Sealed in the various territories of the human race, the East that can be dealt with in this way

There is only one in the west, and that is the innate ruler.

"Oh, I knew that my evil eye had a great background

Shengde, you pit me!"

Xia Yi's right eye is like a self-occupation

Although it is recovering, Xia Yi didn’t see it nearby before

I saw the chains on the surface of the West Wasteland, but I didn’t see the

The suppressed evil god, except for the lack of facial features, face.

It’s just a few big holes that permeate people’s heads.

No, this should not be the eighteen hells of Buddhism.

It was the place of the seal set by the Great Fengmo.

But why did I come here by accident?

Thinking to no avail, I can’t stay here for long, Xia Yi

The right eye has been uncontrollably turned into the true evil eye

Positive appearance, in the white of the black eyes is a round of blood moon pupils

Both evil and evil, just like the source of Fang's evil. of

Although everything here has shocked Xia Yi

Let Xia Yi really want to observe this in the scorching sun.

The black giant cube inside, it’s a pity to stay

There may be something very bad, so

Xia Yi decided to leave immediately.

Xia Yi’s original road returns to the space passage, two words

Not to mention the crazy acceleration to the other side of the space channel-the transfer

Until the pain in the right eye subsides, until the side

Xia Yi breathed a sigh of relief after the flame turned back to lava.

But where is the eighteenth hell?

With doubts, Xia Yi left the space channel to continue

Downstream, what Xia Yi didn't expect was the eighteenth place

The prison is really farther down, as the line of sight gradually becomes

Clear, Xia Yi entered into a bubble like a bubble

The space, lava is blocked by transparent barriers, soaking

There is a giant inside the bubble that makes Xia Yi feel a little lost

The statue of Guanyin, one of its fingers may be comparable to


The most terrifying thing is that this statue of Guanyin is the Guanyin of Thousand Hands-

Half of her hands are holding various evils

Most of the evil breath Xia Yi couldn't find out

If you change the adult cultivation base, you should be at least the holy master or above, there is

The four evil breaths of Xia Yi are completely undetectable.

One of them has many chains tied to his body, those locks

The chain is estimated to extend through another spatial channel


But just when Xia Yi observes the trapped evil

At another time, Xia Yi found a

The unacceptable thing is this Thousand-Hand Guanyin

It’s too real, it’s not like carving and manufacturing.

Out, the layering of nails and fingers is very realistic, even

There are still many huge faintly visible below the surface

The phantom of the pipeline, but Xia Yi knows that it’s not at all

What pipeline.

That is the blood vessel...

There is no vitality in this Thousand-Hand Guanyin, but

Abundant divine power, left by a super power in Buddhism

The Dharmakaya that came! I'm afraid it is the legendary Guanyin of Dry Hand


As for the evil things that are pinched, basically

The dying-breath distance is not far away, only so few

Some of them are in good condition, some of them are trapped by chains

The one, it should have invaded the Western Wilderness back then

Cthulhu, but Xia Yi did not see the Bodhi Buddha, only

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