Once the old headmaster came out, he was extraordinary.

The conference room, which was stagnant and extremely calm just now, instantly revived with vitality.

"Principal Cai has a solution!"

"Yes, return it in the way of others."

Yang Yijin couldn't wait to make a decision immediately.

"Do you want me to ask the office to write a targeted article immediately, and then send it in the name of Xiaosun from the Admissions Office."

But at this moment, Qian Zhengguo frowned, looked at the people around him who were nodding, and finally fixed his eyes on Cai Mingyuan.

"This method is the best way to deal with it, but there is a problem."

"That is, there is no overwhelming advantage, and it is easy to cause endless disputes."

"If we continue to stop, we will suffer. If we continue to appear in the media like a shrew, it will damage the image of our school. The old problems have not been solved, and new problems have been created. The gains outweigh the losses."

Qian Zhengguo didn't hide it at this time, and directly expressed the doubts in his heart.

As soon as this remark came out, the meeting room once again fell into a heated discussion.

In the end, the impatient Yang Yijin couldn't take it anymore.

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, so what's going on?"

"That's right! Why don't you try the plan just now, and then talk about it if it doesn't work." Other members of the team also agreed.

At this moment, Qian Zhengguo suddenly glanced at Cai Mingyuan again.

"Principal Cai, since you proposed this method, you must know the problem with this method. You must have a clever plan already?"

Cai Mingyuan shook his head helplessly when he heard the words: "You guys always only look at your own three-acre land, and don't go out to have a look."

"Since the power is evenly matched, let's take advantage of the gravitational force and force. I don't know if you have paid attention to the news at the end of March this year. At the 30th anniversary celebration of the Junior Class of the University of Science and Technology of China, the innovation experiment area for the interdisciplinary talent training model was officially unveiled."

Cai Mingyuan didn't continue talking, and almost all the people present understood.

This means that the advanced education model has been initially approved by the above.

Under this premise, the central argument is untenable, and Dong Biyan's article becomes water without a source and a tree without roots.

Some people are excellent in all aspects and have sufficient conditions, but they are often just short of the door and cannot really succeed.

Short-sightedness is the biggest enemy. If you can jump out of the circle to look at the problem, you can achieve the effect of four or two.

By this time, all school leaders had reached a consensus.

All eyes suddenly focused on Lu Shixian.

"Student Lu, do you think your college entrance examination results can enter the re-examination of the University of Science and Technology of China?" Qian Zhengguo asked him understandingly after receiving winks from other people.

Lu Shixian stayed on the sidelines all the time, but he didn't expect that there would be a time for himself to make an appearance at this time.

He pondered for a while, thought about it comprehensively, and then said: "Let's put it this way, if there are no accidents, the chance of getting into the re-examination is not 100, but 99."

"But I don't know the probability of success in the retest."

Hearing Lu Shixian's answer, the meeting, which lasted for several hours, was decided immediately.

"Just follow the plan."

Lu Shixian went back thoughtfully, guessing what he had already guessed.

If possible, he really doesn't want to understand in seconds.

He just wants to simply study academics and be a scientific research staff who is indifferent to the world.

Unfortunately, not only now, but also in the near future.

It is too difficult for pure scientific researchers to make some achievements in today's social environment.

This mechanism of "bad money drives out good money" will make more and more people who are keen on the platform and send them back and forth.

There will be fewer and fewer "craftsmen of a great country" who are truly realistic and pragmatic, unswervingly determined, and carry forward the past.

So, we still have a long way to go.

In this way, two weeks passed.

Lu Shixian was suddenly called to the office by Jiang Yunkun again.

"Not bad, the mentality is quite good!" Jiang Yunkun saw that he was in good condition, and couldn't help teasing him.

Lu Shixian knew that he was talking about the ups and downs outside now.

He waved his hand and said helplessly: "I have never seen me, let alone know me, so they can scold me if they want to! I will not lose a few catties of meat."

Jiang Yunkun couldn't help but marvel at Lu Shixian's heart, and asked him with some doubts based on his recent observations.

"You have finished the college entrance examination, why are you still reading physics tutorials recently? Now is the right time to prepare for the national biology competition exam!"

Lu Shixian was a little helpless when he heard this sentence.

"Sheng Jing will have a training camp next month anyway, and it won't be too late to review."

"But the re-examination of the junior class only takes mathematics and physics. The mathematics is okay, but if you don't read physics, it will be too late."

"Who can tell me what to do?" Lu Shixian was extremely frantic at this moment.

Hearing Lu Shixian's complaints, Jiang Yunkun felt a little emotional for Lu Shixian again.

This kid is too strict with himself.

He completely regarded himself as a machine, spinning continuously, and couldn't help comforting him.

"Actually, I don't think you need to be so anxious. The best time for you to explode should be in the second year of high school."

"Your current foundation is much richer than most of the first-year students in high school. If you have this time, you might as well go back to sleep and have a rest."

Lu Shixian spread his hands and said helplessly.

"How can I sleep?"

"At my age, I can't sleep at this stage!"

"I still want to be a little bit promising."

Jiang Yunkun:

Looking at Lu Shixian's picture, which looks like he has been pumped every day, he is not obsessed with this issue.

Besides, he's really going crazy.

It was the first time in his teaching career that he asked students to stop studying and go to bed quickly.

He suddenly felt that he was also quite stupid.

"Okay, okay, it's time to check the score of the college entrance examination today, and it's inconvenient for you to go to the computer room to check it. I happened to check it for you in the office." Jiang Yunkun finally revealed the real purpose of calling him this time.

After listening, Lu Shixian suddenly wanted to laugh. He knew that the school was eager to know his grades.

In fact, the school is the first to know the results, because the teacher knows every student's admission ticket.

The only exception is Lu Shixian, because his admission ticket was issued by Huake University.

In other words, the results of the graduating class have already come out.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help asking curiously: "Mr. Jiang, have their grades come out yet? How is the exam in the Jinlin class?"

Jiang Yunkun shook his head and said: "The province has just opened the channel to check the score, and now the school is still collecting statistics, I don't know, but the highest score in our school should be Zhou Wenwu with 717 points."

Hearing this, Lu Shixian was speechless, and could only lament the horror of the giant learning god.

It seems that his kind of scumbag will always be second to none.

"Then this is the number one prize?" Lu Shixian was a little envious.

What I didn't expect was Jiang Yunkun's pessimistic response.

"The school has analyzed it. The mathematics of the college entrance examination is generally too simple this time, so it is not good for him. This score was stable in previous years, but it may not be so in this year."

Don't be stupid asking him why he didn't know who the number one in the college entrance examination was when he was reborn.

One must know that so many years have passed, who will pay attention to the names and scores of the first two college entrance examination champions?

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