What is the difference between using anesthetics,

Although it can temporarily correct the pain, it treats the symptoms of pi

To cure the root cause, relying too much on it will even be slow

Slowly think that the facial group is not official

In Xuanyi, now Bazhi

Tianwu has almost all anesthetics


Yes, the district still has

Pakistan is addicted to anesthesia, the districts don’t feel

Disease to the body, even if the body

Ignore no matter how bad it is, until

Difficulty breathing, weak legs, eyes

It took me to be surprised

It's not working. .

The tribe’s urgent hope is that

It faces every part of the body

John sent a pain signal, but the districts

Continue to use more effective anesthetics

I'm paralyzed until a part of my body

The picture above shows resistance, he

We woke up from the pain and mourned in the dark night

Howl, they use their own

Ways to try to treat.

Such a person, maybe right

Personal face is like an antibody

It’s like a white A’pa

The path of the system of injustice to the sore face

Operate again, but they only

It is a white runner.

Without the help of the doctor

To beat cancer-positive cells, but doctors also

Limited means, can only choose chemotherapy

In this way, normal cells and

Tian Qi kills cancer cells, Xia Yi’s

Mother got cancer, so Xia

Yi knows, Xia Yi knows.

Although the strong king broke his wrist

Way of entering into, but as long as you can re

New recovery, everything you have suffered halfway

The pain is all worth it!

Definitely drink blood in your hand, just

Holy Emperor Xia Yi can also slash, the wind area

Xia Yi has countless kinds of flashing them

The way of killing, the barren, the wind

Soul power pressure, soul day letter night, etc.

All kinds of moves are fine, just dad

Even if there is a fever, it can fall out of the sky,

But Xia Yi chose the most basic


Approach the past directly

Only if the blood flows into a river

To wake up the paralyzed nerves, only Toru

Only by jumping out of humanity can we save humanity

Only inhumans can save the ruler,

Fear makes people need to be vigilant,

Ease makes people feel pain and numb themselves

The R family can bear the pain of Piqi

It can cure the diseases that the human race cannot heal by itself.

The so-called sages who rule the world,

Treat non-bizhi!

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