What Do You Do When You Suddenly Become An Immortal?

Chapter 868: The Origin of the Human Head Fruit Tree

The cooperation between the three has long been familiar.

Soon, they walked in the past time dimension and saw the past of the head fruit tree.

In the seedling period, the surrounding scenery is full of birds and flowers, everything is very beautiful, beautiful and peaceful, and there are not many other creatures, so there is a rare tranquility and serenity.

Until one day, a woman with extraordinary temperament came, discovered the extraordinaryness of this seedling, and took it away.

The surrounding scenery began to change. It was the place where the human head fruit tree in the seedling stage had been taken away by the woman.

"Is it the Empress?"

Qi Zi Fan recognized her.

Naturally, Ji Chutong and Lan Caier didn't recognize the empress, but Qi Zi Fan recognized her. Although it wasn't very clear, it wasn't completely unrecognizable.

In the end, the surrounding images were frozen in a purple ocean...

"Purple Bamboo Island."

Qi Zi Fan is naturally no stranger to this purple bamboo sea.

However, the buildings inside are quite different from the Zizhu Academy when it was first established, and the overall structure seems to have been "scaled up" a lot.

Then, the seemingly vague empress planted the seedlings in the center of Zizhu Island, very close to many offices.

Afterwards, the surrounding time became somewhat blurred.

Time begins to speed up.

It can be seen that many people "come in a hurry" and "leave in a hurry", as if they were multiplied, and the speed was very fast.

The former seedlings also began to grow up gradually, and for some reasons, or after 'fertilizer', the growth rate was faster.

Too bad there wasn't enough time for it to grow.

On this day, the Great War breaks out, Kunlun falls silent, the earth collapses, and the Empress also dies...

And at the moment before the earth was smashed, another ethereal and blurry figure appeared.

She is so fuzzy!

It seemed that she was not tolerated by that time dimension, so she deliberately blurred the clues and information related to her. However, through this blurred figure, Qi Zi Fan still roughly discerned that the other party was probably Zhou Xiaoran!

"So, including Zhou Xiaoran, many people on Earth should know how extraordinary this tree is, right? That's why they came here at this critical moment..."

Before the earth was completely destroyed and collapsed, Zhou Xiaoran took away the two-foot-high small tree, and then she took away the other two trees.

The enlightenment tea tree, the seedlings of the suspected flat peach tree... It's just that these three plants have been affected. Although they are still alive, they have suffered great damage, especially the latter two, and there is almost only the "last breath" left .

Afterwards, Zhou Xiaoran brought the little tree here and planted it. As for the enlightenment tea tree and flat peach tree seedlings, they never stayed here.

At that time, Kunlun was almost the same as the Abyss of Ten Thousand Realms, but there were still some tenacious creatures surviving.

Afterwards, Kunlun gradually fell silent and sank.

Zhou Xiaoran also left.

Day after day, year after year, spring goes and spring comes again.

Well, there is no more spring.

The surviving creatures nearby died one after another, and it didn't take long for the entire area to survive alone, but it also changed as time went by.

From the beginning, there were not many leaves, but the appearance of verdant and full of vitality gradually disappeared.

The leaves are dark.

The trunk became shriveled, the bark cracked, like a gully chiseled by a knife and an axe, which looked very hideous.

But...it is still alive after all.

I don't know how many years have passed, it has survived, but it has become more and more eerie and terrifying.

until a certain day...

One day, change will come!

somebody is coming!

It was a young man with strength and high spirits.

After seeing it, I was very excited, like a treasure.

However, when he approached, he encountered terror in an instant, was attacked by it, and died in a short time...

Immediately, his corpse was absorbed, and it also bloomed in a short time, and gradually produced a fruit.

Head fruit!

And this is just a 'corner' of the endless years.

Next, the flow of time seemed to speed up, and more and more 'living beings' arrived.

Almost every 10,000 years, more or less creatures come here, some of them look at them from afar and dare not approach them, some of them may think that people with high skills are daring, and want to come to find out and even take off their hair. fruit.

But it's a pity that these people, without exception, are all cold.

I don't know how many years have passed, until a certain day, the human head fruit tree collapsed for the first time.

