Bai Lu is tinkering with the Chenge pot.

It's like it's her gourd.

What kind of medicine is in her gourd?

So what kind of tea is in this Chensong pot?

"Oh, Master Bailu, this is not fun!"

Tingyun knew that after March 7 and others returned, they went back to their houses to rest after having fun for a while.

Thinking of what happened to Ye Qiong and Ji Zi, he saw that they had not come out by this time, so he hurriedly entered Ye Qiong's room.

Fortunately, Bai Lu and Enkidu stood in front of the table and looked at the Chensong pot. They picked it up and looked left and right.

But no matter how much Bai Lu shook it, there was no reaction inside.

On the contrary, Ye Qiong I also know the general situation of the outside world through the Chenge Pot, and I am now cleaning it out.

"Um? Tingyun, where are Ye Qiong and Ji Zi?"

"Haha, they are in this teapot"

"oh~~~Then why can't Enkidu and I get in?"

Bai Lu frowned slightly.

She knows about the Chenge Pot. She was just trying to figure out how to get in!

When she met Ge Chen last night, didn't she just enter the Chenge Pot dedicated to Ge Chen?

It's just that It's different from the game.

There are no monsters in Ge Chen's Chen Song Pot, not even spider webs. At most, there are some mechanisms that Liu Yun gave Ge Chen.

After entering with Ying Mei and others, they didn't encounter any. What danger?

At that time, March 853 and Seven were still wondering.

Where are the slimes? Where are the giant spiders? Where are the monsters


Yingmei and Paimon are both confused.

Must these be in the Dustsong Pot?

"Well, the little girl doesn’t know this. Why don’t you shout at the Chensong Pot?"

"They are decorating the house now, I don’t know the specific little girl~"

Tingyun waved his fan and covered his face slightly and said with a smile.

I don’t know if this will disturb Ye Qiong and Ji Zi’s interest?

But now Both Bai Lu and Enki are back, and two hours have passed, so it should be over, right?

In the chat group, everyone is discussing why Ye Qiong and Ji Zi are not online again!!

"Anyway, you two take a shower first, maybe they will come out later!"

"Well, okay then!"

Bai Lu nodded, and Enkidu also smiled and said nothing.

Tingyun left the room when he saw this.

Anyway, Bai Lu slept with Ye Qiong last night, so there was no big problem.

Ji Zi was also watching.

Ye Qiong couldn't do it. Qiong really wants to be a dragon knight, right?

Instead of Ye Qiong becoming a dragon knight, she feels that the chance of becoming a Taoist priest is higher than her being a fox?

Tingyun (adcf) now understands something.

She feels He couldn't escape his benefactor's clutches!

Fortunately, Tingyun didn't feel angry because of this. On the contrary, he felt a little moved in his heart...

Maybe Ye Qiong would also help Yu Kong with matters in the future.

Because Black Tower said it in tonight's chat group.

Ye Qiong has the ability to increase people's lifespan.

The details were not stated clearly, but Wuliangta Jizi was asked to get some blood for her to study.

This is very important to Black Tower!


That's it.

So Tingyun is also wondering if Ye Qiong can also help Yu Kong increase his lifespan...

She is so filial, Yu Kong will definitely be very happy, right?


After a while, Ye Qiong and Jizi appeared Coming out of the Dust Song Pot.

Bai Lu and Enkidu happened to walk into the bedroom while wearing pajamas.

When they saw Ye Qiong coming out, they threw themselves into Ye Qiong's arms.

"Ye Qiong, let me get in that teapot quickly!"

"What exactly is inside your teapot? Is it the same as that sister Ge Chen?"

"The Futian Cave and other things inside are very beautiful!!"

Bai Lu's eyes twinkled.

If possible, she could play as much as she wanted inside! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) She could even use it to play hide-and-seek with Enkidu and Paimon. of?

"Of course, let’s rest in the Dust Song Pot tonight!"

Ye Qiong did not refuse, and after smiling, the four of them entered the Chensong Pot again.

The sun was still shining brightly at this time. After arriving on the main island, Bai Lu saw the white, extra-large bed.

After knowing that this was the room and the place to sleep, she jumped onto the soft and warm bed.

"Is this where we sleep? Can I go to other islands? Are you saying it's just a scene of magic mimicry?"

"Most of the areas are accessible, but the areas farther away seem to be mimicked."


Bai Lu nodded, and then ran around with bare feet, exploring the scenery.

How can I put it?

It's more beautiful than the Futian Cave in Ge Chen's Chen Ge Pot, and the scenery is more fairyland.

That's it. There are a lot of missing interesting mechanisms and so on.

"Okay, it's getting late, it's time to go to bed!"

Ji Zi was already lying on the bed and shouting to Bai Lu.

Ye Qiong also took the scroll (Chen Song Pot device) and prepared to synchronize the time with the outside world.

After Bai Lu returned to bed, the sunny day quickly turned into It was a starry night.

Bai Lu was lying on the bed looking at the beautiful starry sky and couldn't help but sigh.

"So beautiful"

"It’s great to sleep in such an environment!"

"By the way, there are so many trees around, are there any insects?"


Ye Qiong couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Of course there won't be any bugs"

"Will the humidity be serious? Should I stock up on some medicine?"

"No, no, our bodies are very strong, don’t worry"

"Oh, then go to sleep!!"

After saying that, Bai Lu turned around and lay on Ye Qiong's body.

Only in this position was she comfortable sleeping.

And she liked the feeling when Ye Qiong breathed!

Enkidu and Jizi glanced at it and didn't care. , after fiddling with the pillow, he looked at the starry sky for a while, and then slowly fell asleep.

Ye Qiong was the same.

However... one hour passed.

Two hours passed.

Three hours passed.

Bai Lu seemed to have settled. Like in his mind, he suddenly woke up on time.

After falling asleep for just two hours, a person enters a state of deep sleep. At the same time, the body is adjusting and Ye Qiong is working hard to become stronger.

To be on the safe side, Bai Luduo Slept for an hour!

"Hehehe, I can finally study it carefully."

Quietly climbed up from Ye Qiong's body.

With her tail swinging gently, she turned around smoothly.

The dark night did not restrict her vision.

Coincidentally, the moon was still forming in the sky. There was a weak illumination.

For this reason, the corners of Bai Lu's mouth rose slightly, and his eyes began to glow and became brighter.

Looking at Kun, who was growing vigorously, Bai Lu was a little anxious. After all, it would take a while for him to fully grow up. Time.

She was impatient, so she decided to overthrow the seedlings!!

Follow the methods given in the book and operate.

She knew this, she had read the book!!

"Hum hum, let me see how special you are!"

The fifth update~the remaining 5 updates+.

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