It is the biggest difference between the strong and the weak.

The weak feel sorry for themselves, since then they can’t cheer up, the strong

The person accepts reality and is determined to take another path.

"Okay, but before that, I want to collect

The bones of the people of the fairy clan.

While talking, Zhao Lianbing glanced not far away

Xia Yi nodded the corpses of the sacred emperors of the fairy clan, this again

Nothing, the bone of the holy emperor is actually very good for refining

Xia Yi looked at Zhaolian, whose shoulders were still shaking slightly

Bing, Xia Yi knows that Zhao refines ice for himself, for himself

She will never be sacrificed again.

When the North Sea area once attacked, it was also harmonious.

In the same summer solstice festival, Xia Yi still remembers

Zhao Lianbing's conversation.

She thinks she has made those murderous weapons for her crime

She is so sinful, she doesn’t say it on the surface, but keeps it in her heart

At that time, Zhao Lianbing at that time might have expected it

In a similar situation, she said that she can be pushed out

Responsible, but who made her make those things?

It's Xia Yi himself!

But Xia Yi quickly noticed those immortals

Apart from the weapons he threw beside the holy emperor’s bones

And the storage ring, there are also a few photo crystals, this

Some photo crystals recorded the entire incident


"Could it be... Zhao Lianbing! Stop it!

Xia Yi immediately realized something and rushed forward with the Qingyun Nine Jue to stop Zhao Lianbing.


Hearing the voice behind, Zhao Lianbing had already expected

With Xia Yi’s intelligence, it’s impossible to think of this, r

And this also shows that Xia Yi understands her quite well, which makes her

I was a little happy for a moment, it seems that I had spent time with Xia Yi

He still remembers every bit of it.

Xia Yi's hand is already on the shoulder of Zhao Lian's ice at this time

On his arm, Zhao Lianbing closed his eyes and smiled satisfied, like

Xia Yi has only You Yuer's infatuated fool in his heart,

Don’t leave an indelible memory in his heart forever

It is impossible for him to get acquainted.

Zhao Lianbing likes Xia Yi, but she treats Xia Yi

The respect of Xia Yi is more above the liking, she watched Xia Yi use him

That slightly naive enlightenment has come to the present step by step, becoming

As Renxiong, recognized by the world, the world is not wrong,

Xia Yi didn’t have it either, it’s just that the immortals were too domineering.


If Xia Yi is given another hundred years, it will never be like

Jin is so cruel, she was first because of respect

I like Xia Yi, so respect occupies a major position,

She is not as clingy as You Yu'er, and she is not as clingy as Zi Xiaoyun.

She's so enthusiastic, she's normal,-most of the time in her life

Spent in front of the furnace, the refining device was originally only regarded by her as

A means of fame,-a kind of to live better

Must have a deep craftsmanship.

But since that day, I competed with Xia Yi in Dongxuan Daejeon.

The weapon won the first place, and it is the awakening blood that makes the holy soldiers

From that moment, she was sincerely because of Xia Yi

I fell in love with refining equipment, but also because of my sincerity since then

She loves refining tools, her refining ability is just so-so


To this day, she can repair even the octopole furnace

"Octopole furnace, reversal!"

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