold and snowy all the year round, and ordinary people can reach it on foot...

Where is Buzhou Mountain?

Today people don't know.

There used to be many experts and scholars who wanted to study, but the results of the research were also varied, and in the end they could only be classified as myths and legends, which could not be true.

But now, the Empress said that the mountain in front of her was Buzhou Mountain? !

Lin Fan was astonished, and couldn't help saying: "It is said that Buzhou Mountain is the only way to connect the human world with the heavenly realm. It is unattainable. Once you climb up, you will reach the heavenly realm!"

"Judging from the current situation, if this mountain has not been destroyed by jumping, it can indeed be said to be unattainable, and it will be thousands of miles high!"

"If you want to say it's Bu Zhoushan..."

"Can you prove it with other evidence?" The First Emperor looked directly at the Empress, "The legend of Buzhou Mountain is too old and too amazing."

"Even in my time, it has been passed on by word of mouth for many years."


"I understand what you mean." The empress nodded lightly, then shook her head again: "I don't have any evidence to say that I can make a final decision."

"Everything is speculation and inference."

"However, I have a hunch, or in other words, I am more than 80% sure!"

"Huh?!" Shi Huangdi and Lin Fan were stunned at the same time: "So tall?"

The empress took a deep breath, and then said: "I found a place in Kunlun, it seems to be at the foot of Mount Buzhou!"


The two frowned.

Legend has always said that Buzhou Mountain is a channel connecting the two worlds of heaven and man!

Kunlun is the hometown of gods...

If this is Buzhou Mountain, isn't Kunlun the heaven?

"In this way, it's not impossible, the gods, the so-called celestials, right? Living in the heavens..."

"Kunlun, the land of all gods, it would make sense to say that it is a heaven!"

Lin Fan's eyes flickered and his mind was spinning wildly.

"And before, when the moon suddenly turned into Kunlun, I became very strange, and thought there was no connection between the two."

"However, what if there was originally a connection between Kunlun and Earth?!"

As soon as this statement came out.

The first emperor looked at him suddenly, the shock on his face was beyond words, his lips trembled, but he didn't say anything after all, obviously he was quite shocked.

"If this is the case, Kunlun is the heaven, and the earth is likely to be a hero or a fragment of a hero..."

The empress made further speculations based on Lin Fan's statement, and then said: "The boundary is the underworld, but we found two incomplete places in the 18th hell in Kunlun."

"Earth and 'heaven', merged?"

"It doesn't have to be fusion!"

Lin Fan was full of thoughts, and pondered: "At present, it can be confirmed that the six realms of reincarnation collapsed, and the underworld also disappeared. In other words, the entire realm should collapse!"

"Then, it's not impossible for some of the land after the collapse to appear in Kunlun, the 'Heaven Realm'?"

"After all, after being smashed, it is just a piece of debris. With the strength of the strong man at that time, it is just a piece of land boundary debris. You can throw it wherever you want."

"in this way···"

The First Emperor finally said: "So, the three realms of heaven, earth and man have some clues?"

"The land boundary is almost certain to have collapsed. The Kunlun, the heavenly realm, is relatively complete at present. The earth is the human realm. Whether it is complete or a 'little bit' of the entire human realm is still uncertain."

"And, from this point of view, it makes sense."

"About the 'ancestral land'!"

"The human world is the birthplace of our human race, and it is also the place where we have lived for endless years. Calling it the 'ancestral land' is perfect!"

"Could this be the origin of the name 'ancestral land'?"

At this moment, Emperor Shihuang thought of a lot.

The Three Realms of Heaven, Earth and Man...

This saying has existed since ancient times.

It's just that in modern times, with the rise of science and technology, this statement is only regarded as a legend.

Where are the boundaries of earth and heaven?

Where is heaven?

Where is the fairy Buddha?

just fake! It's all fake, just legends and fairy tales.

The First Emperor also searched hard for the existence of the earth and heaven. At that time, he took it for granted that the ancestral land was the human world.

After all, it is the place where human beings live, and where is it if it is not the human world?

But later, when there was no news about the two realms of heaven and earth, or even any clues, the first emperor also thought that this statement was just a legend and a myth.

Until now!

He suddenly discovered that all these are not myths and legends, but real events? !

However, great changes have taken place in the three realms of heaven, earth and man.

The land boundary was destroyed and ceased to exist, and the human world became a small earth, with an unknown number of 'regions' hidden in it.

The sky has become a moon smaller than the earth...

Who can find this?

If they hadn't grown up step by step, and had come into contact with more clues step by step, even if they tried to break their heads, they would not be able to figure it out. It turns out that the current "Three Realms of Heaven, Earth and Man" is actually such a "form of expression".


The First Emperor breathed a sigh of relief: "If this is indeed Buzhou Mountain, then this battle is the place where Gonggong raged against Buzhou Mountain?"

"If so, this battle can indeed be explained."

"It doesn't have to be that Gonggong hit Buzhou Mountain in anger."

Lin Fan mused, "The legend may be true, or it may be false, but I prefer 'false' for this legend."

"In contrast, I think it is more likely that two or more forces will fight here for some reason, and then lead to the destruction of Buzhou Mountain."

"It's not because Gonggong raged against Buzhou Mountain that the war broke out."

Lin Fan pointed to the half of the corpse: "Because, if we hit the mountain first and then fought again, the battle would be even more tragic. At least one of them will probably not die."

"But judging from the current scene, the war is very terrifying, but it has not reached a situation where there is no end to death..."

"Makes sense."

Emperor Shihuang nodded.

The empress also nodded, thinking it made sense.

However, Lin Fan's thoughts gradually drifted away.

Co-workers? !

There are many legends about Gonggong, and two of them are the most 'famous', but these two stories are very different.

One of them is: During the Zhuanxu period, there was a tribal leader named Gonggong.

Legend has it that he has the head of a man and the body of a snake, with red hair all over his head, and his mounts are two dragons.

Gonggong's surname is Jiang, a descendant of Emperor Yan. He attached great importance to farming, especially water conservancy work, and invented the method of building embankments to store water... in that era, he made a great contribution.

Another way of saying is, one of the Twelve Ancestral Witches!

Human body with python head, black scales on body, black dragon on feet, green python on hands, is the ancestor witch of water.

One is biased towards 'history' and the other is biased towards 'myth'.

But at present, if Gong Gong really existed, then, Lin Fan felt, it should be one of the Twelve Ancestral Witches!


In the suspected burial place of Zhu Jiuyin, my saintess found the foundation of the way of heaven - one of the shamans. This Bu Zhoushan and Gonggong have inexplicable legends, is it also~?

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