At six o'clock in the evening, Lu Shixian returned to the dormitory building on time.

After so many things happened in the middle, Xia Yubing also believed that he was really studying.

In addition, Lu Shixian brought her benefits this time and was praised by the leader, which made her very satisfied.

Therefore, what directly made Lu Shixian feel the change was that the food seemed to be much better than before.

This actually made him feel a lot better.

In the evening, I continued to gnaw at the nature of the second section of water.

It also includes polarity, solubility, specific heat capacity, and heat of evaporation.

Water is the source of life. He is not surprised that there are so many contents, but why is there a physical content?

Physics plus chemistry, this is double torture, double trouble! The superimposed effect it produced directly made him almost learn to vomit blood.

But a true warrior dared to face the bleak life. At this time, Lu Shixian was like the captain of a cavalry company, frantically attacking the enemy, and was finally defeated by him bit by bit.

In the twinkling of an eye, in the substantial exercise and study routine, time sneaks away again.

Lu Shixian looked at the calendar, and there were only five days left before the registration time for Jinling No. 1 Middle School.

It seems that it's time to report to Jinling No. 1 Middle School. Last time, Teacher Sun told me to go to him earlier.

So that night, Lu Shixian bid farewell to Xia Yubing and expressed his heartfelt thanks to him for feeding him for so many days.

But before he could say his thanks, Xia Yubing burst into chestnut ko.

The next day, Lu Shixian took all his belongings to Jinling No. 1 Middle School.

Originally, Xia Yubing wanted to send him off, but there was a temporary emergency at work, so he had to be careful on the road.

Lu Shixian was also happy. Without a knife scraping his ears, he was really clean.

This time, I didn’t run or walk any more. It’s too far away. Although they’re all in the city center, it takes half an hour to walk there. He’s brought so many things, including valuables, so forget it. .

Standing on the side of the road, I hailed a taxi.

After saying another place name and adding four oceans, Lu Shixian successfully arrived at the gate of Jinling No. 1 Middle School.

Lu Shixian looked up, and could only say that it was worthy of No. 1 Middle School, but just by looking at the school gate, it was much, much better than Jinling Agricultural Middle School.

After the guard explained clearly, Lu Shixian called Teacher Sun in the security room.

"Hi, Teacher Sun, I'm Lu Shixian, yes, I've arrived at school early, what should I do next?"

Teacher Sun's voice came from the other end of the phone: "You stay in the guard room and I will come to you right away."

Soon, Lu Shixian who was waiting on the spot was waiting for Teacher Sun who was trotting all the way.

"Student Lu, these days I mainly solve the accommodation problem for you. Do you want to live in a student apartment outside or in a single dormitory on campus."

Lu Shixian thought about it, and finally chose a single dormitory.

Not to mention that it can be more convenient in school, safety can always be guaranteed.

Therefore, before all the students have signed up, Lu Shixian has already moved into the student dormitory building in advance. The room number is also auspicious, 100, which is like the first room of Tianzihao.

Because he was still on vacation, Mr. Sun's task was completed at this time, and he also left.

In the past few days, Lu Shixian had to study the plant physiology of the macro part while brushing the questions in a targeted manner.

As for the food, there was no one, after all, there was no one in the school, so he had to go out to look for food.

After several days, the time finally came to the golden autumn and September.

The first day of September happened to be the day when Jinling No. 1 Middle School began to welcome all students.

There is a public board in front of the administrative building, and parents and students have already circled around the door.

Lu Shixian deliberately slowed down his pace, wanting to see what it was at the door.

Walking forward, I found that this is really related to all students, and that is the class schedule of Jinling No. 1 Middle School.

Lu Shixian walked over quickly and took a look. As the number one, he was naturally in the first (one) class of high school.

After reading the familiar names above, Lu Shixian seemed to understand something.

"Zhao Lei, Han Fang, and Li Qiuyi" seem to have never taken the baptism of the high school entrance examination, and were sent directly to No. 1 Middle School.

Could it be said that the first class is the recommended class, while the second class is entered entirely through grades.

Of course, he can enter both classes, but since he is assigned to the first class, he doesn't care.

Carrying his schoolbag, Lu Shixian slowly found the classroom of Class One (1) Senior High.

At this time, people were already entering inside one after another, and it seemed that this was his future classmate.

He took a random seat, but even in the last row, many people's attention was still attracted to him.

There's no way, Lu Shixian's fame has already surpassed the sky, as long as they read the newspapers, they can recognize him.

Soon, a balding middle-aged man wearing glasses walked in from the outside.

His hairline is a bit worrying.

He put his hands on the podium and continued: "Welcome everyone to Jinling No. 1 Middle School, and you will soon become a member of No. 1 Middle School students."

After speaking, he picked up the chalk and wrote his name on the blackboard, Jiang Yunkun.

"Hi everyone, I am your math teacher for the next year and also your class teacher. I hope that we can all cooperate happily in the next year of study and life."

"Everyone comes from different schools and doesn't know each other very well, so I suggest that each of you make a brief self-introduction on the podium, please follow the order I read on the roster."

"No. 1 Lu Shixian."

Now, the eyes of the whole class are on him.

After all, this year's senior high school entrance examination champion seems to be called by this name, and most of them just hear their names but don't see them.

It stands to reason that even if Lu Shixian is the top pick, he should go to the second class, but they don't know the reason. Speaking of which, Lu Shixian is really recommended, but his score made the later No. 1 middle school not mention this matter.

At this time, Jiang Yunkun, who was stepping down after speaking, also turned his attention to this boy who was walking slowly on the podium. Because of Qian Zhengguo, he was very curious about this boy. He only knew that he was the first in the high school entrance examination this time. , I don't know what's special about him yet.

At this time, Lu Shixian stood straight on the podium, and said to everyone: "Everyone, teachers and students, good morning. I am Lu Shixian who was 14 and a half years old when I practiced in this world. Envy, I like reading and sports, I hope to have a good time with everyone in the future, thank you."

Jiang Yunkun nodded, and had a general impression of Lu Shixian. Lu Shixian didn't say much but was very concise and clear. He was not in a hurry, confident and polite, and he was indeed a good seed.

The next step is to introduce on the 2nd.

Lu Shixian didn't remember the general content, but he said a lot of things that he only knew by name, Cheng Yixue, a recommendation student from a foreign language junior high school, who has won many honors, participated in many city-level and provincial-level competitions, and won Very good result.

To be honest, if you don't look at the scores, but only look at the resume, this Cheng Yixue seems to be better than Lu Shixian, and I don't know why, this kind of student didn't go to Jinling High School.

Could it be that No. 1 Middle School's enrollment funding has increased this year? Lu Shixian guessed in his heart.

Because of the small-class elite training system, there are only about 20 students in the whole recommended class, so the whole self-introduction process goes very fast.

After listening to it, even Lu Shixian felt a little bit of pressure. As expected, it is worthy of being a No. 1 middle school. There are so many ruthless people.

I don't know what the scene is like in Jinling High School?

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