What Happened If You Didn't Take The College Entrance Examination? I Recommend

Chapter 50 The Hard Life In Freshman Year Of High School

Taking advantage of a few minutes before the next training, Lu Shixian suddenly stood up and said to the students: "Students, according to the recent performance, many people think that the performance of the second class is better than ours. As the students of the first class, we You have to stand up, as a recommended student, you can't let them look down on you."

"When we wear school uniforms, we have to study hard; when we wear military uniforms, we have to guard one side and look good. Now look at our crooked appearance. If the country really needs it, we really need it. Can you handle it?"

"Think about those soldiers guarding the frontiers of the motherland such as islands, deserts and plateaus. They are stationed day and night in the frontier defense cause. Compared with them, is our current training really hard?"

As soon as this remark came out, a group of students who were still chatting and laughing suddenly felt that the popsicles in their hands were not fragrant, and they all seemed to have been injected with chicken blood.

"Train hard and kill Class Two."

"Train hard and kill Class Two."

"Train hard and kill Class Two."

The second class students who were resting on the other side suddenly heard the excited voices here, and felt a little baffled in their hearts.

Little did he know that Lu Shixian had already used him as an imaginary enemy.

The effect of playing chicken blood was immediately reflected in the afternoon training. The team's momentum and forward movement were greatly improved, and suddenly became the most beautiful boy in the audience.

Not far away, Jiang Yunkun, who was watching the training, nodded with satisfaction, and his impression of Lu Shixian became better and better.

"This kid's organizational skills are pretty good, but I don't know if he can adapt to the learning rhythm of high school."

Soon, nearly half a month of military training will come to an end. During this half month, as we got to know each other better, Lu Shixian also established good friendships with the sixteen boys and six girls in the class. relation.

The first-year students of Jinling No. 1 Middle School are about to usher in a formal study life.

On the first Monday after military training, they started their first class in high school.

"Students, it's a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Ouyang Qingyue, Ouyang from Ouyang Xiu, and Qingyue from Fengqingyueying."

"If there are no accidents, I will accompany you for three years. If you have any questions about the language, you can come to me and we will solve it together."

The one who spoke was a Chinese teacher from the first class. She was not very old, probably less than 30 years old, but she had already taught two classes of graduates. It could be said that she was young and promising, with a good figure and beautiful eyes.

So she was loved by the students all of a sudden, and everyone clamored to learn Chinese well.

Soon, the teachers who had classes today basically had a face-to-face meeting with the students, and they all had a preliminary impression of each other.

The math teacher is naturally their head teacher, Jiang Yunkun. They are already familiar with it, and they like to pretend to be deep, but they don't really have airs.

The English teacher is a female teacher in her forties, and the appearance and figure of this female teacher will not be mentioned.

Anyway, Lu Shixian's impression of her is very passionate, and her body language is very rich.

Because senior one needs to take nine courses at the same time, in addition to physics, biology, and chemistry in science, there are also geography, history, and politics in liberal arts.

So the first day did not fill all the classes.

He only met the biology, chemistry and politics teachers among them.

Among them, Wen Shaoying, their biology teacher, is now nearly fifty years old, and it is said that he will retire after teaching them this year.

Because he wanted no regrets, it is said that this time he will be stricter than before, and many students feel a little embarrassed when they see his serious old face.

With the perfect ending of the first day of the course, the following study life is slowly on the right track.

Even though it's only the first year of high school, even in the class where the top students gather, they all feel a lot of pressure.

"This physics class hasn't been studied thoroughly yet, why is it a geography class again?"

In a classroom, a male student named Chen Yaming has already put on a pain mask.

His words immediately resonated with the surrounding students who were busy taking notes.

"Yeah, I take nine courses in one semester, and now I have a headache when I see the class schedule."

"Why do I feel that the first year of high school is more uncomfortable than the second year of high school? I have difficulty choosing. I feel that I am not good at science and arts." A girl named Wang Min said quite distressed.

Lu Shixian couldn't help being speechless when he heard their discussion, it's really a high-end Versailles.

If it wasn't for his understanding during this period of time, he wouldn't even be able to understand other people's Versailles.

The reason why Chen Yaming is in pain is because adults make choices, and he wants to get full marks in the exam.

Wang Min's science and liberal arts are not very good, but judging from her activeness in answering questions in class, it is obvious that she is a master of arts and sciences.

Only one week after the start of school, there was a sudden news that the Jinling Mathematical Contest would be held.

This news suddenly seemed to have dropped explosives in the entire peaceful middle school, and many people became interested.

At this time, the classrooms in Class One (1) of Senior High were full of voices discussing the competition, and almost everyone was interested in signing up.

Seeing their reactions, Lu Shixian didn't think it was strange.

This environment is no longer the lifeless one he used to be in Jinling No. 3 Middle School.

I remember that it was also not long after the start of school, and he hadn't even heard any news about the competition.

The school doesn't want to take care of it, the teachers don't pay attention to it, and the students don't have confidence.

This is the status quo in most ordinary high schools.

Soon after the afternoon math class, Jiang Yunkun released the most accurate information to his classmates.

"The preliminaries of the 2007 Jinling Mathematics Contest will be held at Jinling University of Science this Saturday. If you are interested in subject competitions, you can contact me to sign up. Only those who pass the preliminaries will be eligible to participate in the subsequent leagues."

"This competition is mainly aimed at second-year high school students. If you are interested and capable, you can join our school's math team for professional training. Don't hold out too much hope this time."

After Jiang Yunkun finished speaking, someone shouted: "Mr. Jiang, what's the name? You can just send our whole class to take the exam. Anyway, there are only a few people."

"Yeah, even if you don't plan to take mathematics, you can go to have fun, experience the experience, and increase your test experience."

Now, Jiang Yunkun was a little moved.

"In this case, if there is anyone who doesn't want to go, raise your hand."

As a result, none of them raised their hands.

Lu Shixian shook his head secretly, this is the gap in education.

Originally, Lu Shixian did not have a strong desire to participate in mathematics competitions, because he knew his level of mathematics.

It's just average, undergraduate level, maybe a little degraded.

You can play, but it is very difficult to go to the national competition through the mathematics league.

As for getting a ranking in the national competition, he didn't even dare to think about it.

With so many people going, wouldn't he be unsocial if he didn't go there?

Although it is not in his life plan, it is also good to know about the competition process in the past.

In his previous life, he didn't have this kind of opportunity to experience it once.

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