What will be drawn in the fourth ten-draw draw in a row?

Ye Qiong is looking forward to it, and everyone in the chat group is also curious.

The first time I drew cards, I got 7 different colors of cards in ten consecutive rewards, as if I was trying to summon a dragon, and all the worst and best rewards were drawn out.

It may also be because of the colorful 7-star reward, which kept Ye Qiong in a state of unlucky luck. He only got 90 points by signing in every day for two consecutive days.

But this is still outrageous!

The second time I drew a card, I got five purple and five gold coins in a row, which was extremely enviable.

The third time I drew a card, three gold and one red were drawn in ten consecutive games. The gold 5-star reward was missing, but the red 6-star reward appeared!!

The red 6-star reward is a ridiculously invincible passive ability.

So, the reward for the fourth ten-draw draw...

In my mind - in the vast Milky Way starry sky, a blue comet shuttled through the universe, then slammed into an unknown white-blue star and then exploded, and ten people jumped out. A fiery red chunk of meteorite.

The meteorite was burned by fire in the starry sky, and then revealed its true form.

Cards of different colors appear from the meteorite!

Green, green, blue, blue, purple, purple, gold, gold, gold, color!

"Out of color……"

"This is my second time in color!!"

Ye Qiong looked excited. With his eyes widened in anticipation, the first green card began to unfold without any special effects, marking the beginning of the pattern of 2 stars.

Green (2 stars): [ The best purebred dragon country pastoral dog Rhubarb]

Gender: Male

Super best yellow dog Bai Mian, the most loyal dog in the world, with intelligence equivalent to an adult, extremely gentle personality, but its combat power reaches the level of a Siberian tiger, and its hair is extremely smooth and beautiful.

Disadvantages: To restore the glory of my dog ​​(field dog), Dahuang is bound to do it! Look up to Ye Qiong as the owner!

In fact, it is easy to quarrel with other people’s female dogs during the estrus period, and it is even easy to compete with other male dogs for mating rights. Its genes are strong, and there is a high probability of giving birth to a pastoral dog of relatively good quality.

Note: The next generation of better breeds will have slightly higher intelligence and combat power than border collies, etc., but will not exceed it.

Five-star General MacArthur commented: This kind of dog Born to imitate its master Ye Qiongkaihou... ahem, born to trap other exotic dogs!

Introduction: Originating from the Dragon Kingdom, a purebred Dragon Kingdom pastoral dog that has gradually become rare in modern times, from the Dragon Kingdom The praise, affirmation and trust of rural people in the country for generations!

Green (2 stars): [Never Air Force Fishing Rod]

Effect: Everyone understands.

Blue (3 stars): [The more you drink, the healthier Kung Fu Tea Set]

Effect: Use this Kung Fu Tea Drinking tea from the set has better taste and texture, which can make the body healthier, better, and even slightly increase lifespan.

Blue (3 stars): [Taoist evil talisman]

Effect: Used to control the house and drive away evil spirits Monsters, evil spirits, transshipment, turning evil into good luck, etc. (only for people who live at home)

Purple (4): [Anthropomorphic Equipment Spirit]

Effect: You can designate an equipment spirit that fully possesses self-awareness, wisdom, etc. to transform into an adult and understand Everyone knows!

Purple (4): [Earthbound Spirit Release]

Effect: Undead, weapon spirits, human beings, etc., who are bound in one place, can all be released from geographical restrictions! However, due to some settings of some creatures, etc., The condition of most of the bound creatures is that their geographical restrictions have been lifted and they can roam outside, but they must return frequently and cannot leave permanently!

"Damn it, Rhubarb!!!"

"The memory of the dead suddenly attacked me!"

Ye Qiong couldn't help but think of the little local dog Dahuang that his parents had raised before he was born when he was a child, and he couldn't help but get excited. He happened to be a yellow dog with white face, and he was the most handsome Dahuang in the village at that time. Every time I go out, there are a lot of female dogs leaning over and sticking to each other!

This kind of dog is really good.

There is a widely circulated saying in the Book of Dogs, a yellow dog with a white face cannot be exchanged for gold, which means that the dog's body (back) is yellow The face (underneath) is all white. This kind of dog will not be exchanged for gold, and it has the meaning of gold and silver.