As for the 'picture' here, Qi Zi Fan, Ji Chutong and Lan Caier are all very familiar with it.

Because, that is exactly what they experienced more than five hundred years ago...


Time and space fluctuate violently.

They come out of past dimensions.

Ji Chutong said with a trace of surprise: "It was transplanted by a woman!"

"This human head fruit tree is really scary." Lan Cai'er muttered, "Over the years, I don't know how many First Sequences have been killed by it."

"Moreover, it will 'digest' the head fruit by itself every once in a while."

"Originally, I thought that the number of human head fruits represented the number of people it swallowed, but now it seems that it can't be counted that way at all."

"I don't know who that woman is, what purpose she has transplanted here."

"If she did this in anticipation of such a shocking change in the human head fruit tree, it would be a bit...excessive."

Is it too much?

Qi Zi Fan didn't speak yet.

They don't understand, but at this moment, his heart is filled with enlightenment.

Obviously, under the 'Original Time and Space', the head fruit tree was obtained by the empress and transplanted to Zizhu Academy.

However, with the outbreak of the battle between Yin and Yang and the collapse of the earth, Zhou Xiaoran began to make arrangements.

And this human head fruit tree is one of them!

However, according to the previous clues, Qi Zi Fan can now almost confirm that the human head fruit tree in front of him should be the ginseng fruit tree, one of the legendary seven innate spiritual roots, before the mutation.

Belongs to Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal.

Of course, there is a high probability that they are the 'offspring' or 'relatives' of the ginseng fruit tree.

After all, there is only one real ginseng fruit tree in the whole prehistoric world, and it is definitely not just a seedling.

So now, after a little analysis by Qi Zi Fan, everything has become very clear.

The ginseng fruit tree, or human head fruit tree, is also one of Zhou Xiaoran's backhands.

But it is not the backhand that reverses everything.

To put it simply, it is a 'branch line', not the main line.

The role of the branch line is to provide services to the main line.

For example, more than ten of the first sequences it has killed in these years have already obtained the foundation of the way of heaven!

But they were all killed by it, and the foundation of heaven was sucked into the body together!

However, it is well hidden, so it has never been discovered before, and Qi Zi Fan only saw a clue when he walked in the past time dimension just now.

Then, its function of being "transplanted" and "arranged" by Zhou Xiaoran is naturally very obvious.

"No matter how."

Qi Zi Fan finally spoke, he sighed softly: "For us, it's not a bad thing."

"Time is running out, I'm changing hands."


The two women nodded one after another, and gradually retreated, then secretly vigilant.

It's not to be wary of Qi Zi Fan, but to be afraid that something will come out of this human-headed fruit tree. After all, Qi Zi Fan was already an invincible fighter under Da Luo before, but he still feels frightened and uneasy... ·

In other words, this head fruit tree should have the combat power of a Da Luo Jinxian level.

This kind of existence, what if there is any desperate way?

Nature deserves vigilance!

Qi Zi Fan also thought of this, so when he made a move, he didn't hold back at all and went all out!

With his current combat strength, plus Yuantu and Abi's two swords, although the head fruit tree is very extraordinary, it is far behind.

Even if it has the combat power of the Da Luo Jinxian level, but the battle, it is more than one point behind...

The war broke out.

Half a day later, the human-headed fruit tree was chopped off, and Qi Zi Fan found thirteen foundations of the way of heaven from its body.

Afterwards, she all merged!

In less than half a month, the cultivation base has grown again, and he has achieved the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian, and even gradually approached the late stage...

"It's time to go out."

"Yeah, it's time to go out."

At this moment, Qi Zi and Fan no longer waited, no longer hesitated, and took the initiative to walk out of the abyss of the world!

Although this trip is of no help to Ji Chutong and Lan Caier, Qi Zifan has forcibly rushed to the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian in such a short period of time, and his combat power has increased infinitely...

Now, if it is one-on-one, even if Qi Zi Fan is not invincible among the Da Luo Jinxians, there are few people who can defeat him.

The golden ring of nine rounds of merit, the foundation of the twenty-three ways of heaven, the sky-watching mirror, the picture of going to the grave during the Qingming Festival, Yuantu, Abi...

