What Happened If You Didn't Take The College Entrance Examination? I Recommend

Chapter 84: The College Entrance Exam Ends, The Lively Media

Since everything that should be done has been done, there is no point in staying here.

After sitting down, his reasoning won't add a few points.

He waited with peace of mind until it was time to hand in the papers, and then left the examination room.

When he came out, he unexpectedly met the reporter from the afternoon again.

This guy is pretty good at squatting, it's a pity not to be a paparazzi.

When the reporter saw him coming out, not only did he not feel uncomfortable, but he became even more excited.

What does news need? Need attention!

According to his observation, this student has been the first to leave the examination room three times in a row.

Then there are only two explanations, either he is really good, or he is just grandstanding.

Either way, this is welcome news for the general public.

This is not a hotspot, what is a hotspot?

So, he greeted him far more enthusiastically than yesterday.

"Hello, classmate, what a coincidence to meet you again!"

Lu Shixian had already resigned to his fate, and asked very calmly: "If you were a girl, I would take this sentence seriously."

"Tell me, what do you want to ask this time?"

The reporter choked for a moment, secretly thinking that this doll is really interesting.

But he still asked according to the drafts listed earlier: "Student, how do you feel about your comprehensive exam?"

Seeing that he didn't ask any malicious questions to induce war, Lu Shixian still decided to answer his questions carefully,

He thought that he had left a lot of gaps when he was doing the question just now, so he should be deducted a lot of points!

Thinking of this, Lu Shixian replied to him: "Anyway, there are three figures. It shouldn't be particularly good, but it won't be particularly bad. It's enough for me." &34;

This answer stunned the reporter friend again.

Is this statement enough for the exam?

Isn't the taller the better?

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Lu Shixian's statement.

His admission ticket was issued to him by China University of Science and Technology.

The test scores are only useful for getting into the junior class, even if you get full marks in all the exams, you won't be able to get into Yanda Shuimu.

Although he can't reach this level.

After lunch with my parents.

Soon, Lu Shixian ushered in the last exam, English.

To be honest, Lu Shixian has just been pissed off by physics and chemistry, and he wants to get it back here.

"Hehe, failing the oral English test in the college entrance examination is your biggest mistake."

Lu Shixian is arrogant and arrogant, vowing to win back.

He has only one goal, and that is full marks.

Jesus came and couldn't stop him, that's what he said.

The only thing that can allow him to do a big question for 30 minutes is English listening.

Based on this, it is already enough to be proud of.

Cloze is completely stress-free.

Reading comprehension is simply not enough to watch.

Vocabulary use Children play house.

Only the composition deserves a little attention.

After all, I can still vividly remember the experience of being beaten on the wall and capsized in the gutter.

Who can stop him this time.

Look at the topic: Assume that you are Li Hua, and your friend Peter from the Geely Kingdom wrote to you asking how to learn Chinese well. Please write a reply according to the following points.

Key Points: 1 Participate in Chinese language classes;

2 Watching Chinese books and TV;

3 learn to sing and dance;

4 Make friends with China.

There is a saying, look at Xiaoming for mathematics, learn Huazi for English, and learn Zhang San for law.

Lu Shixian doesn't know how many letters he has written for Li Hua, either as a human network agency or as an immigration introduction.

Although I have no qualifications, I hope others are fine now.

In comparison, the consequences of learning Chinese are very light.

Lu Shixian brewed his literary talents a little bit, raised his level a little, and no longer hide too much strength.

In the end, it was only one step away from being in one go, because he almost wrote the third point as learning sgg, dancg and rap.

It wasn't intentional, it's just too boring.

After writing the composition, Lu Shixian carefully checked it once or twice.

Finally put down the pen and hand in the paper and leave.

When he went out, he found that there were already many candidates running wildly outside.

Um? Mathematics is so simple, don't you hand in the paper in advance?

Is my English not good enough?

But this is also good, there is no need to fight wits with journalist friends.

Although reporters from various media were carrying long guns and short cannons at this time, some people were even looking for him.

But Lu Shixian mixed in the crowd and had already slipped away.

Walking a long way, you can still hear a loud roar behind you.

The words that have been suppressed in my heart for a long time are released at this moment.

"I'm free!"

"The Chicken Dance Troupe is looking for 7!"

"Cai Rao Rao, I love you~"

Lu Shixian didn't know what to say. It seemed that these people were suffering from suffocation, and now they had begun to let themselves go.

Anyway, he couldn't bear his old face to do such a thing now.

If it is photographed, it may be a dark history for a lifetime.

It's okay if you are not famous, but if you become famous, you will be whipped to death when you are released!

After coming out, I quickly met with my parents, but they asked me about the future arrangements.

Lu Shixian thought for a while and discovered a bitter truth.

Senior high school students finish the college entrance examination today, and if they don't consider repeating the exam, they are equivalent to having graduated.

Starting tomorrow will be a three-month vacation. If you pass the exam, it will be the most carefree period of time in your studies.

But the crux of the problem is that he is not really a graduate at all, he just went to the Jinlin class to admire the demeanor of the giants.

In fact, he is still a student in class one (one) of high school!

The first and second grades of high school have not yet reached the summer vacation, and the end of the college entrance examination is also the time for them to return to school to continue their studies.

Thinking of this, Lu Shixian burst into tears, co-authoring him is the hardest worker, and he doesn't even have a day off.

But he quickly comforted himself: vacation? What holiday? Only people who are useless to the country will take a holiday. How can a future pillar of the country like me have a holiday?

So on June 9th, Lu Shixian returned to his freshman life.

Back in class one again, almost every student who saw him would ask him how he did in the exam.

Lu Shixian answered more seriously at the beginning. According to his estimated score, c9 should be okay, and 985 should be okay.

But after a few days, it was the turn of students from other grades to ask again, and Lu Shixian was tortured beyond belief.

In the end, I hid in the classroom for several days without going out, and the matter gradually subsided.

In fact, even if he returned to the first year of high school, no one would treat him as a freshman in high school.

To be honest, he is only one admission letter away from the university.

Lu Shixian's seat has also been adjusted to the last row.

The teachers who taught the first class automatically ignored him, and he did whatever he wanted.

In the outside world, the past few days after the college entrance examination have been very lively.

During this period, there is no hotspot that can compare to the college entrance examination. Even the entertainment industry has to avoid activities during this period, and even take the initiative to gossip about it.

The composition questions of the college entrance examination are naturally the hot spots among the hot spots.

There is a funny joke: Why do everyone only talk about composition after the college entrance examination, and the college entrance examination is not only a Chinese subject, why is there no one discussing the others?

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