"Huh! I am ignorant, it was me who retired from you!! I didn't expect you to dare to stop me first, and you would use this to humiliate me. Have you ever foreseen what you are now?

"My appearance? Isn't it that the Li family has a three-legged cat genius, you think it is on the Li family? Or is it on the list to Yu Lei Zong? Ridiculous!

Qin Hong was calm and calm throughout, and he couldn't see any anger. Xia Yi stared at Qin Hong, and began to make his own calculations in his heart.

"The ignorant child can't stop talking!!"

The disciple Yu Lei Zong roared in anger, and even hit Qin Hong with a palm, and Qin Hong also shot a palm to fight him. Although he fell into a disadvantage, everyone on the scene, including Xia Yi, ate it. shock.

"Good guy! Did you catch our attention on purpose?


Xia Yi looked around, and many people from the government-level forces focused on Qin Hong. You must know that the disciple of the Lightning Sect is in the cave world! Even if he did not make a full shot, he just slapped casually, but it is not a mortal who can contend. of.

"Hehe, a little bit of work, didn’t it mean that your meridians were abolished? It’s fine now? But do you think someone will accept you if you express it like this? No one in this single continent dares to offend me controlling Lei Zong. What about strength? Not growing up is a dead end! You will kill me and wait for real people as mortals, and I will kill you today!'

Seeing Qin Hong's extraordinary talent, the disciple of Yu Lei Zong decided to kill him directly since he had already offended him to the end.

"Do you dare to take this risk? At that time, not only you, but also Li Xuanyu's tone will not end well. Besides, this Danzhou is not the one where you control the Lei Zong. Don't forget the big one. Easy Academy!"

After Qin Hong finished speaking, he immediately glanced at Xia Yi, and the disciple of the Lei Zong also glanced at Xia Yi, with a look of disdain on his face.

"Dayi Academy? Don't look at where it is? Is it his turn for Dayi Academy to do the trick?

Xia Yi laughed more happily now. This Qin Hong actually counted him in, but Xia Yi didn't feel uncomfortable. Instead, he felt very cool. Qin Hong's style is almost the same as "Long Aotian"!



And what made Xia Yi even more curious was the ring that Qin Hong wore on his finger. He deliberately swept it with his spiritual sense. This ring looked like an ornament worn by a mortal, not even a storage ring, but Xia Who is Yi? Innate Dao Body!

Xia Yi knew that his eyes were not simple from a long time ago. After he tried his best to observe, the ring still showed a hint of clues. A wisp of incomparably powerful spiritual sense cut off his exploration, which showed that there was something hidden in the ring. , Something that is still alive!!

"Brother, I'm sitting here well, why don't you slander me, why did you stare at me? Don't worry if you stare at me, but the look in your eyes is not bad, I always think that you are a dog who wants to hurt Lao Tzu! "

Xia Yi walked forward to stand in front of Qin Hong, turned his head and smiled at Qin Hong. Qin Hong smiled back, but there was a trace of jealousy in his eyes.

"What? You want to protect him? Don't think that you are from the Great Yi Academy, I will give you face!!"

"Do I need you to give it? You don't want this Qin Hong, I want it from the University of Yi University!"

Xia Yi’s words-say that the fists of the disciple Controlling Lei Zong instantly squeezed, because Xia Yi’s words can be understood from the side, and Qin Hong can already be regarded as a person from the Dayi Academy, and he will make another move.....

"Okay! If you want to take this waste away from Da Yi College, but I can't say whether you can return to Da Yi College.

After the disciple Yulei Zong finished speaking, many people from the government-level forces had smelled the smell of gunpowder and murderous intent. Xia Yi stunned his shoulders. This was nothing strange. It was a common operation.

"You can't tell what you are talking nonsense. After leaving, I have to hurry back to eat. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you.

The disciple of Yu Lei Zong was arrogant, and Xia Yi was even more arrogant than him. He didn't put the disciple of Yu Lei Zong in his eyes at all. It was still the same words when he really fought. His martial arts king dealt with the ordinary Dongtian realm with a few fists.

