No, even if it’s the Lord, in the Heavenly Ding Holy Land

, Tianding Lao Zun Shang is far stronger than other holy ones,

To help Jiuding besides himself.

These nine giant tripods that suppress the heavens and the earth are the heavenly saints

The pillars of the immortal earth.

In addition to the main faction and the main battle faction, Tianling

, There are also many who don’t care much about the success or failure of the ceremony,

It's purely people who watch the excitement, this kind of force is basically

All are small forces, they don’t care about any world

Big things, just focus on your side, I’m afraid to wait until things happen

I’ll be surprised when my development really affects me.


"The peace ceremony in Hexianjie is probably finished.

"Also, although I am a bit uncomfortable with the immortal world,

But peace is good for everyone. ’

"You can't say that, the immortal world is also

Invaders, and the summons on the elders always gives me a kind

The feeling of low breath. "

"But it's not a good thing to have war.

People are subjective. Most people still seek peace, after all

In anyone’s mind, peace comes from hardship

Things, the world of comprehension is full of too much controversy, just change

Being Xia Yi, Xia Yi will recognize it if it doesn’t matter to you

It's pretty good for peace.

Xia Yi watched Xianhuan being the old man of Tianding in the crowd

The upper guard slowly walked towards the mountain road, Xia Yi knew that if

It’s too late if you don’t take any action, you have to-

Is it your own way?

There are still opportunities...

At least provoke Dongxuanyu,...

It’s good to provoke Liuxiaozhou’s hatred of the immortals,

Yi took a deep breath and pushed the person in front of him.

Take one step out.

"What are you doing?

"Is it polite?"


The monks who were pushed away looked curiously

With Xia Yi, even the surrounding people are attracted by Xia Yi

Attention, everyone in the crowd stands still

Only Xia Yi shuttled in the crowd, Xia Yi disguised

The appearance gradually returned to its original state, and many people realized the original

The person here has changed.

Although Xia Yi hasn't taken care of it much in the past ten years,

Myself, but the monk is not a mortal, just think, whatever

When you can use aura to instantly disperse the floating on your body

Dust, today’s Xia Yi is a long black head

Fat, it looks like an uncle who is nearly 30 years old

Actually Xia Yi is not old, if he is willing to

Hair cut off, beard shaved, still around twenty years old

The look of the right.

But I have to say that Xia Yi like this among many female nuns

There is also a special flavor in the eyes, with a mature


"It's Tianjun


"What is he going to do? (I don't know

People still standing in front of Xia Yi took the initiative to give Xia Yi

Yi gave way, the noise in the crowd caused Tianding Lao

Respect the attention of the superiors and others, they looked back, Xia

Yi didn't hide or hide, but turned to them openly

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