Still choose the reckless answer from front to back.

After learning the depth, any answering skills will be ordinary.

The so-called great sound has no sound, great elephant has no shape, great wisdom seems stupid, and great skill seems clumsy, all because of this.

From multiple-choice questions to poetry and essay fill-in-the-blank questions, Lu Shixian was methodical, slower than before, but also more serious.

Soon, after completing the famous poems and essays, it came to the reading questions.

The topic is selected from "Book of Rites·Xue Ji".

"Thinking about the constitution and seeking goodness is enough to attract people, but not enough to move the people; the virtuous body is far away, enough to move the people, but not enough to transform the people. If a gentleman wants to transform the people into customs, he must learn! Jade can't be polished, it can't be used; People don't learn, they don't know. It is the ancient king who built the nation, teaching first. "Dui Ming" said: "The end of reading is the beginning of learning. "That's what it means!"

Lu Shixian glanced at it, ran through the main idea in his mind, and then started to answer the question.

After understanding the general idea, a few ancient prose questions are instantly showing off literary talent like a clown.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Shixian began to read the next question.

The reading questions are slightly more complicated than the multiple-choice questions, and it is necessary to pay attention to whether the writing is wrong, so Lu Shixian spent a little effort.

Finally, come to the composition topic.

Lu Shixian was really curious, he wanted to know what kind of questions the later examiners would hold back.

At first glance, the result is a semi-propositional composition.

"Companionship, what is companionship? Companionship is: "I am willing to give you time, and you are willing to give me time." "A lot of people or things will accompany you on your growth path. Please take companionship, is a kind of ( ) as the topic, and complete a composition of about 600 words. Except for poetry, the subject matter is not limited."

Good guy, these question makers must have wanted the teacher who got the question to accompany them.

This topic is very broad, anyone can write about it, and any style of writing is applicable.

However, when Lu Shixian thought about this kind of topic and then wrote an argumentative paper, he felt a little sick.

The topic is fixed for you, there is only one kind, not many kinds, so it is difficult to divide the argument.

Then the choice is narrative and prose.

But in this way, it is estimated that everyone in the city writes narratives, and 99% of them write about their parents.

Presumably, Lu Shixian seems to have foreseen the scene where the marking teacher would feel like throwing up when he saw these words.

Sameness is a big taboo in composition.

This means that if you want to get a high score, you must find another way.

"Oh, then we can only gather the Dafa in form and spirit."

Lu Shixian sighed inwardly, and began to write "companionship is a kind of strength" on the answer sheet.

"I don't know if you have noticed that the beautiful flowers are more delicate and beautiful because of the company of green leaves; the pure white clouds are more colorful because of the company of the sunset. It is because of your company that I can make a beautiful picture blueprint for life."

"I often ask myself, will you leave me slowly? You must also be worried, will I still think of you?"

"Are you too cruel? No. Am I too fickle? Neither."

"You are like a standing candle. From the moment I saw you, I knew that you would leave me one day. You are like a silent fruit tree. From the moment I saw you, I knew that I One day I will leave you."

"When the torch turns to ashes, when the peaches and plums don't say anything, when I say goodbye to you, I will not feel lonely. Even if you are not by my side, but with your tacit company, this is a kind of love, the longest feeling. Confession is a powerful force."

After writing one stroke, Lu Shixian couldn't help but think of Wang Chunya, thinking that she should have a better life in this life than before.

After a little checking for scribbling errors, Lu Shixian happened to be stuck 25 minutes after the end of the exam and left the exam room early.

When he came out, it seemed that someone had already handed in the papers ahead of time, and Lu Shixian had to lament that Jinling has produced a large number of talented people.

When I walked to the school gate, my parents were waiting there.

Because there are no worries, and Lu Shixian's performance is already stable.

Xia Xiuman asked about the exam situation without hesitation. Since she was a Chinese teacher, she seemed to be particularly interested in the first exam.

"How about it? Did you pass the exam? What's the topic of the composition?"

Lu Shixian pretended to be dignified.

"The test should be okay. As for the composition topic, what kind of companionship is it?"

"Since you passed the exam, why do you have such an expression?"

"It's just seeing that you have been here with me for so long, but I didn't write you into the composition to praise you. I feel very disturbed and regretful."

"Can we get a high score with a compliment?"

"Maybe, but it's hard."

"It's better to say goodbye, your mother and I are already beautiful, and I need you to tell me."

Afternoon, exactly two o'clock.

The biology exam starts on time.

While checking, flipping through the test paper, Lu Shixian's eyes suddenly brightened.

This creature seems to be a bit interesting.

Of course, it was interesting to him, but to other candidates, it was hell-level difficulty.

It seems that there are fewer questions for simple and mindless filling in knowledge points, and a few more questions that need to be calculated.

"The molecular weight of the protein? The gene frequency of gene a? The probability of genetic disease? Well done."

While doing the questions, Lu Shixian silently thanked this year's biology papers.

Wait until the history exam starts.

Lu Shixian knew that there should be no problem this time.

Because he found that his historical estimated score could reach a high of 82 points, breaking through a record high.

Steady, steady, Lu Shixian hummed the tune involuntarily when he stepped out of the classroom.

"I go all the way north, leaving the season with you"

In the evening, when I returned to the dormitory, the voices around me discussing the answers had decreased a lot. It seemed that Wang Chunya's trick before the exam was still very effective.

The torment of the last day was even more uncomfortable than that of the first day. Many people stared and stared but couldn't sleep.

But I don't know who it is, it's so wicked, I can't sleep in the middle of the night, and I beat the wall with my head.

It directly woke up Lu Shixian from his dream. If the housekeeper hadn't intervened later, Lu Shixian would really have to knock on the door in the middle of the night.

This directly caused Lu Shixian to feel a little depressed the next day.

"I didn't expect that when the time and place are right, someone will come to mess with me."

Lu Shixian washed his face with cold water, and forced himself to face the next day's exam.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the English test officially began.

Fortunately, this is his best subject besides biology.

Even though he was not in a good state of mind, it was enough to pass the exam even if he played at half the level.

The composition is another old-fashioned friend introduction.

Isn't it just as a network intermediary? Lu Shixian has long been tired of writing this set.

“i have a beautiful, cheerful and cute friendi believe you can t along well with her&34;

Suppressing sleepiness, Lu Shixian finally waited until the last thirty minutes.

Taking a last look at the signature, Lu Shixian handed in the paper and left.

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