! I warned you! But you not only harmed yourself,

It also harmed the people around you. Are you happy now?

The old man of Tianding. Last time he was facing Xia dignifiedly

Yi showed his murderous intent, no other monks

Ding Lao Zun_Shang Yi bullies the small, but applauds again and again, immortal

The two holy emperors of the world actually felt sorry for Xia Yi at this moment.

Unfortunately, people like Xia Yi will be treated as if they arrive in the immortal world

Cultivated by the people who inherited the great responsibility!

And in Tianling?

There is an ancient story in the fairy world, where did it originate

It’s hard to tell, the content of the legend is that there is one evil

The dragon lives near a village, and he eats every few hours.

People, one day a hero will pass by, the hero will be the dragon

Cut, the dragon threatened to destroy the entire village sooner or later when it escaped

Zhuang, the villagers poisoned the hero’s wine that night,

After killing the hero, give it to the dragon and let the dragon forgive the sins.

The next day, without the help of the hero, the dragon succeeded in eating the entire village.


As today, the situation under Lingfeng has already emerged-side

On the contrary, even if people have guilt in their hearts, they will ruthlessly accuse them.

Xia Yi, people know that the only way to avoid war,-

After seeing the army of the immortal clan

If the jade spirit world is united, the other world will have its...

What kind of. Really not

After all, this is just a big army, and the heavenly spirit is one

Realm,-the entire realm is still unable to and-support the whole

War is funny, the problem is that I want to let the Heavenly Spirit Army do

It’s not possible to get up, no matter what the war is going to unite

No one wants to be the one who is dead, God is dead

Later generations lose their hearts, and Tianba’s influence on Tianling is the hegemony.

It still exists after the demise of Tianba. Make it

"Old Zheji, if you want to kill him, you should pass it first

-Turn it off. "Here

The elder of Tianding said that he would destroy Xia Yi and Qingyun

After the immortal world vented his anger, Li Ming stood up, and immediately gave

He stepped forward to be able to reverse the situation a little bit, Li only

After the war, Tianjun went to the Dao Fa World to study art, but he was clearly

I thought that after the return, the God Sect of Chaos was extinct, not at that time

Linghe is the Holy Emperor

So many years have passed, it is impossible to stay in the holy emperor. Give this

He hasn't shown himself in his true colors for so many years

Even the Master of the Supreme Profound Hall doesn’t know that he is actually---right, just

Dian, he will go to the local area to play Taixuan every three to five.

Time, and Xia Yi was when he accidentally discovered the hair

In fact, he couldn’t tell if Xia Yi was wrong at the time.

Celestial body. "Yes first

He just met Dao Fa Great in the Dao Fa World

The breath of the person whose blood is awakened and the queen of Xia Yibi

by. Relatively

After discovering it, he didn't want to interfere too much in the past

Xia Yi’s life was even overcast, saying Xia Yi

A little ashamed, he actually reconciles in the Dao Fa world

The descendants of the great emperor are enmity, and they are even more humiliated.

He only returned to Tianling, so he couldn’t stand Xia Yi.

The idea of ​​giving birth to Xia Yi. Birthday

Tianling’s bloodline theory and innate theory are both good, just

Have a good blood and talent, and have a chance to get ahead

There is almost no Fa Da World, blood and talent are

Bricks, one of the two is indispensable, the world of Taoism is too knocking

Focus on efficiency and tend to smash all resources over

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