Many treasures are added together, and the combat power among them can be called against the sky!


The moment he stepped out of the world of cultivating immortals, the sky-gazing mirror instantly lit up, and Sister A Wu, who had been silent for a long time because she knew the truth at the beginning, also floated out.

"The war... has begun!"

Sister Ah Wu whispered, knowing everything in an instant, and then her eyes turned red.

"The Immortal Cultivation Realm, Sword Palace, Holy Dragon Realm, and Witch Gu Saint Realm are the main forces!"

"Already started?!"



Qi Zi Fan let out a low snort.

"Open the door." Ji Chutong was also anxious.

Lan Caier nodded, and after waving her hands, a space portal appeared.

This time, she didn't say words like trust me and sure, and she was no longer as foolish as before.

It's just that she can't let the space channel directly pass through to the battlefield.

That is the battlefield of the immortals, and even the heavenly and mysterious immortals are just vanguards and cannon fodder when they enter. The space has already been distorted and broken, and it cannot be maintained and stabilized at all. How to 'open the door'?

The only way is to open a channel in a relatively stable area nearby, and then fly over.

boom! ! !

When they set foot in this area, there was a terrifying attack in the distance.

It wasn't a sneak attack by someone, it was the aftermath of the Youxian war.

But even if it's just this aftermath, it's enough to kill a true immortal!

Consciousness swept across the battlefield...

The three of them knew everything in an instant.

Lan Caier's eye sockets suddenly turned red.

Her master... died in battle!

"You...how did you die?"

She whispered, her eyes full of sadness: "I haven't had time to find revenge on you..."

In my memory, Master has always been strict and even ruthless, and he was not friendly to himself, and even thought about letting himself be taken away by the Gu God...

Lan Cai'er originally thought that she hated him, but now, after hearing the news of his death, she felt very sad for some reason.

"Rebooting... is dead."

Ji Chutong sighed softly, then shook his head and said, "I'll join the battle first."

She was feeling a little down.

That monk seems to be very lustful, so he was named rebooting?

But at the beginning in the abyss of the ten thousand realms, it was considered to have saved my life. After returning, although I gave him a golden ring of merit, but...

Can it really be made up for?

"Forget it."

"In the previous battle, you built a tower of human heads for us, and killed many big worlds with blood red and human heads rolling."

"Today, I will use the heads of all the immortals in the underworld to build a tower of human heads for you."

Ji Chutong made a move.

She is only in the realm of the Golden Immortal now, but her combat power is almost as close as that of Da Luo...

Invincible under Da Luo Jinxian? !

Once, this was the title and honor that belonged to Qi Zixiao.

But now, whether it is Ji Chutong or Lan Caier, they can do it, even more prosperous than Qi Zixiao and Qi Zi Fan back then!

After all, Qi Zixiao back then was nothing more than a fairy, but now they are all real golden immortals.

No one can stop them if Da Luo Jinxian doesn't come out!

Wherever Ji Chutong went, countless flying swords danced, scraping?

That also depends on who the target is.

Fighting at higher levels is naturally scraping, but facing the same level or even a low-level fairy family, this is a fatal taboo supernatural power!

Lan Caier is even more terrifying and 'spicy'...

The Witch Gu lineage is already extremely difficult to deal with, and beings of the same rank and with comparable combat power face them, but they also have to be terrified and keep 12 points of vigilance at all times.

Low-level, cultivation is not as good as their existence? !

That is massacre.

One-sided massacre!

There are hardly any exceptions!

Therefore, with the two women participating in the battle, in an instant, a large number of fairy families in the underworld fell like harvesting wheat...

They rushed into the battlefield from the side. Originally, this place was densely packed with immortals from the underworld, but as they entered, these immortals were cut off in pieces.

At the beginning, many immortals from the underworld shot out angrily and wanted to surround and kill them.

But as they killed more and more courageously...

Everything has changed.

Those who dared to step forward became fewer and fewer. In the end, wherever they rushed, the immortals there would hide like a plague god.

They were like two terrifying fairy swords, piercing through the entire underworld camp, rushing to the vicinity of the boundary gate, and killing wantonly.

