"You talk a lot, just follow me."

Lu Shixian was speechless, so he followed her silently.

In the end, I found that I was getting farther and farther away from the light source of the teaching building as I walked?

What the hell?

Little black house?

Bad woman?

Linked up, the innocent little boy was raped by a bad woman in a dark room

Lu Shixian's brain supplement made the expression on his face more and more bitter.

But the more he walked, he came to the downstairs of a very dark building.

Before the fear, Lu Shixian discovered the blind spot.

Something is wrong!

This place seems familiar to him?

Followed to the first floor.

Next is the second floor.

Then there is the third floor.

The woman stopped here suddenly, and then took out a rusty key from some dim voice-activated lights in the corridor.


After two rounds of rotation, the door was opened, and at the same time, a large amount of dust was ejected.

The woman walks in and presses a button on the wall next to the door.

The sudden blinding light made Lu Shixian close his eyes unconsciously.

When she opened her eyes again, a slender hand wearing a black manicure stretched out in front of her.

"Just get to know each other, Mei Ting."

Now, Lu Shixian had already guessed when he came here.

Now it is completely understood.

It turned out that this woman was the counselor he had forgotten earlier.

If you are dissatisfied, you will be dissatisfied, and if you are narrow-minded, you will be narrow-minded. What kind of sudden attack are you making?

And this simplicity is really simple enough, resisting the urge to complain, Lu Shixian gently reached out and shook it.

Soft as boneless and smooth as jade, Lu Shixian withdrew his right hand after a brief touch.

"I'll give you twenty minutes to clean this place up." Mei Ting was still cold.

Lu Shixian almost laughed out of anger, this teacher is too good at instigating others, he doesn't love the flowers of the motherland at all.

But what could he do? It is reasonable for students to clean up according to the teacher's words, right?

Although he is not sure about the quality of the woman in front of him, Lu Shixian can guarantee that even if she is a vase, his study efficiency will be greatly improved.

Forget it, although I really don't want to do this seemingly dog-licking move.

But who told him that his character at this time was naturally shorter in front of her?

Or don't do it, since you decide to do it, then you have to do it seriously and beautifully.

This is the principle that Lu Shixian adheres to.

Therefore, due to the self-reliance ability cultivated since childhood, it only took him fifteen minutes to clean this small classroom which is not too big.

Mei Ting, who was sitting on a chair, looked at him with interest as he was tired like a dog.

"Is it alright?" Lu Shixian slumped down on the seat opposite her after washing her hands.

"In your action just now, did you first feel or move? What is the difference between feeling and movement?" Mei Ting clasped her hands, showing the mountains and mountains in front of her.

But Lu Shixian was in no mood to pay attention.

This is the beginning, do you want to test my quality before tutoring?

Lu Shixian was a little unconvinced, and quickly began to think about memories.

It is related to people, and of course it is part of physiology. When some people hear physiology, they think it is medicine.

But in fact, it has something to do with medicine, but it is more biased towards biology.

Although this part of the content is not the content of the biological competition, he has not learned about it recently.

But for him in his previous life, this was just the elementary common sense content at the undergraduate level. After a little recollection, he remembered the answer to this question.

"Naturally, the sensory information is received first, and then the body moves. The sensory system converts the external objective world into neural signals recognizable by the nervous system through the sensory system, thereby generating sensation."

"Exercise is a life activity process in which the body transforms the concept of movement generated by the brain into specific muscle contraction activities through the motor system, or turns a movement idea into an actual result."

"Sensation is a neural activity process from lower (peripheral) to upper (central), while movement is a neural activity process from upper (central) to lower (peripheral)."

Every time Lu Shixian said something, the astonishment on Mei Ting's face increased.

Looking at her expression, Lu Shixian also treated him in his own way.

"Teacher Mei, I also have a question."

"What is the difference between the real body cavity and the original body cavity?"

Lu Shixian didn't ask very complicated questions, at least he had to give her a little face, that is, the related questions about the protocoel in the invertebrate book he read recently.

Because of his ignorance of animals, he also read it many times before he gradually understood it.

But even if this question is not difficult, for those who don't understand it, it's like listening to heaven.

However, what he didn't expect was that Mei Ting quickly gave the answer as if she didn't think about it.

"The emergence of the true coelom began in the annelids in invertebrates. The mesoderm was split in the middle, and part of the epidermis formed by the ectoderm became the body wall mesoderm."

"The other part relies on the intestinal wall formed by the endoderm to form the intestinal wall mesoderm, and the real body cavity is between the body wall mesoderm and the intestinal wall mesoderm,

"The protocoelom is also called the pseudocoelom or the cavity left by the blastocoel during the development of the primary coelom embryo. Between the body wall mesoderm and the intestinal wall endoderm, there is no coelom membrane, and the intestinal wall generally lacks a muscle layer."

"For example, linear animals such as roundworms and rotifers belong to this category, only body wall mesoderm but no visceral wall mesoderm."

"The difference between the two is mainly in the muscle layer and the coelomic membrane: the former has no coelomic membrane and lacks the muscle layer; while the latter has both."

When Lu Shixian heard this, he was dumbfounded.

What fairy?

This seems to be more detailed than that in the textbook?

His mind was moved, and he hurriedly stepped forward to apologize and smiled, pretending to be a teacher.

"Teacher Fairy, please be respected by my disciples!"

Mei Ting looked at him with a half-smile and half-smile, feeling a little amused in her heart.

But her usual temperament made her face still look deserted.

"Don't follow me, no chance."

How could Lu Shixian give up such a thick thigh without hugging it, and quickly posted it and asked: "Mr. Mei, where did you get high before?"

Mei Ting naturally knew what he wanted to ask?

So she replied slowly: "Yan University, Master of Cell Biology, School of Life Sciences, Ph.D. in Paleontology and Stratigraphy, School of Earth and Space Sciences."

At this moment, Lu Shixian's mouth opened as wide as if he could swallow an egg, which is too exaggerated, are they all so curly now?

The Ph.D. of Yanda was reduced to being a teacher in a marginal middle school. What is behind all this is the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality.

Lu Shixian suddenly stepped forward and asked her curiously.

"Teacher Mei, are you lonely?"

This time Mei Ting couldn't handle it anymore, she glanced at him and continued: "Don't love me, it won't work."

As soon as Lu Shixian heard it, she knew that she was thinking wrong, and immediately explained to her: "I heard that Yanda Ancient Tomb Sect has a single pass every time. Is this true? If so, Teacher Mei, don't you Little Dragon Girl?"

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