As the scores of provincial one winners are getting lower and lower, Lu Shixian also knows that this is about to end.

But until the last 101 points, there was no his name. Just when he was about to give up, he suddenly heard "Lu Shixian, No. 1 Middle School, 100 points."

His hands clenched suddenly, and he stepped on the line!

A sudden surprise came to my heart.

Life may not necessarily go smoothly every day, but we still have to believe that in sometimes not so good times, there will always be some unexpected little surprises!

Next to him, people from the Shuai team gave him unbelievable and envious looks.

Especially the few people who only got the second province, they suddenly looked like lemon juice, can they still have fun?

Exactly 100 points stepping on the line and passing the provincial line, is that okay?

People in the first year of high school did not participate in professional training and had already saved the first year, but we were still playing mud in the second year of high school.

Lu Shixian touched the back of his head, and said with some embarrassment: "This time it was really a fluke."

The previous psychological expectations have dropped again and again, and he really did not expect the current result.

"The score line for the semi-finals is greater than or equal to 112. Participants who have qualified for the semi-finals include City High School Zhou Yiming with 120 points, City High School Chen Fengze with 120 points, City High School Wu Shuang with 118 points, City High School Shen Ran with 116 points, City No. 1 Middle School with 115 points and Wang Qian City No. 2 Middle School Zheng Xiangyun 112."

After listening to the score line for the semi-finals, it seems that I am not the only one who was lucky enough to cross the line. At the same time, I can also confirm the results of this Jinling No. 1 Middle School math competition.

Including his improvised first prize, there are a total of two provincial first prizes, two provincial second prizes, and four provincial third prizes. Among them is a student who has qualified for the rematch.

The awards ceremony will soon be on-site. Although the rematch has not yet been held, it has not affected the determination of the awards.

Speaking of which, this award is still quite important. It is said that the director of the Provincial Department of Education, not the deputy, will be speaking on stage this time.

This time, the principal of Jinling University had to come to accompany him. This kind of specification finally led to a result.

The publicity and attention of this mathematics league are increasing rapidly.

"Today, I am very glad to meet all the outstanding students here. The National High School Mathematics Contest is a regular competition established in our country since 1981. Let me briefly talk about three points"

Sure enough, it's different for those who are engaged in administration. Twenty minutes have passed after a simple talk.

Although the contestants in the audience couldn't listen, they looked serious and careful from the outside.

When Comrade Director finished his speech, it finally came to the awarding of medals and group photos.

The last ones to take the stage were actually a few student representatives who entered the provincial team line to receive the awards. Due to the large number, the rest of them had to wait for the award ceremony to receive their certificates from the competition committee.

At the end of the awards ceremony, Lu Shixian soon won the first medal in his high school career: the first prize certificate of the Jiangsu Provincial Division of the National Middle School Student Olympiad.

Lu Shixian opened it and read on it: Student Lu Shixian won the first prize in the 2007 National High School Mathematics Joint Competition. I hereby issue this certificate as encouragement.

Neither the ranking nor the score is written on it.

Lu Shixian couldn't help but be very satisfied, as long as he has this certificate, who would eat too much and go to the website to check your score and name?

As long as I don't say anything, who knows that I will be the last one to step on the line.

So far, the purpose of Lu Shixian's trip has been fully achieved, and everything behind this year's math competition has nothing to do with him.

Returning with honor, the group soon returned to Jinling No. 1 Middle School by the same route.

Just arrived at the entrance of the complex building, and at this moment, Zhang Guoqiang, who was out of sight, walked over from nowhere, and nodded to Wang Qian with satisfaction.

Then he looked at Lu Shixian, paused for a moment, and finally said only one sentence: Not bad.

Lu Shixian was immediately flattered. He felt quite honored to be able to praise him. After all, he didn't speak when he saw Wang Qian just now.

As for praise for his good performance or good luck, it is not clear.

Originally, when he came here, Lu Shixian could leave directly, but in the end, for some purpose, he followed up to the third floor.

When he arrived at the office of the data competition team, Zhang Guoqiang looked at Lu Shixian, who was creeping around, amused in his heart, but his face remained calm.

"Why, you want to take the path of competition?"

Lu Shixian nodded and shook his head: "I want to take the path of competition, but I don't want to take the path of mathematics."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the office looked at Lu Shixian curiously.

Some of them didn't know what Lu Shixian was thinking. He won the gold medal in the math competition in the first year of senior high school, and if he continued to focus on training later, it would not be impossible to enter the semi-finals or even be selected for the provincial team.

Such a good condition, which way to go without mathematics? It is the right direction to continue to expand our advantages and maximize our strengths while avoiding our weaknesses.

Zhang Guoqiang was also a little puzzled at this time: "You don't need to belittle yourself. Although I said before that you have no talent, being able to get the provincial first also shows your strength. If you want to join the math team now, I will not object."

Lu Shixian shook his head with a smile and said: "Although mathematics is very good, I want to enter the field I am good at. This step is already the limit at my level, and no matter how much time I invest later, there will be no results." &34;

Zhang Guoqiang nodded. He had seen too many students like Lu Shixian, who rose up like a comet in front of them, but then quickly disappeared. He just couldn't recognize himself clearly, and chose a dead end that could not be completed at all.

He expressed his understanding and appreciation for Lu Shixian's choice.

"So which way do you want to go in the five-subject competition? I can introduce you to the team based on your performance today."

Hearing these words, Lu Shixian suddenly had a strange expression on his face, and then said calmly: "Creature."

Now, everyone could no longer maintain their calm, and Huang Zhongsheng and Wang Qian directly fell through their glasses.

Even Zhang Guoqiang, who had remained calm all this time, couldn't help coughing.

"Ahem, I really can't help you with your choice. No. 1 Middle School doesn't have a biology competition team at all, and it was disbanded two years ago."

"Why bother, our school's biology competition has never had a result, and its position in the five major subject competitions is as low as that of informatics. Even if you don't study mathematics, it is good to learn physics and chemistry."

Lu Shixian didn't know about the situation Zhang Guoqiang said, but the point is that he has no choice.

His physics and chemistry are not even as good as mathematics, let alone informatics. Lu Shixian knows himself very well.

He was never one to give up easily.

The only solution today is to create conditions if there are no conditions.

Even if there is no competition team, he will go to the black alone.

He came to No. 1 Middle School to make history.

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