After reading the title, good guy, these teachers are really learning and using.

They applied for skipping a grade on the front foot, and they came up with an essay question on teaching students according to their aptitude.

Resisting the desire to continue complaining, Lu Shixian thought for a minute, and immediately started writing.

"People are different, but watching the trajectory of the world's life, the final results are even more varied. Some people have set foot on the top of the mountain, looking down at all living beings, and seeing all the small mountains at a glance, while others have entered the valley, doing nothing, and disappearing from everyone."

"These people are not necessarily inferior. Part of the difference may come from different educational methods. I think appropriate educational methods will benefit people throughout their lives"

At this time, the teachers around were also drinking tea, and walked forward to watch Lu Shixian answering the questions. They all lamented the smoothness of Lu Shixian's answering questions. linger.

At this time, Lu Shixian had already begun to write the last paragraph of conclusion.

"There are no stupid people in the world, only geniuses whose potential is suppressed. The leaves are favored by nature and have different beautiful lines. Every student also has different hickeys of nature. Educators should put Open the hands of personal obsession, let students bloom their own personality, be the guide of students' learning, and the facilitator of potential development."

"You have Watt under your coach, Newton in your cold eyes, and Edison in your sneer. Don't rush to drive them away. Don't wait until you sit on a steamer, light a lamp, and learn calculus to realize that this is the truth. The underachiever who you looked at coldly at that time."

As soon as Lu Shixian wrote the pen, Li Dezhang, the leader of the Chinese teaching and research group of the third year of high school next to him, was already applauding for it.

"Okay, Lu Shixian, you go to dinner first and then take a rest, we will try to complete the task within today." Qian Zhengguo said to him with a smile.

He nodded, stretched himself, and walked out the door.

At this time, in the office, Lu Shixian's test paper has already attracted everyone to watch.

"Old Li, how are you doing? How many points can you get?" Qian Zhengguo asked curiously.

Li Dezhang shook his head and said: "I haven't read the previous content carefully, but his composition is quite like everyone's style, citing scriptures and allusions, citing extensively from sources, with ease, not a word of praise."

"Okay, let's leave everyone, and continue the test in the afternoon. Lao Li, you will correct it early after dinner, and I will leave this matter to you." smile.

Chinese seems to be in good condition, and mathematics doesn't have to worry about a single-digit gold medal winner. It depends on English in the afternoon and comprehensive science in the evening.

According to the test schedule, Lu Shixian had already arrived at the office at 1:30 in the afternoon.

Otherwise, you may not be able to complete the three exams during the meeting.

At 1:40, Lu Shixian officially started doing math test questions.

For Lu Shixian, although mathematics does not allow him to have the most intimate actions between lovers, the simple hug in high school is still very affectionate.

After the ruthless rejection of the last count competition, this time it seems to give him enough enthusiasm.

Hang around in the beautiful wavy lines of sets, monotone functions, sequence and derivatives, trigonometric functions, and plane vectors.

Revel in the mysterious shadows of parabola, solid geometry, analytic geometry, and ellipses, hyperbolas, and geometric shapes.

Even though she used all the moves in high school on Lu Shixian this time, Lu Shixian has already reached the state of having no woman in her heart, writing about natural gods, ghosts and gods, letting you invite the moon or Guanyin Shanglian and other eighteen martial arts, I stand still.

At exactly three o'clock, Lu Shixian glanced at the scroll and put down his pen.

The leader of the mathematics teaching and research group of the third year of senior high school got the paper and immediately started to correct it.

Take a short break and drink some water.

At 3:20, Lu Shixian started the English test.

It was not until high school English that Lu Shixian finally experienced the joy of reading novels. In junior high school, he just read Xiaobaiwen and recorded journals, so he was speechless.

After dinner.

At 7:20, start the last test of comprehensive science.

He still chooses his usual preference, but isn't it human nature to be limited by favor?

First of all, I came to the boudoir of the creatures, maybe because I know that Lu Shixian is strong, and the fighting power of the creatures today is more than stronger than before.

"These bad old men who came up with the questions are really bad."

When Lu Shixian met one of them, he realized that something was wrong. Today's creatures seemed to have taken medicine, which made him a little overwhelmed.

From meiosis to mitosis, from the peel stage to the polar nucleus stage, all the processes have been changed.

From base pairing to DNA replication, from the central dogma to the calculation of gene frequency, Lu Shixian's mind has been greatly burdened.

It's a pity that Lu Shixian has recently practiced Jingshengong hard, and his vision has been raised a lot. These little tricks can no longer catch his eyes, and they are just ordinary methods.

If it's just a method of this level, then I'm sorry, I won all three bases in biology.

Lu Shixian began to look at the physics and chemistry that he was still looking forward to.

However, these two are quite similar to him, so let's order a sign if that is the case.

So Lu Shixian said silently in his heart: one o'clock two o'clock three four o'clock, whoever hits it will be the one.

In the end, after all, physics got the luck first.

Although he had forgotten about physics before, after so many days of closeness, the relationship has already warmed up, and now is a good time for a night of spring night to be worth a thousand dollars.

Coulomb's law, energy conservation, electrostatic induction, uniform electric field, etc., were no longer his opponents.

Lu Shixian has already entered the threshold and hit Huanglong directly.

Next came chemistry, which could not escape its final fate and was taken down one by one.

Although at the end, due to the imbalance of yin and yang in the big topic, the two sides had some subtle disputes.

But Lu Shixian saw a series of chemical reactions with her before, such as oxidation, replacement, reduction, addition and elimination.

How could the wonderful time be easily forgotten, Lu Shixian generously chose to forget the unpleasantness just now.

In the end, it is natural that guests feel at home, and they get the happy ending of coming and returning with pleasure.

It's a pity that the biggest failure is that there are a few bad old men who are shamelessly staring at him.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Shixian left his mark heavily on the "Three Beauties", wrote his name, and left gracefully.

Passing through thousands of flowers, not a single leaf will touch your body, and you will not take a cloud with you.

At this time, Lu Shixian did not go to the classroom to participate in any evening self-study. Lu Shixian returned to the dormitory, took a hot bath, and fell asleep.

Today, he continues to fight, which consumes a lot, whether it is mentally or physically, it almost empties him.

Although not perfect, this is the best Lu Shixian can do.

The fluency of this test has fully confirmed that his efforts some time ago are effective.

It always takes time and effort to do the questions from jerky to silky.

All he can do has been done, and he is looking forward to what kind of surprises tomorrow's results will bring him?

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