A thin layer of sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead, and he thought carefully about how to break the situation.

What he wants is to pave the way for his future, while the school's idea is to ensure the school's honor to the greatest extent.

After all, just the first mock exam is almost meaningless.

He really didn't want to go to the last step if he didn't have to.

Although Jinling Nongzhong has many flaws, it is his alma mater after all. After studying and living for such a long time, even if there is no regret, at least there is nostalgia.

In the end, he stood up and bowed to everyone present.

"I am very grateful for the school's vigorous training and the hard work of all the teachers. I am also very grateful, but I think that the teaching content in junior high school is no longer difficult, and I can be responsible for my actions."

At this time, Wu Chenghai, the teaching director, stood up directly and excitedly: "Responsible? What are you responsible for? Lu Shixian, as an outstanding student in the new century, should abide by the school rules and regulations, and obey the teacher's arrangement."

This time, Lu Shixian frowned slightly, and his heart moved slightly.

If he remembered correctly, as far as he knew, this Wu Chenghai seemed to have been criminally punished for crossing the red line and making mistakes in his previous life.

Why do you have the face to jump out and tell him now that you abide by the school rules and discipline?

Could it be that there are other hidden secrets in this matter?

But he couldn't think of a reason.

At this time, Lu Shixian only felt a little bit hard to move, as if he was doing a difficult confrontation with the whole era.

But he can't take half a step back. If he gives up on time, time will also give up on you.

In the end, he sighed softly: "In this case, I will choose to recommend to Jinling No. 1 Middle School. With my three years of achievements, it should be no problem to get a place." &34;

Hearing this, Zhang Dewu and many school leaders frowned, and he really couldn't refute this.

If even Lu Shixian is not eligible to be recommended to Jinling No. 1 Middle School, then none of them in this class is eligible to be recommended.

Having said that, Lu Shixian's excellent results were wasted.

The honor that is within reach seems to be leaving them.

Jinling Agricultural High School was not valued at all, and its annual funding was not as good as other schools.

But they couldn't say that.

If you give up this opportunity, when will you have to wait.

What's more, whether the school can produce educational results is directly related to their personal

But they couldn't even say this.

Originally, the student's admission and the school's honor can even be integrated with the individual's future.

But for some reason, it has become such a complicated situation today, it can't be cleared up, and the cutting is still chaotic.

At this time, Wu Chenghai spoke again, breaking the unspeakable silence of this meeting room.

"Since you think junior high school is not difficult for you, why is it difficult to get into No. 1 middle school?"

As soon as this remark came out, it exploded in the hearts of all the participants like a depth bomb was thrown.

Like opening Pandoca's magic box, many ideas keep growing inside.

Joy, hope, anger, and even jealousy

yes! The cake is so big, why can Lu Shixian get two portions?

And this reason just happened to be the best offensive weapon to defend the school's honor just now.

Many people were lost in thought, including Zhang Dewu who was sitting at the head.

Lu Shixian took a deep breath, he really didn't expect things to develop like this.

Will he finally be able to enjoy this kind of treatment from Xueba one day?

Thinking of the past life again, Lu Shixian sneered in his heart, he seemed to have understood.

The fog that had shrouded him in his previous life was suddenly blown away.

This Wu Chenghai really has a problem, no wonder why this person keeps jumping out.

It's no wonder why in his previous life, after he gave up admission and chose to apply for the Jinling High School, only a few people persuaded him.

It's no wonder why Jinling No. 1 Middle School's enrollment quota was allotted so quickly before he voluntarily dropped out.

After sorting out these things, he already understood everything.

No matter what secrets this person has behind him, this sentence can only be proposed by him, and cannot be requested by others.

Even if he has the strength, does he have to follow Wu Chenghai's words?

He is not a marionette, he has his own thoughts and ideas.

Now he just wants to see the attitude of others, which is directly related to his final decision.

Some things can be reconciled, but some things must abide by principles.

Some things are not things that take a step back.

Instead, one step back, then step by step, until there is no way to go back.

Deathly silence reappeared.

It is said to be a meeting, but in fact it is more like a torture of human nature.

One side is the honor of the school and the future of the individual.

On the other side are the interests of students and the constraints from morality.

Lu Shixian remained calm. Although he had never imagined this situation, he had already prepared for the worst.

As time passed by, many people's eyes flickered, but Zhang Dewu was preparing to speak with difficulty.

At this moment, a firm voice came from the crowd.

"I object!"

Hearing this female voice, almost everyone turned their heads to look for the owner of the voice.

But Lu Shixian closed his eyes lightly, so he could guess who it was without looking at him.

Who else but that silly Wang Chunya?

"I firmly oppose everyone treating Lu Shixian so unfairly."

"If you don't forget the original intention of education, you can always educate people. As a people's teacher, my original intention and mission tell me that if even we cannot maintain objectivity and fairness, and are keen to pursue the so-called honor, how can we educate What about the next generation?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people's faces changed immediately, including Zhang Dewu, and many teachers' faces were a little bit embarrassed and ashamed.

But at this time, Wu Chenghai not only did not reflect, but continued to sharpen his teeth.

"You are his class teacher. If he can skip the exam, you will be happy. No matter how he can get in, what qualifications do you have to speak?"

"Besides, you, a teacher who has only been employed for a few years, what qualifications do you have to oppose in front of so many school leaders?"

"The leaders didn't express their views, so why do you express your views?

"Still opposed? I don't know what it means. The original mission? It's even more nonsense!"

Looking at Wang Chunya who seemed to be isolated in the crowd, Lu Shixian began to clenched his fists quietly. This Wu Chenghai really touched his bottom line.

The reason why human beings are different from beasts is that they have the ability to be morally free.

Now it seems that this Wu Chenghai seems a little less free.

Just when he was about to take the last resort, the door of the meeting room was suddenly pushed open.

A dignified, mid-spirited voice suddenly appeared behind them.

"Well said, what a heart and a mission"

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