Zhao Lianbing married.

"Refining ice, talking about the tempering of our sect]

The method is very unique, it is said to be the tempering method of the Tianlingdi

Not surprising, I think it’s a great improvement for you.

Don't take the time to study?"

"Ice refining, our clan’s spark forging method has been

After helping the ancestors of Tianding to refine Jiuding, it is necessary to discuss and pass on

The intensity of inheritance, our clan’s spark forging method is absolutely not inferior

Look at any refining technique of Tianling!

"By the way, I heard that there was a

People found the bright stone, it is a rare treasure for refining

Material, Zhao Lianbing, if you are interesting, we will also go and look for it.


These few are as young as the ass

If you don’t feel annoying, Zhao Lianbing doesn’t dare to look back.

She will be very troublesome to offend these forces, after all she

I have to mix in the crafting world, so I can only swallow my breath


Only after approaching the mansion, Zhao Lianbing and his body

Followers stopped because they were standing at the door

One person, this person is facing the door, with his back facing them,

Dressed extremely casually, his cultivation is only true monarch, clothes

It’s a bit of tattered coarse linen, behind Zhao Lianbing

A few stalkers looked at each other---eyes, and immediately showed disapproval

A kind smile.

In their opinion, this person should be the poor of Supreme Profound Hall

Disciple, after all, whether it’s alchemy or refining, it’s the same

This is a very resource-intensive thing, don't have any financial resources.

If you want to learn well, this poor disciple will come to build relationships.

It's a little funny, even if Zhao Lianbing has been broken

Being promoted to elders, these poor disciples also pay attention to self

Your identity!

So a few of them went straight forward and prepared to let

Get out of this poor disciple, Zhao Lianbing is trying to stop these families

The gang came around, but found that the person’s back was a bit familiar

Don't do anything at all, Tianling doesn't have any now

A young generation dared to be presumptuous in front of that person,

Even the older generation had to be respectful when they saw him.

"This Xiongtai, Zhao Lianbing is very busy now,

If you have any questions, we can help you. "

"Exactly, and in your clothes, don't you

Do you think it's rude to meet people? Although the monks are not small

Festival, but Zhao Lianbing is also your peak anyway

Elder, you shame her identity!"

"Before you learn the craftsmanship, I suggest you buy a few

Nice clothes. "

The three of them started before they even got close to their mouths

At first glance, the long-term yin and yang are disgusting and human

This is the case in the refinement world and the alchemy world. Those with qualifications

Are relatively xenophobic, look down on people who start from zero, just

Zhao Lianbing also has the foundation of the Profound Tool Sect.

The person who was disgusted by them quickly turned around, three

After seeing this person's appearance, he immediately shuddered

Trembling, one of them is ready to directly kneel down and apologize

They are not stupid, they know who they have offended,

This person killed the three of them directly on the spot,

The forces behind them dare not say anything.

"Zhao Lianbing, I have something to ask you.

Then this person didn’t look at them at all, but

Looking directly at Zhao Lianbing, they can’t enter it at all.

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