Generations, this kid is the master of the sect, can be here with him

A saint's eyelids are killing people, and the weather has already happened.

"Then can we in the immortal world be regarded as your heaven?

Ling chose to stand on the position of the Dao Fa world?

"None of us fight, we only long for peace

Whether it’s everyone from the immortal world or the Dao Fa world

Everyone is a member of the human race, please don’t force me

Our team. .

Tianding Lao Zun. Shang is happy now, as long as Tianling

Peace is better than anything else, he sincerely hopes not

As for the people in war, will the Dao Fa world be willing

He didn't care about Xia Yi's battle with the Immortal Realm, on the contrary.

Positive responsibility is thrown away-light body.

The two holy emperors of the immortal world did not speak any more.

It’s all in vain. The one who killed Xianhuan was

Who’s not good, it’s just the human body, Xianhuan can say

It’s dead in vain, and the immortal world hasn’t caught anything. To Tianling

The reason to do it is gone, and the peace ceremony has not been signed

If Tianling follows the Dao Fa world, then the immortal

It might be difficult for the world to use the heavenly spirit to supply it. Against

Why did Xia Yi do it himself?

Because this is how Xia Yi can absolutely guarantee his safety

The unharmed reason is to regard the innate Taoist body as avoiding death

Gold medals, of course, it’s not a bad idea. If it’s a whole

The individual race is regarded as a dynasty, and the three sacraments are also

It’s a crown prince, and the crown prince doesn’t have one or two

Dead-free gold medal?

Kill you a prince’s heir to the crown prince to pay

Fate, isn’t that a joke, your status as a prince

No matter how great the power is, no one can overthrow the entire dynasty.

Strength, don't even think about other people's crown princes.

After that, the two holy emperors of the fairy world hugged Xianhuan

The corpse, took other people into the flying boat and put himself

When it was closed, the elder Tianding also stunned his shoulders

The heavenly spirit powerhouses behind are gone, this is the peace ceremony

How to interrupt in a weird way, this is no one

Have thought of it.

Whoever the assassin is in the fairy world can find a reason for the trouble

Even if you can't attack on the spot, you can rely on conspiracy in the follow-up

The trick found the reason, but it was Human Eucharist, he

We are really unlucky.

If it's another eucharist, it's fine, but return it

It’s the Innate Dao Body, and the Innate Dao Body has been passed by the Dao Fa world

Pay attention to it, even if it’s a congenital that appears in other realms

Dao body,-once the Dao Fa world hears the wind, it will be ridiculous

Run up and be a baby-I will welcome you back.

Who dares to touch the treasure of the Dao Fa world? I'm afraid

The immortal world dared, they dare to dare, but they now

Is it just an advance team, not enough?


A few hours later. End of the lively Tianling Peak

It all cooled down, and after the peace ritual was interrupted, there were many repairs

After leaving, it can be expected that what happened today will definitely be

Soon after, it spread to the heavens, including Xia Yi's innate

Taoism will also be truly famous in Tianling.

And Xia Yi is going back to Liu Xiaozhou with Li Ming at this time

On the road, the two of them galloped in the air, Li Ming didn’t

I deliberately slowed down and waited for Xia Yi, who actually followed Xia Yi completely

Xia Yi is worthy of the speed of his holy lord

Sect Master Yun, Li Ming couldn't help but think so at this moment.

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