After Xia Yi brought Qin Hong back to the booth at Dayi College, Qin Hong suddenly bowed his hand to Xia Yi:

"Thank you for this brother, I don't know how to call this brother?"

"My name is Xia Yi."

"Then Brother Xia, I have an unrelenting request, if it is possible...

"you say.

Xia Yi acted very generously, and looked at Qin Hong with satisfaction in his eyes. He did what Qin Hong watched deliberately to let Qin Hong know that he admired him.

"Actually I have a brother who grew up. Although he is relatively low in talent, he works very hard. If he can...".

"He is now a member of the University of Change.

Xia Yi didn't even ask anyone to look at it. He directly decided to let Qin Hong's brother also get started. Could Long Aotian's brother be so simple?

When Qin Hong heard this, he was overjoyed at the moment, but he was also curious about why Xia Yi was so kind to him, and there was one thing that made him particularly concerned. The "that" behind him said that Xia Yi was mysterious and his origin was by no means simple.

"By the way, Qin Hong, some rules and regulations still have to go, you should test it, according to the level of talent, the treatment of entering the academy is also different, you can hide, but don't hide too deeply, it is not good for you. "hospital

After Xia Yi finished speaking, he pointed his finger to test the crystal. He knew that people like Qin Hong like to hide awkwardly. Qin Hong nodded, honestly put his hand on the test crystal, and the crystal appeared on the horse-Dao red, burning. A burst of breath.

"Medium-grade Huo Xiangen, this is not good, it's better."

Qin Hong heard Xia Yi's words, embarrassed---laughing. Although Xia Yi's gaze was calm, it also put him under a lot of pressure.

Fortunately, Xia Yi blocked the crystal with his body. No one else could see it. Only the poor scholar and Xia Yi could see it.

Qin Hong took a deep breath,-Daoming's yellow breath appeared in the test crystal again.

"High-grade dual-attribute immortal roots,-do you skip the spirit body and enter the earth-shadow body? It is a pity that there is no earth and fire dual-character physique in earthshadow body. Your move is suspicious, come again!’

After Xia Yi finished speaking, Qin Hong's expression was a bit wrong, and he looked at Xia Yi's attitude and wondered in his heart whether Xia Yi had already guessed something. He had no choice but to take back the breath of the earth and re-enter-Dao Azure Blue Breath.

"Yes, water and fire interact and restrain each other, which is the way of reversal. Tiangang body has a body called ice inflammation body. This talent will be very good for you. Although Tiangang body will put you in a lot of danger, the benefits are not small. If you still want to hide, you can actually do it, it's up to you.

Xia Yi nodded in satisfaction. What kind of physique Qin Hong was, he already had a rough idea in his mind. If Xia Yi didn't guess wrong, it should be the Five Elements Divine Body!

The Five Elements Divine Body ranks second among the top ten divine bodies, and the first is the Yin-Yang Divine Body. His Innate Dao Body can be regarded as an enhanced version of the Yin-Yang Divine Body.

Xia Yi didn't expect that this cultivation world could still have a divine body. This Qin Hong is really not an honest person. As for his saint body, is he a person in the cultivation world?

"Call your brother over, and we will leave tonight.

"Brother? Will you be able to dress until the evening? 3<=

"are you scared?

Xia Yi didn't say much, and asked Qin Hong directly if he was afraid. Qin Hong was silent for a while, then raised his head.

"Not at all!"

The tone was very firm, and Xia Yi couldn't help but feel gratified. This Qin Hong must grow up to be a great man. He hugged his thigh as soon as possible, and he has a good relationship. He will take good care of-Fan, um...

very perfect!

Xia Yi will now try his best to befriend all those who have the possibility of becoming "Long Aotian", such as Xiao Yu of the Qingfeng School, the half-monster who realized the artistic conception of the gun, and the current Qin Hong, they can say One is better than one.

Even if it is not the dragon, he will be a strong one in the future. Anyway, the relationship is good. /Xiaoxian

"Speaking of how far are you in your cultivation?"

Xia Yi knew that Qin Hong had a cultivation level, but he had no spiritual sense to investigate, so it was very impolite.

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