"No. 1 overall score, it's amazing, Lu Shixian, you are really fierce this time."

Although Lu Shixian was still a little overwhelmed, when he heard the word number one, his mind finally relaxed a little.

But his whole body was already as if he had collapsed, and his whole body was covered in cold sweat that just broke out.

If it wasn't for his active exercise before, it is estimated that he would have fainted this time.

After resting for about ten seconds, Lu Shixian gradually returned to normal.

Walking forward quickly, I saw the word "Happy News" printed on the top of a moving post board.

All of Lu Shixian's achievements are impressively written on the red background.

"In the just-concluded 2007 Jinling City's first high school entrance mock exam, Lu Shixian, an outstanding student from your school, achieved the best results in the city."

"Here, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the educators of Jinling Rural Middle School who have been working quietly and hard-working, and express our heartfelt congratulations to the students who have achieved excellent results. Great results."

"Jinling City Education Bureau, Jinling City Education Examination Institute."

Seeing this, at least Lu Shixian breathed a sigh of relief.

Look at the results below.

Chinese: 119 points

Mathematics: 120 points

English: 120 points

Physics: 100 points

Biology: 100 points

History: 81 points

Three A+ in the main subjects, with a total of 27 points in grades, and a total of 281 points in physics, biology, and history.

Now he suddenly understood Fan Jinzhongju's mentality, but Fan Jin was ecstatic, while he was scared to death.

The so-called mood is like a roller coaster, with ups and downs and ups and downs, today he has successfully experienced it once.

And his report card spread around like a virus.

Whether it is the first, second or third year of junior high school, whether it is a discussion between students or a chat among teachers, today's topic cannot skip Lu Shixian's gorgeous report card.

No way, although Lu Shixian was powerful in the past, he was only limited to Jinling farmers, with a total of only four to five hundred people.

No matter how powerful the nest fight is, it can't be spread out.

But this time, all the graduating classes of junior high school in Jinling took part in the exam, and the number suddenly increased to several thousand.

Moreover, there are several junior high schools in the province that are almost concentrated in educational resources, especially foreign language junior high schools.

In such hell-level difficulty, Lu Shixian was able to accomplish such a feat, which is simply a miracle again.

Finally, as the class bell rang, the crowd around Lu Shixian became less.

But the people in their class still refused to disperse, and Lu Shixian was surrounded like a hero and walked into the classroom.

In the crowd, he happened to see Chen Yiyi giving him a warm smile.

It seems to say that you did it, and I am very happy for you.

On the other side, Xu Youmeng looked at his grades in silence for a long time, and finally gave him a thumbs up.

Lu Shixian nodded to them.

it is more than words.

Even though the bell for class had already rang, the classroom in Class 1, Junior 3 was still restless for a long time.

Everyone is discussing this matter enthusiastically. Although they are not legends, being able to witness the birth of legends makes them extremely excited.

The teacher of the third class happened to be a mathematics class, that is, a black face class.

But now he couldn't see how dark his face was, and even the whispers of the students were rarely stopped.

A few minutes later, Zhou Wen tapped the podium lightly with his hand.

The classroom finally fell silent.

"Students, I believe everyone has seen the report card posted outside just now."

"In this model test, Lu Shixian's excellent results have created a history in our agricultural middle school and won great honors for the school. To be honest, not only me, but even many leading teachers in the school did not expect it. Let us do it for him. applaud."

Immediately, the surrounding applause was thunderous and continuous.

However, Lu Shixian's expression was a little speechless, and the black face text should not be just to congratulate him.

Sure enough, his voice suddenly changed.

"However, Lu Shixian's excellent grades do not represent the overall level of our school. I believe everyone can see their grades in various subjects."

"It's not that big of a difference from usual, isn't it, but why are there thousands of places in the city's ranking?"

"I can tell you clearly that, except for Lu Shixian, who is ranked first, and Xu Youmeng, who is ranked 80th, the remaining 90% of the students are ranked at the bottom of the city."

"Why is Lu Shixian able to achieve such results? I believe everyone can see it. Without his hard work day after day, how could he achieve such excellent results today?"

"Students, there are roads in the mountains of books, and the sea of ​​learning is boundless. Have you seen the tall buildings in the center of Jinling City? Look at the isolated mountain village where we have lived for generations."

"Students, knowledge changes destiny! Don't you want to fly out of the mountains and see the beautiful world outside?"

"Okay, in the end, I hope that everyone can learn more from Lu Shixian, work hard to improve their academic performance, and not leave any regrets in their lives. Now continue to attend classes."

Lu Shixian looked around, most of them were still ignorant. In their current cognition, it may not be clear what Zhou Wen meant by saying this.

Of course, there are still some people who say they don’t care, or even disapprove. After all, drinking too much chicken soup will cause indigestion.

Only a very small number of them looked firm, with longing and anticipation for the future in their eyes.

Hearing this, Lu Shixian couldn't help thinking of his former self, but sighed softly.

I probably thought the same way in my previous life. I tried my best and bet everything I had, just wanting to win a chance for the future.

It's a pity that once some things are missed, it is difficult to have a chance to do it again.

So far, he no longer has any prejudice against his past self.

The current self is open, and he can't afford such a compliment, and he can't afford any sense of accomplishment.

He was full of gratitude and treasure to have a second chance.

And all he can do is keep going.

This time he won the bet, and he wanted to keep winning.

After Zhou Wen's words, no matter what happened outside, at least in Class 1 of the third grade, the mood of the students in the classroom had calmed down a lot, and there were only sporadic whispers at most.


Before the fourth get out of class was over, Wang Chunya mentioned the matter of the test.

"Because the corrections are made in the city, only the city rankings are counted. We can't get back everyone's test papers and answer sheets."

"However, the test papers of outstanding candidates in all subjects in Jinling were faxed by the Educational Examination Institute to the major schools, and they will be posted on the public board in the afternoon. I hope everyone can learn experience and knowledge from it."

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Wang Chunya took a complicated look at Lu Shixian and continued.

"Okay, let's go to dinner, and besides, Lu Shixian and I will come to the office for a while."

Others regarded it as a routine commendation and were used to it, but Lu Shixian frowned, as if thinking of something.

"Could it be..."

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