Lu Shixian was a little convinced, he knew that Chen Yiyi had always been frugal, but this was his invitation, and he had already paid the bill.

"No, I've already paid the money. Wouldn't it be a pity if you didn't drink it and wasted it?"

Having said that, Chen Yiyi finally stopped hesitating.

Soon, after drinking the milk tea, the two went back to their dormitories.

Time is precious to both of them.

Before leaving, Chen Yiyi gave Lu Shixian a rare cheer.

Although it was only two words, it was already rare for Chen Yiyi.

Hearing her encouragement, Lu Shixian just smiled wryly.

Maybe she thought I was omnipotent.

But I'm not really a mathematician.

Lu Shixian sighed in his heart, returned to the dormitory and continued to study.

It is impossible to learn mathematics by cramping. In such a day or two, even if he studied the content of the competition all night, it is impossible to make a breakthrough.

Learn this, unless there is a pit in the brain.

Regarding "Principles of Biochemistry", he has already finished studying. Although it cannot be said that his understanding is as deep as that of an expert, he has indeed mastered all important knowledge points.

So, he returned it in the library long ago, and borrowed another "Cell Biology".

Having formed his habit of reading, Lu Shixian still reads from the introduction.

After reading the brief history of the development of the subject, Lu Shixian began to write down the key points that need to be mastered in this book.

"The basic commonality of cells and their characteristics as the basic unit of life activities, the structural characteristics of mycoplasma and the necessary devices for cell survival and proliferation, and the basic structural system of eukaryotic cells."

"Understanding the basic knowledge of viruses (structure, classification), the proliferation of viruses, and the relationship between viruses and cells in origin and evolution."

There are also things to know: the difference between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells, plant cells and animal cells.

On Sunday, Lu Shixian used to eat breakfast after exercising.

The next step is to follow Jiang Yunkun's instructions, to find the big teams of the data competition team, and to participate in the league with them.

Naturally, Jiang Yunkun couldn't have time to take him with him every day, so he didn't do his own things?

Last time, the whole class had to go, there was no other way.

Although I haven't been there, I just go straight to the complex building and I'm done.

It is said that all the teams of Jinling No. 1 Middle School's subject competitions are gathered here, and they can be found after searching layer by layer.

Entering from the lobby on the first floor, except for the classrooms, he walked around the offices on the left and right, and sure enough there were none.

Either the computer room is the teaching tool storage room.

Climbed another flight of stairs and there was no one at all, so it certainly wasn't.

Until he came to the third floor, Lu Shixian heard the voice of the discussion no matter how far away.

"I think this problem can be solved by using the method used by Carl Dept. to solve the Pappus problem. On the plane, a straight line is used as the baseline, and a straight line is specified for it, and another straight line is selected to intersect with it. They are equivalent to each other. On the x-axis, the origin o, and the y-axis, form an oblique coordinate system."

"There is no problem with your train of thought, so that the position of the supposedly incumbent point can be determined uniquely (x, y). The real question just now turned into an indeterminate process with two unknowns. I think it's doable."

Lu Shixian suddenly understood the feelings of the students in the class. Is this the world of mathematics masters? He seemed a bit out of place.

But everything has come, and it is impossible to go in the opposite direction.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk forward, watching them seem to have reached a unified conclusion and died down.

Lu Shixian saw the needle, and took out two bottles of frog clams from his small schoolbag and handed them to them: "Seniors and seniors, you have worked hard, drink some ad calcium and replenish, I am a junior who is here to hitch a ride."

The two boys didn't seem to get used to hearing the word "Senior", then they glanced at each other, and suddenly realized.

ad calcium played its due role.

One of the boys said politely: "Senior, I don't dare to be a senior. Both of us are in the second (1) class of high school. His name is Huang Zhongsheng, and my name is Li Ruhai. We are just getting started on the road of mathematics competition. in less than a year."

Another boy named Huang Zhongsheng seemed to remember something, and said to him: "It seems that you are the only one who is qualified to participate in the league in the first grade of our school. It is true that there are talented people from all over the world, and the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead."

Lu Shixian resisted the urge to complain that these two sentences seemed to be different, and also became polite.

"Where, where, the results I have worked hard to achieve are nothing but yours."

Several people were talking lively outside, when suddenly there was a serious coughing sound from inside.

"Ahem, all three of you come in for me."

Lu Shixian turned around, only to find that the two seniors had walked in despondently, and gave him helpless looks.

He also cautiously followed in, and found that there were four or five people packing up their things. A middle-aged man of medium build was sitting on the seat. He looked a little older, but his eyes were full of spirit.

Could it be that this is the coach of the Jinling No. 1 High School Mathematics Team?

Huang Zhongsheng and Li Ruhai were chatting outside just now, but now they are like two docile little sheep after entering.

The two greeted the middle-aged man at the same time: "Mr. Zhang is good!"

Now Lu Shixian was more and more sure of his guess, and also shouted.

The middle-aged man looked at Lu Shixian with a pair of eyes and said, "Are you the top student in the senior high school entrance examination this year? A student under Xiao Jiang's?"

This person's aura is a bit strong, and he is a bit oppressive to Lu Shixian.

However, Lu Shixian's "hitting workers" for so many years is not for nothing. This person is still worse than the "boss" in colleges and universities who holds the power of life and death in laboratories.

"Mr. Zhang laughed. I was lucky enough to pass the preliminaries this time. I want to follow you to meet the market."

The middle-aged people don't talk politely at all, they go straight and say what they have.

"A fluke? If you are lucky enough to get full marks in the exam, then I'll talk about a fart topic."

"I've read your test paper. It's too formatted. I guess you don't have much talent. Are you here to grab an award?"

As soon as this remark came out, even the sound of breathing could be heard clearly in the office.

But the expressions of the students in the math team inside remained unchanged, apparently they had long been accustomed to the way middle-aged people spoke.

Lu Shixian was also a little speechless, it seemed that this was his first time here, and he didn't offend him, the words were really ugly.

But he knew in his heart that there was nothing wrong with what the middle-aged man said.

He really doesn't have any talent for mathematics, and it is entirely because of his knowledge of advanced mathematics that he has been able to reach this level.

As for the basic subject of mathematics, if you want to learn deeply and learn well, without talent and inspiration, even if you study hard for a lifetime, it will be difficult to achieve any results.

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