What should I give, Xia Yi thought and thought, and finally

Just took out some medicinal materials that can be used to make incense,

But in fact, Xia Yi doesn’t have to worry about it at all, because Zen

The courtyard is also used for selling points, so you can give it to anything


After donating the medicine, Xia Yi returned to the old monk's body

By the side, the old monk took Xia Yi into the depths of the monastery.

The deeper the temple, the quieter and the more people walking around

The less come.

"Donor, do you want to be a monk, or do you want to leave?


On the way, the old monk asked about Xia Yi’s purpose, the former

Is to join the Prajna Monastery directly and become a monk in it

People, the latter just accept the help of the temple.

"Don't worry.

Xia Yi definitely has no idea of ​​becoming a monk, yet

There are too many things that Xia Yi needs to do, the old monk who leads the way.

Nodded, this was completely within his expectations, Xia Yi

The cultivation base is not low, because it should be the mortal strong, the real

Although the Buddha cultivator is good at recitation, but he will not abandon the mundane customs

The world, because they know better than anyone just because

They are no longer suitable for that world.

The old monk took Xia Yi all the way to a place like this

In a dimly lit room, and found it-a clean

The white plain clothes and yellow robes were handed to Xia Yi, and then

Take out a Zen stick from the storage ring to Xia Yi.

"I'm going to get incense, the donor can change clothes first."

The old monk left directly after speaking, and Xia Yi quickly

Changed into Buddhism clothes, don’t even say, this plain clothes

There is a strong scent of sandalwood, just wear it on the body,

Xia Yi felt the sandalwood remaining on his clothes seemed to pass

The acupuncture points entered the body, making Xia Yi feel the body can be warmed

Yangyang is very comfortable.

And the robes are even sacrificed by Buddhism with special methods

Yes, just simply put it on the body, it makes Xia Yi feel

I feel that my mind is clear, and my soul is protected by something

The illusion.

After a while, the old monk returned from taking incense and went to summer

In front of Yi, he placed a stick of incense in Xia Yi's stick,

Then he actually took out a fire folder to blow it up, which made Xia Yi

A little confused, the monk still uses the fire to make a child? This old monk is

Dignified great sage, do you still use fire to make a fire?

"Only natural fire can burn incense, this incense is three

Dry trouble incense, burning incense can eliminate three dry troubles, please apply

The director disperses the troubles, lets the troubles volatilize, troubles

This is its own thing, no matter how much it is suppressed, it is futile, but

But it can be sent away.

"The robes can hold your spiritual platform and make you feel bad

To get lost, go find your own answer, the Buddha

in your heart. "

After the talk, the old monk lit the incense in the stick, the incense quilt

After igniting, a lot of green smoke appeared around Xia Yi, Xia Yi

Yi was surprised by this amount, because how does it look like

The sandalwood was ignited, and it was almost like a flood occurred.

In general, others are smoky, he is billowing smoky-

Another group.

"Then... Next, I ask the donor to be himself.

The old monk was also taken aback by the amount of green smoke, click

I left immediately after burning, for fear of being contaminated by something

The same, Xia Yi smiled helplessly, Buddhism means

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