He has guessed, but he dare not judge casually, he

More information is needed.

"Hey, bald donkey, stand aside for me,

Otherwise, don't blame the knife in my hand for being rude!

There are two true monarchs among this group of monks in the North Sea,

It should be their eldest brother, but Xia Yi still doesn't have it

Pay attention, because at this moment, it’s better than abusing this kind of children to play

Xia Yi thinks it is more important to understand the identity of the evil god

Miaochen and his party are now full of grief and anger

They never thought that someone would dare to be in the Western Desolate Region

The land of the western sky. For this kind of thing, the Buddhist monks deal with it

People will never keep their hands when they get up like this, but they

Not a monk, none of what they have learned is

To deal with other people.

As a monk, they don’t even understand

Any method of wounding or killing.

Taking advantage of the attention of these guys in the North Sea area, Xia

Yi attracts, Miao Chen is still trying to secretly send a message, but Bei

This group of old thieves in the sea is not the first time to do such a thing,

It must be guarded, Miaochen and others are too tender in their eyes


"Little girl, you really don't know your fate

What is it?

Just in Miaochen secretly took out the transmission jade slip and hid it in the sleeve

Zili, when I thought I was successful, the North Sea

A true monarch among the cultivators shot directly with this sword

From bottom to top, it shattered Miaochen’s clothes and gray robe

The bottom is simply wrapped in white cloth, and her forehead

The turban on the head also fell, three thousand green silk slowly

Falling, shawl to waist, Miao Chen's original posture

The child is shown in the eyes of everyone.

Her original appearance is truly stunning in the world, plus

She prefers to practice Buddhism, which leads to a kind of holy spirit in her body

Breath, this breath is very attractive to men, and she originally

On the forehead covered by the turban, there is a black vermillion on it.

Sand point.

"Miao...you are...you betrayed the Buddha?

"What's going on? Why is this"

Miaochen: The buddhists around him looked stupid at once.

The point of cinnabar on his forehead represents the Buddha’s attitude towards Buddhism or

The Buddhism that I live in has made a great contribution, and I point black sand

It means that this person was expelled by Buddhism and will never re-enter

Buddhism, the former is a sign of respect for Buddhist practitioners, and the latter

The person is a sign of being spurned.

If the lay people despise the Buddha, then it’s okay, the Buddha

Xiu will ignore it, but if it’s already classified as empty, he still knows

If the Buddha commits a Buddha, the consequences will be serious, but not enough

For killing and punishment, Buddhism is compassionate and will only expel him

Xia Yi remembers that there seems to be black on the forehead of the monk.


This temporary noise caught Xia Yi's attention

But Xia Yi didn’t know the rites and regulations of Buddhism

Moment, black cinnabar seems to be a symbol of violating the precepts and being expelled

Symbol of, this Miaochen seems to have a story

Think carefully about how people who can be thought of by the heart of Shengde

Is it simple?

After Miaochen's clothes were forced, she squeezed the jade slip of the message

'S hand is still bleeding, she is shaking, I would not have known it a long time ago

If you should be nosy, you should report directly to the monastery.

It’s because she wants to make meritorious service so much that she appears as

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