Their participation in the battle relieved the great pressure on the heavens and the world almost instantly.

At least, where they are, the immortals dare not invade at will!

Even if he takes a shot, he can only cast spells from a long distance and bombard him with various magical powers.


Whether they, or other immortal families from the heavens and myriad worlds, they are not wood, let alone fools, how can they stand in place as living targets and let the other party bombard them from a long distance?

Ji Chutong and Lan Caier's participation in the battle made all the immortals in the underworld terrified, and made many immortals in the heavens and myriad worlds excited...

It's just that this moment is not the time to sigh.

The war was too tragic and the scale was too large.

Although they are invincible under Da Luo, killing the enemy is like chopping melons and vegetables, but they can't turn the tide of the battle.

So what if you have the invincible courage?

The opponent is far more than 'Wan Fu'.

What's more, the opponent still has a stronger existence! ?


Qi Zi Fan never made a move.

He is digesting the information he has so far.

The incarnations of Ji Chutong and Lan Caier can instantly synchronize memories and information, allowing them to know everything, but Qi Zifan cannot share memories with Qi Zixiao's incarnation.

Therefore, he needs some time.

But this time is also very short.

However, after knowing everything clearly, he felt helpless and sad, but he couldn't help hesitating.

At this moment, what should I do?

Are you going to fight?

Or go back to cultivating the immortal world, and resonate with the heavenly way with all the foundations of the more than twenty ways of heaven that you have obtained?

Qi Zixiao's avatar looked at him from afar, neither urging him nor transmitting his voice.

After Qi Zi Fan returned his worry-free eyes, he slowly raised his head and looked at the largest, most glorious and resplendent place among the nine heavenly palaces.

Kunlun Heavenly Palace!

"Let go and do it."

Almost at the same time, an old and familiar voice came into Qi Zi Fan's mind.

It's Zhou Qi!

Obviously, he has been paying attention to the battlefield all the time, and he also knows Qi Zi Fan's hesitation and hesitation at the moment.

Because it is really difficult to choose, and it is very dangerous.

At present, the two most direct choices are to participate in the war or resonate with the way of heaven.

But both options are very dangerous.

For the former, Qi Zi Fan is naturally easy to be targeted, because there are also quasi-sages in the underworld!

The latter is prone to major problems in the world of cultivating immortals... It's very simple. After resonating with the foundation of more than twenty ways of heaven, the world of cultivating immortals will inevitably be more important than the nine heavenly palaces, and it will become a thorn in the side of the underworld and a thorn in the flesh. , They will try to destroy the world of cultivating immortals at all costs.

If there was no quasi-sage Zhou Qi watching from behind, Qi Zi Fan really wouldn't dare to make a random move.


"Let's resonate first."

"This war is a calamity. I don't know how many years it will take to end. In other words, I'm afraid it will last for many, many years."

"Let the world of cultivating immortals grow earlier and restore some of the appearance of the human world, so that everyone in the world of cultivating immortals can grow faster, and thus have more confidence to fight against it."


He moved.

He has never participated in the war, but wherever he goes, there are still a large number of immortals from the underworld who attack him.

However, without any fear, he beheaded hundreds of immortals with a single sword!

In the middle stage of Da Luo, he has almost invincible combat power among Da Luo, but the other four Da Luo who participated in the battle were all held back and couldn't move their hands.

At present, these immortals of the underworld can't do anything to Ji Chutong and Lan Cai'er, so how can they threaten Qi Zi Fan? !

Not all the way!

However, Qi Zi Fan's speed of returning to the world of cultivating immortals is no different from that of Unimpeded All the Way...

Before entering the world barrier of the world of cultivating immortals, this guy turned his head and blinked at Gou Yuen lightly.

Then, he looked at Lu Ming again and blinked.


Lu Ming suffocated for breath, as if his whole body was weak, trembling: "What happened, what happened, it's over!"

"Ah?" Lu Yao was confused.

Gou Yu's face turned black.

"What is this guy going to do again?"


"I went for it."

"Although I don't know what she is going to do, but from her eyes, I can be sure that now, I have to show a little more cards..."

"No, if you want to take out less, then you can use a little hole card to defend yourself."

He rolled his eyes.

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