Because this kind of dog is rare, only one of thousands of rhubarb is born, which is a symbol of character. The most docile, spiritual, loyal and brave dog.

I still remember Ye Qiong playing in the very deep river when he was a child. Because he was afraid that he would drown, he jumped directly into the river to accompany him, and even bit his clothes and pulled him to the bank..

When we were climbing mountains to worship our ancestors during the Qingming Festival, Rhubarb once suddenly killed a big snake that jumped from the bushes.

Without it, it is estimated that this big snake might hurt people.

Even if it is just passing by, what can I do? Or pass by other people. What about people?

Unfortunately, Dahuang also died of old age when he was 10 years old. At that time, he could not help but cry.

Needless to say, the dog he got now will definitely be taken home to his parents.

That’s fine , when I was updating the family tree outside, Ye’s father and Ye’s mother were also accompanied by Rhubarb.

Their intelligence reached the level of adults, they were docile and loyal, and their combat effectiveness reached the level of Siberian tigers. There was no need to worry too much about them.

They were the former Rhubarb. After they die, I don’t know what they will think when they see the new Rhubarb again. Maybe they can’t call it Rhubarb again.

Well, let’s call it Dabai.

You can give the fishing rod to Dad. He also likes fishing.

Unfortunately, he often I couldn't catch any big fish.

After recalling it, Ye Qiong also saw the subsequent rewards.

Needless to say, the blue reward. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ye Qiong didn't use it either, just happened to It can be sent back to his hometown as a gift.

When the time comes, he will also take the two girls back to his hometown to get married, right?

This dog Dabai, fishing rod, tea set, and evil amulet can all be used.

0 Asking for flowers is a good reminder to the family, go to After that, he felt free to travel to various worlds, and just contact and care about his parents when he came back.

But those two purple rewards made him think of Pam instantly.

These rewards were prepared for Pam!!!

Not only can she become a human, but she can also run out of the Star Dome Train and follow the adventure together!!!

This is undoubtedly a good thing!!

"Wait, when Pam is personified, will she be a loli, a girl, or a royal sister?"

"Or maybe it's the same as Enkidu……"

"Si... No, how can I think about this!"

"Next is the highlight!!" boom————

There was a sudden vibration in my mind, as if the world was opening up and the sun was shining! The golden card flips with the golden auspicious clouds.

Gold (5 stars): [Customized Digital Egg]

Effect: The initial variety can be customized, once selected it cannot be changed!

You can customize the evolution route, such as super evolution, ultimate evolution, and other evolutionary results, and you can transform at any time as needed.

Evolution conditions: Replenish magic.

The more magic power is replenished, the more energy can be continuously consumed to evolve, even ignoring some of the conditions for the strongest evolution. If combined evolution is required, direct final evolution can be achieved!

Disadvantages: Once a Digimon consumes too much energy, it will gradually degenerate. Of course, it can also degenerate independently, etc.

Gold (5 stars): [Door Fruit (enhanced version without side effects)]

Effect: No side effects. The effect can rise to the same universe. By consuming physical strength, you can directly open the door and enter and exit freely at any place and at any distance. You can also Bring others and their lives together (equivalent to any normal door)

Note: Only limited to places you know

Gold (5 stars): [Soul Slave Contract]

Effect: Regardless of the strength of the opponent, the target will be 100% loyal to the owner after making the contract With great loyalty, the life and death of the contracted person is determined by the master's thoughts!

No matter how far apart the owner and the contractee are, or even in different time and space, the contract will always exist until the death of either party.

But if either party is resurrected, the contract will continue again and can never be terminated!!!

No matter what means are used! (Coming from the powerful after-sales service in the chat group~~)

PS: There must be someone here who wants to ask a question, but I won’t say who it is. last one.

There was crackling, lightning and thunder.

The scene in front of him seemed to swallow up all the cards, then he began to travel through the sky, and finally rushed out of the planet, traveling towards the universe, and finally arrived at a bright golden black hole.

As a colorful ray of light appeared from the center of the black hole, the figure of the colored card slowly appeared and flipped in front of his eyes.

Color (7 stars): […work….

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