"Honey, why are you back?" Lu Jianguo was a little confused.

The small eyes are full of big doubts.

Lu Shixian repeated what he said just now.

Now, Lu Jianguo nodded and looked at Lu Shixian.

"That's right. I'm much more energetic than when I started school. I'm as good as I was when I was young. Back then, the young man was really beautiful."

Lu Shixian couldn't hold back all of a sudden, and burst out laughing.

"Didn't you say that my mother was able to be with you before, because it belonged to flowers and cow dung? Why has it changed now?"

Lu Jianguo spit out a mouthful of saliva.

"Bah, what cow dung? It's a different era. Girls were more popular back then. They were all flowers, so we devalued them. Now everyone pays attention to handsome guys. The market is changing, you know?"

Lu Shixian just laughed and didn't refute anymore.

But Lu Jianguo remembered what Lu Shixian said just now, and hurriedly asked: "You just said that the water retention is not enough, and the water in my field is almost overflowing. What do you know? Is it better than your father?" ?”

When it comes to crop cultivation, Lu Shixian's eyes seem to be shining.

"On sunny days, the ditches are full of water, and on cloudy days, half-ditch water is fine. The key is that your field can't store water."

Lu Jianguo was even more puzzled. It seemed that his son didn't know these things clearly at his age.

"How did you know?"

"It's very simple. There are not many sporadic weeds in the field. It is obvious that too much glyphosate has been used, and the foundation of the field is loose." Lu Shixian began to talk eloquently.

Lu Jianguo patted him on the head: "I'm asking where you learned it from?"

Lu Shixian spread his hands and said: "There is a golden house in the book. Is there anything in the book?" If you don't see it, you will understand. &34;

Now, Lu Jianguo was a little confused.

He knows that his son is good at reading, but is the current education so down-to-earth?

Even teach this?

It seems that the country's agricultural industry is about to rise.

Thinking about it, he sat on Lu Shixian's shoulder with relief.

"Come back with me, your mother hasn't seen you for a long time."

Lu Shixian made an old mistake and wanted to continue to observe the rice seedlings, but his father had already caught him back.

No way, Dad is the biggest.

He had no choice but to return to sit in the yard again.

And Xia Xiuman had already taken out the meat that had been accumulated for a long time from the refrigerator and started to defrost it.

When the baby son comes back, he must add food.

Lao Lu smiled even more: "I am happy that my son is back today. Let's have a drink this time."

Xia Xiuman gave him a blank look: "Don't even think about it, allowing you to smoke is already giving you face."

"By the way, this time, the children's school will have a parents' meeting on Monday. This time it's my turn to go. I will ask the principal for a leave later. You will do all the housework on Monday. Is there any problem?"

Lu Jianguo clapped his hands directly: "Don't worry, leave it all to me, and guarantee to complete the task."

When Lu Shixian saw his father with glowing eyes, he knew that he was going to let himself go for a day.

However, he didn't forget the business, and told Xia Xiuman, "Don't delay after finishing, our seedlings are almost ready, you have to come back and help me sow the seeds."

"I feel that I can." Lu Shixian immediately raised his hand to express his willingness to undertake the labor task.

But what ushered in was the mixed doubles of Mom and Dad.

"study hard, improve every day."

Lu Shixian was speechless. No matter how others were forced to do housework by their family members.

I just want to work, why is it so difficult.

Saturday, six thirty in the morning.

Lu Shixian, started his unshakable exercise activities.

Running barefoot on the wet and fresh country road, don't mention how comfortable it is.

It's not yet July, when the rice fields are fully mature.

Walking through the rice fields, smelling the fragrance of rice and listening to the cry of frogs, how wonderful it would be.

In the afternoon, I reported the results of the exam to my mother as usual. As for his father, he didn't care about the specific situation. Anyway, he knew it was the first and it was over.

Suddenly he received a head-on blow from Xia Xiuman.

Lu Shixian was in pain, and looked at his mother with teary eyes.

"Mom, what are you doing? I've made progress, okay?"

Xia Xiuman's face was full of surprise and pride.

"It doesn't seem like a dream. It's true. My son has really enlightened. He's number one in the city, hahahaha."

Lu Shixian looked helplessly at this clown's mother, not dreaming but beating himself.

On Sunday morning, while my parents are there.

Lu Shixian told his parents about his latest plan.

As for the things that Lu Shixian previewed in advance, his performance was relatively flat.

After all, the parents who obeyed Lu Shixian's request and let him board in the school alone for such a long time must be extremely enlightened.

Not to mention, Lu Shixian's performance hit a new high this time, which surprised them.

Generally, when it comes to his education, his mother has the most say, and his father often only has the right to observe but not the right to vote.

So Xia Xiuman nodded and said: "You have grown up too, it's good to have your own thoughts in your heart, and we are also happy for you, but if anything happens in school, don't be bored by yourself, and contact the teacher and us more often."

"In addition, if you live in the school, you should pay more attention to drying the quilt and washing clothes frequently"

Listening to his mother's nagging, Lu Shixian never showed a trace of impatience.

Instead, he listened carefully. He had already experienced the pain of being in a different place and having no chance to listen to him face to face.

In the afternoon, Lu Shixian and Xia Xiuman need to come to Jinling Farm in advance to avoid being late.

Before leaving, Xia Xiuman took some cash from home and handed it to Lu Shixian.

Touching the thickness, Lu Shixian opened his eyes wide, counted, and smiled.

"Mom, are you middle-aged and demented? You usually only pay 500 once every few months. Why is it doubled today?" &34;

Xia Xiuman glared at him: "You kid can't say anything nice, part of it is to give you a reward for this exam, and you said that you need to review high school content in advance, how can you do it without money?"

Hearing this, Lu Shixian couldn't laugh for a moment.

Parents always think more than their children, always have an endless heart, and will always be our warmest harbor.

Even if the whole world abandons you, only your parents will love you consistently.

A moving emotion unconsciously spread from his heart, almost suffocating him.

He suppressed his crying and thanked his parents.

Lu Shixian and Xia Xiuman walked towards the bus station in the market town with a lot of things. Lu Jianguo stood in front of the door and watched them leave without turning around for a long time.

As the sun set in the west, an incomparably brilliant glow appeared in the sky. The afterglow of the setting sun dyed the entire sky deep red, reflecting on the terraced fields, and the water and the sky became the same color immediately. The two people on the road were dressed in summer clothes, chatting and laughing , This scenery is so beautiful that it makes people's heart beat.

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