They happily pointed to Xia Yi and laughed, saying that this is Xia.

The price Yi offended them, they found Xia Yi's

Weakness, Xia Yi was willing to be an ant-like mortal


But it’s really idiot and stupid, how could the world be

Is there such a person? Other people care about themselves, die again

It doesn't matter more.

After half a month.

The aura in Xia Yi's body is still abundant, where

The injuries caused by humans are too slight, and several holy emperors of the immortal clan

Feeling that the time is almost up, so I announced another one.


"Why are some of you useless, two

He must die here in the next month, or you will give him


With this sentence, mortals were in an uproar, this

Come to feel worry-free, I didn’t expect that there is a next step

, They were scared, they felt dead again and again

Fear of death, they began to make heavy moves and came to Xia Yi

In front of him, I used all my strength to stab Xia Yi with countless knives.

Change to another person until you have no strength.

In order to kill Xia Yi quickly, they aimed

Vitals, heart, soft abdomen, eyes, throat

It was okay at first, but until-a month later, Xia Yi

Actually still not dead, although Qi Jin is very weak, but

Still alive, people are anxious now DE think of Xia Yi not

Death is their death, they regard Xia Yi as having blood

The enemy of the deep sea, in the cruelest way in Xia Yi

He left scars on his body.

I’m blind, Xia Yi doesn’t bother to fix it, anyway

I’ll be blinded soon, and I’m too lazy to recover if my ears are deaf.

Even Xia Yi deliberately suppressed the body’s self-recovery

Ability to recover, I have to say that being stabbed in the eyes is really painful

, The main evil eye is also very hard, Xia Yi has to use obstacles

Eyes can pretend that the evil eye has been pierced.

It may also be a good thing to be deaf, no need

Listen to these mortals scolding him why he didn't die, for

What is still alive, why is it not dead, what he did

It’s not for these people, but for more

The innocent.

After half a month.

Xia Yi no longer has aura,

The body’s self-recovery ability, these abilities Xia Yi himself

Can't be suppressed, and the cross and the black nail make

Xia Yi couldn't pretend to kill himself, which was very troublesome.

One day, Xia Yi no longer feels pain, mortal

We seem to stop, thinking he is dead? No,

The holy emperor of the immortal clan can see it, so why stop?

Xia Yi released his soul power to inquire and found that the mortal

Behind him, another team of mortals rushed in with kitchen knives and farm tools

Killing in the crowd, this group of Fan...

Wearing mourning clothes.


Xia Yi immediately began to struggle, why six small continents

The mortals are here! Ling Zhan! Why don't you stop it!

But it’s not that Ling Zhan didn’t go, it’s that Ling Zhan only had a holy

The cultivation base of the late king, he was stared at by a holy emperor of the fairy clan

Lived, I really can't move.

What are they saying angrily, other mortals around

He kept cursing, and then temporarily changed the target.

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