For Xia Yi...

No, nothing!

No matter how big the latrine is, how can it be comparable to a gem-

The next moment, all the mortals were stunned and laughed

Came out, because suddenly there appeared in front of Zhao Lianbing

Personally, this person’s breath is extremely powerful, his body

The pressure on it makes it hard to breathe.

This person is dressed in a very ordinary way and his appearance is also obvious

Young, but his hair is weirdly white, this man is right

Zhu Zhao Lianbing stretched out his hand.

"Let's go, follow me-into hell."

Xia Yi stretched out his hand to pull back the stepping Zhaolian

No longer expect the bright road in the ideal, but turn

Walking back to the original path, toward the darker abyss of hell. one



Zhao Lianbing raised his head, very, very puzzled:

With Xia Yi, why are you coming out at this time!

Mingdu has already made so many sacrifices, and finally

Just need to sacrifice her one more person, the reason Xia Yi desires

Isn't it achieved if you think?

The people around looked at the gray-haired Xia Yi and recognized

The faces of Xia Yi, they clamored loudly, and

Repeating those tireless words again and again, questioning and

The accusation has caused Xia Yi's ears to cocoon, and Zhao Lianbing reveals

An expression of pain, she was affected by those questions, she

Know your guilt well.

But this-everything is to make Xia Yi

Karma, Zhao Lianbing believes in his heart that Xia Yi desires

Tao is justice, just like people like to look back at the New Year

It's the same when it's light, and humanity used to be so flashy when I was young.

Bright, the human race at the peak of Dao Fa Tian is simply this

The greatest creature in the starry sky.

And why does the current humanity become what it is now:

?The reason behind it is unknown, and Tianling can only

Blame it on Tianba, everyone in the human race is determined to change

The sages who changed, tried again and again, and then one

Falling down time and time again, by the world and the simple and ruthless

Really knocked down.

The ancient sages are the blessings of the human race, and the present

Xian is like a mouse crossing the street, what caused all this

What kind of heart is it, ACG.

\"0 Xia Yi looked at Zhao Lianbing’s eyes, and the ears were

Thousands of people are swearing and incomprehensible from the bottom of their hearts.

Preaching humanity, preaching what a three-year-old child knows best

Simple principles constitute humanity and human civilization

The framework is the most famous among morality and law

One of them.

Kill for.....

"Sage Lord Xia, please think twice!"

"This woman can never forgive, otherwise 130 million

How do the souls of the wrongs die!"

"Sage Lord Xia, I'm waiting for you! You are

Am I humane from nothing, the principle laid down by the human emperor

The law cannot be broken, you are the Holy Lord, not the devil!"

These words sound like mortals

Sad, they were sad that Xia Yi actually wanted to save Zhao Lianbing,

Xia Yi carries too many mortals’ expectations, as a nephew

Some people even took advantage of this period for revenge

Wait, Xia Yi recalled what he faced in the past-cut, here

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