What Happened If You Didn't Take The College Entrance Examination? I Recommend

Chapter 104 The National Experimental Examination Ends

In a blink of an eye, it will be August 16th.

Today's schedule is very full, and the exam will not end until 8:00 in the morning until 6:00 in the afternoon.

So he ate an extra fried dough stick in the morning, trying to have enough physical strength to complete the whole day's exam.

The content of the experimental examination is the same as that of the theoretical examination. It has four parts, including four parts: plant experiment, animal and ecology experiment, biochemistry and molecular biology experiment, and genetic and development experiment.

Each part of the test is 90 minutes long.

He had heard this from Liu Xianhua during the provincial team training.

At that time, he lamented that the league and the national competition are not at the same level.

It now appears to be so.

It was eight o'clock in the morning.

In 2008, the final experimental examination of the 16th National Biology Contest for Middle School Students officially started.

Area d, test bench No. 36.

At this time, six kinds of flowers and various dissection tools have been placed on the stage.

Sure enough, is it a plant experiment?

Lu Shixian looked at the prepared test questions on the stage.

The first sub-question: Dissect and observe the characteristics of the six flowers such as k, c, a, g, etc., and fill in the number of the flower in the key.

Sure enough, it was outrageous, six flowers at once.

The league may only take one exam.

No, he suddenly remembered that there seemed to be only two experiments in the league, and there were no plant experiments.

As expected of the Botanical Society's question, it was a question of this level.

But this also brought him good news, because it means that animal and ecological experiments will not be too difficult.

Lu Shixian felt a little relieved and began to conduct experiments.

If you really master the key points of dissecting flowers, there is actually no difference between one flower and six flowers.

The second sub-problem: compile an equidistant key according to the characteristics of its stamens and pistils.

The isometric key is a method of identifying and identifying plants in plant taxonomy, and the isometric key is the most commonly used one.

Its principle is to code each pair of relative features into the same number, and then arrange them at equal distances on the left page.

A pair of identical numbers can only be used once in the key, from the first boundary to the last species, and the final distance is getting shorter and shorter.

This work is actually very tedious and cannot be done without patience.

But it's okay, don't let him write parallel keys at the same time.

He was very satisfied with that.

After compiling the isometric key, Lu Shixian quickly turned to the third question.

A new definition and concept is given on the test paper, and then a microscope is used to judge which type of structure the pollen belongs to.

This is not only a test of the candidates' on-the-spot learning ability, but also a test of their experimental operation ability and basic theory level.

It is more difficult for such mixed questions, as long as you are not familiar with a link, just gg directly.

Therefore, this requires relatively high comprehensive ability of candidates.

But as far as plant experiments are concerned, Lu Shixian can be said to be a hexagonal fighter, and there are no shortcomings.

Twenty minutes on this topic!

The next fourth and fifth sub-questions are designed experiment type topics.

It's just that one uses a micrometer to measure pollen size and the other verifies the presence of signaling in the aboveground and belowground parts of the plant.

This is a very common experimental content, but the difficulty of the biological competition experimental questions has never been in the experimental content, but in the process.

Every step of the way you follow the main principles of experimental design.

Generally, it is the control principle, the random principle, the parallel repetition principle and the single factor variable principle.

And must follow the prescribed steps of the experimental method.

Even if you don't clearly state which step it is, the examiner must be able to see which step it belongs to through the link you designed.

Lu Shixian gently closed his eyes, and went through the whole process in his head.

"First of all, all the questions require a full link, designing the experimental plan, performing the experimental operation and analyzing the experimental results."

"Secondly, what biological principles do these two experiments need to use to achieve what purpose."

"Then put forward hypotheses for the experiment based on the principle, and make predictions about the results. The idea must also fully consider what effect the equipment provided by the test can achieve."

"And then it's about designing the experimental steps and completing the experiment."

"Finally record the experimental phenomena and data, and draw conclusions based on this content."

Is it complicated?

That's right, it takes a lot of words just to say it.

What's more, do you strictly follow these steps?

A slight mistake is a thousand miles away.

The final experimental data is completely unusable.

Just for this experiment, it is estimated that this level of difficulty will persuade many people to quit.

"The national finals are really extraordinary, and the league is just a play." Lu Shixian couldn't help sighing.

However, Lu Shixian's heart was extremely excited, especially when he was going to do experiments.

He always has a feeling of using microscopes and other tools to observe this wonderful world from the perspective of other creatures.

But in fact, this kind of experiment is only a relatively elementary one.

To be honest, he has long since played badly with this set.

People who study applied sciences should first come into contact with experimental methods, and they have long been familiar with it.

In addition, this is his old profession, so it is not too handy to do plant experiments.

After finishing the plant experiment, Lu Shixian took a short rest for a few minutes.

He needed to calm down his fluctuating mentality, and then recover the physical strength that had been consumed a lot.

Next came animal experiments, as expected.

The topic is dissecting a locust, and the candidate's mastery of the external morphology, nervous system, and digestive system is examined in turn.

It belongs to the general difficulty and more traditional questions.

Ecological experiments draw population life curves and measure population growth rates.

The difficulty of this question is the easiest, and even the league often takes the test, which is equivalent to giving points.

In the biochemical experiment, the protein was separated and purified by his-tag affinity chromatography and the concentration was determined by ultraviolet spectrophotometry.

This is the second most difficult experiment among the four experiments except for the plant experiment. It mainly examines the contestants' hands-on ability and understanding of the experimental principles and procedures.

The difficulty of genetic and development experiments is ranked third, mainly investigating the observation of chromosome staining, mitosis and meiosis.

But in fact, the most critical part of this experiment is loading the slides. As long as the slides are clear enough, it is basically the same as the ecological experiment.

You can write the answer according to the relevant definitions in memory.

It was already the last exam, and Lu Shixian persisted until the end.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the experimental exam officially ended.

Lu Shixian dragged his overdrawn body, signed and left.

As for how many points the invigilator will give him, it is not a question for him to consider.

At this point, you can see candidates supporting each other everywhere.

At this time, apart from exhaustion, they couldn't see any other expressions on their faces.

The continuous day of fighting has long been exhausted physically and mentally.

Where is the energy to be depressed or excited.

Lu Shixian has a deep understanding of this.

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