"The first prize at the provincial level in the mathematics competition? Not bad, I won the provincial first prize not long after I came here, it seems that my vision is really good." His eyes were suddenly relieved and satisfied.

Lu Shixian pretended to smile shyly: "Hey, this is pure shit luck, and I won the award by stepping on the first line of the province."

Qian Zhengguo nodded and said: "That's not easy. If you can't get the first prize at the provincial level in the number contest, if you can't get the bonus for this level of awards, then there will be no awards. I can sign it for you."

After finishing speaking, he looked up at Lu Shixian again and said, "But are you sure you want to apply for the award now? Once you apply successfully now, even if you get the national award in the second year of high school, there is no way to change it."

"You can get the provincial one in the first year of high school, and there will be great hopes for the national competition next year. Don't you need to think about it?"

This is indeed the most normal idea under normal circumstances, but Lu Shixian has already planned his own path, so it is naturally impossible to agree.

He smiled and shook his head and said: "Although I really want to enter the national competition and win the o gold medal, or even the io gold medal. But I know my own ability. On the road of mathematics, this is probably my peak." .”

"The road to knowledge is vast and boundless. Although mathematics is very good, it is not what I want."

"I can find a way that suits me and work hard for it all the time. This is what I think now."

After he finished speaking, Qian Zhengguo's eyes became more appreciative.

"Yes, the most difficult thing in life is often to see yourself clearly. No matter how fast people run, but in the wrong direction, they are still not as fast as others."

"Many people have struggled for decades and may not understand this truth, but you can say that it is not unreasonable for you to rise among Jinling farmers."

After finishing speaking, Qian Zhengguo pointed to the sofa in front of him.

"Sit down, so can you tell me what your current direction is? The school or I may be able to help you."

Lu Shixian naturally sat on the sofa, telling him his recent thoughts and plans.

The more Qian Zhengguo listened, the more interested he became. He leaned forward and was shocked after listening.

He doesn't believe in this rigorous and highly feasible life plan without the guidance of an expert, but he also knows Lu Shixian's family situation, which is just a rural family with enough food and clothing.

Then it is very likely that he figured it out by himself, and this son is really extraordinary.

"You said that you want to take the college entrance examination and competition at the same time. I have no objection. Many people now plan to do so."

"But isn't it a bit too anxious to finish it all in the first year of high school, let alone want to make two-handed preparations, it's a bit haste makes waste."

Lu Shixian understands that if his plan is to be implemented, he must convince Qian Zhengguo in front of him. If he can't even pass the test of the dean, then don't think about it.

Many formalities and procedures must be completed through the school, such as half a year of high school, half a year of high school, skipping to high school and directly participating in the college entrance examination.

He pondered for a while, then replied: "You know about this, I have been self-studying high school content in Jinling Agricultural Middle School for several months, and according to my level of knowledge about myself, it may be more than 680 points. It's a bit difficult, but it's not a big problem to maintain a stable score between 600 and 650."

"Since this is the case, if I continue to study in high school, the efficiency will not be great."

"Based on this consideration, I chose to participate in the college entrance examination in the first year of high school. Even if the score is not up to the mark, I can still pass the junior class test and I can still enter the first-class colleges of c9."

"As for choosing the biology competition, I want to sprint to the top prestigious schools in t2. After all, soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers. As a student, I can say that I never thought that students who were admitted to Yanjing and Mizuki were not good students."

After hearing his reasons, Qian Zhengguo didn't make any comments. Instead, he asked, "Let's not talk about participating in the college entrance examination in advance. You said you want to choose the biology competition?"

"However, our school has no precedent of being recommended to T2 through the biology competition, and the current biology competition team of our school has withdrawn a long time ago because it has not achieved any results for ten years."

"The main reason is that the student competition has a huge disadvantage compared with other competitions. Many colleges and universities don't need the student competition, which means that the threshold is the national set."

"In addition, after the competition ends and returns to the college entrance examination, the student competition will not be of substantial help to the biology college entrance examination. In recent years, almost no one chooses biology, so now our school has no support for the student competition."

"If you choose to take the path of biology, basically no one can guide you, and it will be very difficult. Have you considered this situation?"

Lu Shixian nodded and said, "I've heard about this before."

"But precedents are not meant to be broken. Since no one has ever done it in the history of No. 1 Middle School, let me, Lu Shixian, be the first!"

At this time, Lu Shixian no longer had the humility and politeness at the beginning, but appeared extremely confident and proud, and his attitude changed drastically before and after.

Qian Zhengguo couldn't help but be moved by his temperament. It seems that people who can make great achievements in history have this temperament.

Now, his heart had begun to tilt in a certain direction.

But there was still no sign of agreement or rejection on his face, and he said to Lu Shixian, "Well, you go back first, I already know about it."

"I will find an opportunity to talk to the principal, and then ask the leadership team to discuss it, and try to reply to you within a week. The application form is also here, and I will pass it on for you."

Lu Shixian understands this matter, he can't make a decision directly.

But such an answer made him feel more at ease. If Qian Zhengguo said that there was no problem right now, he would panic instead.

So far, his purpose of coming here has been fully achieved.

After thanking, Lu Shixian walked out of the administrative building easily, only feeling that the sun was so bright.

Regardless of the outcome, what he had to do had already been done.

Three days later, the regular meeting of the leadership team of Jinling No. 1 Middle School started as scheduled.

In the meeting room on the top floor of the administration building.

All the team members of Jinling No. 1 Middle School had already sat down at the round table, and the meeting officially started.

Sitting opposite the gate was an old man in his sixties.

At the same time, he is also the principal of Jinling No. 1 Middle School, Cai Mingyuan, a national super famous teacher.

Cai Mingyuan looked at the watch on his right hand and said, "It's time, let's start the meeting."

"Let me say a few words first, today is Thursday again, because the original Lao Song retired from illness, after the appointment document of the Municipal Education Bureau yesterday, Xiaoqian was added to the team as the vice principal.

"Then, Principal Qian will take over the job from Lao Song and take charge of the teaching work of our school. Strengthen the construction of the teaching team and improve the professional and cultural level of teachers."

"Leading the director of the Academic Affairs Office to do a good job in teaching and teaching at the same time, to ensure the implementation of the curriculum plan and syllabus, and finally to organize students to start extracurricular, cultural, sports and technological activities, and to develop students' strengths by teaching students according to their aptitude."

"And other work in charge, do you have any questions about this?"

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